"You have no credibility, we won't tell you."

The monster said.

At the same time, its eye beads are turning around, thinking about dealing with Zhang Bin.

I also want to escape the way.

However, there are only four left, but there is no good way.

It is useless to self-explosion.

The trial of Zhang Bin was restrained.

"Then do you not plan to revenge?"

Zhang Bin's face has a ridicule laughing.

Of course, I hope that the other party takes the initiative to attack.

If he goes to chase, the rest can really escape.

After all, the strength of the two pets is still not strong.

Even if there is meaningful fruit, it is difficult to hold.

Moreover, if Zhang Bin is active, the other party fled in this world, and Zhang Bin also can't catch up with the speed of terror.

"We will naturally be revenge. You will kill you."

The monster is soaked, it starts to make a strange roar.

Suddenly, the other three monsters retired from a far away.

It is located in four directions.

Even, they start sitting off the knee.

A pair is trying to practice.

"Hehe ... You are looking forward to me to chase you? The other can escape."

Zhang Bin made a despulse, "You are dreaming. I am going to be here, it will not leave. You have no energy, cultivate with a fart. Your war will never improve, and I The aid is coming soon, and you will kill the dog. "

This is too tasty.

Four monsters can't work.

The face is full of anxious colors.

They have no will and trees, there is no energy, and the cultivation is really nonsense.

Of course just do it.

They also believe that Zhang Bin did not lie, Zhang Bin is human, and of course, can also call the Army.

That is absolutely will not let them escape.

If it is Zhang Bin's reinforcement, where is there for their live road?

No, you must kill it immediately.

They compete once an anxiously.

The final big battle is also the beginning.

"God, the owner is really too powerful, step forward to the road."

Bai Xue and the night are unpredictable in their hearts, and their faces are also filled with worship.

And Zhang Bin's eyes were also squinthed, and the face was full of alert.

"Hey ..."

The four monsters roared again, slowly went to Zhang Bin.

The horrible energy is running in their body.

You can explode very horrible speed at any time.

Moreover, slowing slow, they can avoid the blade of Zhang Bin, or avoid the will of Zhang Bin throwing out.

The air is filled with a rich murder.

Zhang Bin held the sword of the world.

There is also no movement.

He is waiting for them close, close to some.


Finally, a monster started, the speed is like electricity, and the pen is straight to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin quickly retired, the will suddenly took out from his mouth.

However, this time is no use.

Because the monster suddenly changed the direction.

Bang ...

The will of the will explode, but it is blown an empty.


The other three monsters suddenly accelerated.

Pull to the hole.

This hole is still very big.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin shouted crazy.

Libra is also shouting crazy.

Zhang Bin is accelerating, escaped into the space inside.

Two pets have suddenly escaped.

However, a container filled with will is thrown out of Snow.

Instant explosion.

The three monsters that rushed into the hole were broken by horrible shock waves.

The last monster quickly retreat.

But it was also shocked.


A big shouting sound.

Zhang Bin's world's sword with a thrilling cold and winks on the neck of this monster.


Neck break.

The head dropped.

The swallowed beast is completely out of Zhang Bin.

This is simply a feat of the sky.

It is also an unnamed hero.

"Hahaha ... we have won."

"Master, you are too busy ... counting everything."

Snow and night are excitedly shouting.

So, because of the previous Zhang Bin to give them, say that the monster is not self-explosion, but to break through.

Therefore, it is his name to kill them, but in fact, it is necessary to throw the container of the will, kill them.

The result is of course very successful.

"It's not easy, I am a little bites."

Zhang Bin is a butt, sitting on the ground, keeping breathing.

One person deals such a huge human enemy ethnic group, the pressure is large, of course, is unparalleled.

It seems that he is confident, calm, but actually on the steel wire. One is not good, it will fall into the territory of the world.

In fact, this is also the helplessness of Zhang Bin.

His realm now is too low, I don't dare to say that I am trial.

So, he can't find a powerful agency.

It can only face this horrible monster ethnic group.

This is also Zhang Bin looking forward to quickly contacting Zhang Dong Liu Chaoyheng Yuanlong.

Otherwise, a single gun is really hard.

Although there are many relatives and belongings in the body in the body, they are far from talented because of talents.

I can't help him.

The stronger, the longer it.

The tall is equal.

It is this reason.

However, Zhang Bin did nothing.

It is stronger, protect the family and the subordinate, and take a wide world.

It is a meal what you should do.

It must also be done.

After a break, Zhang Bin quickly recovered.

Then his mouth has a sigh of sigh.

Of course, I am gratifying the bones of this monster old ancestor, which is hard to the extreme.

It is still an unable to suffer such a horrible explosion, or if there is any trace.

Such defense capabilities may be even more difficult to connect.

He began to study this subsequent.

I want to take it.

He shakes his body, yelling, "long ..."

Suddenly, Zhang Bin became a towering giant.

Hold this sub-frame and lift it hard.

However, the skeleton is that the silk is not moving.

He didn't shake it.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin was very uncomfortable. He continued to shout, calling all of the mana and brute force, and even call the trial mana outside the domain.

Unfortunately, it is still a lantern, and I am.

There is no use.

I didn't even sway it.

He wants to move it to the holy domain, just can only dream.

"How can I be so heavy?"

Zhang Bin was a shock of full face.

He knows that he is now the horror level.

Your own battle can definitely fight the big holy seven, or even the giant giant.

But can't you shake this skeleton?

That maybe, even Hongdong Mountain will not be shaken.

After all, although he is a heavenly master, it is just a level.

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