The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5018, really is a magic

"How to do it?"

Zhang Bin looked at this skeleton to fall into meditation.

I can't break, I can't move.

As for the incoming body, it is even more exclusive.

Since this is so heavy, what kind of point is this monster old ancestors?

How is it make the body become so huge, and it is indestructible?

Don't this be refining, making the bones slowly into a magic treasure that is extremely horrible?

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's face has been excited and excited.

He immediately started to explore finely.

The skeleton is cleaned out of the skeleton from the outside.

I will find it carefully.

If the magic weapon, because there is no master, there is a passage that will make mental efforts.

He didn't let Zhang Bin were disappointed, he really found it.

The mental channel is actually in a warehouse internally.

Suddenly, his mental effort is madly pouring in.

Then he saw the countless dense manephrograph, and the sea of ​​smoke, the complexity.

Both the array lines in the vitro must be complex.

Moreover, the array of inside is divided into nine layers.

It can be seen from the entrance.

You can light up the nine layers of array lines, of course, you can also illuminate the first layer of array lines.

Zhang Bin certainly did not dare to hold, he started to illuminate the first layer of array lines.

However, let him completely dumbly, he fully sent a mental force.

Take the spirit of mental strength, but only one-fourteenth of the first layer of method lines, even less.

"How is this?"

Zhang Bin is a complete earthquake, and his face is full of not a letter.

You know, because his will tree is extraordinary, his mental strength is equally strong.

It is absolutely unbearable to Sheng Shengli, or even the giant of seven levels.

But even there is no way to refine the first layer of array?

This is too incredible.

And he has finally understood why the monsters stay here, not left, because they have no way to refine this skeleton.

Even the monster king can't.

Obviously, the monster ethnic group is to continue to cultivate it here, refine this skeleton, even if only refining the first layer of array, will leave here.

I met Zhang Bin, I was out of the family.

"In this case, I will practice it here, break through a few small bottlenecks as soon as possible, then I have the ability to refine the first layer of array."

Zhang Bin was counted, and he muttered himself.

Such a magic weapon, put it here, not refining, he is not sweet.

Even if you miss the domain gathered, you will do it.

Otherwise, it may suddenly come to a powerful giant, then take it away.

I have to cry.

He deeply believes that this magic weapon, if it is said to be, it will never be subjected to Tiandiyin.

Tiandiyin does not necessarily have terror, the biggest function is to contact the domain.

It is an indispensable tool that must be the top of the domain, symbolizing the top power.

Refining this treasure, you will not be afraid to be afraid in the powerful domain domain domain.

He is arranged here.

Enter it to start cultivation.

However, most of his time is used to read many farmers and secrets.

Let Zhang Bin are very shocking that there is 19,500 in the ancient times.

There is no trial and monitoring.

Moreover, these rules have also been cultivated to 130.

Even the ancient Tiandi broke through the limits of the law.

Ultra high is 130.

As for what level, it is not recorded.

In ancient times, the research on cultivation has long been pruning to the peak.

They have a way to make the will tree becomes large with the improvement of the realm, and they can expand in the body of the world with the realm.

Of course, what is the point of expansion, it is necessary to see a talented, and there are also a lot of special Tianwei Diomei.

It also requires the top three practice.

And the most powerful exercises are of course the emperor is helpless.

That is ancient Tiandi to create countless years.

It is a pity that these examples and secrets are there without the emperor.

However, some exercises are excellent, and there are a lot of Dan Medal Danfang very magical.

If it can be configured, the Bin may have cultivated the world in the body to the top ten levels of the sky.

If you want to rebuild your heavens, board the earth, there is no horror, it can only dream.

If you rely on a continent, you will enhance your war, so you will leave a hidden problem.

Because it is not your true strength.

From many books, the old ancient times in the past, not only cultivating most of the rules to more than 130 levels, but also cultivated the world to more than ten levels of the world.

However, he is still falling.

As for what he is falling, how is the heavens cover.

There is no record in these information.

However, it also records this swallowing beast, and once brought a big disaster to heaven, it almost subverts the rule of Tianti.

Finally, he was annihilated by heaven.

"God, there are so many domains in ancient times?"

Zhang Bin suddenly issued a shocking voice.

Because he found a record on the domain from the information.

At that time, the domain is like the stars in the sky, the number is incomplete.

There are countless in the sky.

However, now only 9999 domains are found.

Where is otherwise?

Is it covered by the horrible war?

However, why don't you know how the sky is destroy?

Don't you exist at the glare domain at that time?

Still in gestation?

After reading this day and night, Zhang Bin took these information and secret reading.

Of course, it is just a ten year of the light gap.

There are not many times outside the past.

He began to modify and improve our best practices.

In fact, he got a lot of money from the holy dragon gate, but he was revised by him, turned into a right to exercise.

Nowadays, the eyes are open and have got huge enlightenment.

Naturally, you can improve and improve your own skills.

The best thing you created is most suitable.

Even if he gets the emperor's helplessness, he can only learn from and enlighten.

"Hahaha ... Now I create a skill is definitely one of the most popular skills outside the domain. I want to take a loud name, just call the civil and military power."

Zhang Bin laughed.

His work method can enhance the will of the will and the in the body increase with the realm.

Moreover, the multiples of the improvement are the same as the level of the domain.

For example, he is now in the body in the body that can match the medium level.

If he breaks through the Seven levels, his body world and will tree can match the medium seven levels.

This is definitely the practice of anti-day.

Waiting for him to cultivate the top ten levels, the world and will tree in his body can be more domains in the top ten levels.

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