It is not an ancient times, there is not so many domains.

Therefore, there is no way to refine in the countless afternoon era.

However, if you can get the top genius treasures of many domains, carefully study, but you can also refine some special medicinal herbs, with Zhang Bin cultivation.

At the same time, it can make the world and the will tree be large while breakthrough.

But of course is very difficult.

However, Zhang Bin is now too worrying.

Because he got Nong Dan in many swallowed beasts.

And most of them are the intrinson of the ancient swallowed beast.

They swallowed a lot of the will tree in many fields before, is equal to the essence of the domain.

Therefore, the endangene contains a magical medicine.

Taking such Nane cultivation, it is better than any magical medicinal medicine.

The defect is to take much, the effect will gradually become weak.

Finally, there is no effect.

However, Zhang Bin looked at many inner Dane's level, he felt that it was not too big to cultivate it into the middle of the holy ten.

So he began to cultivate crazy.

Some time and the ethnic group of swallowing beasts, the vibrant war was burst, and he was also a big temper for him.

It is basically compensated for the defects that have progressed too fast.

In the light millet, after a hundred years, he broke through the Seven levels.

Two hundred years later, he broke through the ninth grade.

What makes him happy is that every breakthrough, the world and the will tree becomes corresponding.

And his will tree is also a result of nine fruits.


His energy and law levels are of course corresponding to Level 79.

Let Zhang Bin shocked, from the monitoring of the Hengyuan Long production, the progress of Hengyuan Long is also a sharp progress.

Today's monitoring law has reached 89.

In other words, Hengyuanlong should have been cultivated to the Great Shengzhi.

I want to come, Zhang Donghe Liu Chao is almost the same.

After all, the lack of cultivation is still resource.

If the talents are sufficient, the resources are rich, they can potentially bamboo.

Hengyuan Long can practice to that, and it is certainly a lot of top-level cultivation resources.

Zhang Donghe Liu Chao can also be obtained, and it is mad.

"All the big holy nine levels, do you want to go back against the sky."

Zhang Bin is sighing, and his adventure is connected to the adventure of the sky.

But they are obviously not bad.

Moreover, Zhang Bin worried that he made a big breakthrough because of improving the practice, it would be particularly difficult to break through the world and the will tree. Unless I can refine the Dan medicine in ancient times.

But this is too difficult to get too difficult.

So, my breakthrough in the future will become slow.

"You must participate in the domain gathered, thus gain a good name, get some top genius treasures of the domain. Refining Dan medicine."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He stopped cultivation, it had to stop, and his estimate is not the same, now he takes the endange of your swallowing beast, but there is no use.


"I hope, I have the ability to refine this treasure."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face was full of worried.

If it is refined, he can't break through, it is really a way.

He began to enter mental strength.

But at this time, the blanked sound sounded.

A giant is flying with a heil.

It is in front of the skeleton mountain.

His mouth sent a shocking voice: "Hey, this is the skeleton of the terrorist field? It is very strong."

Then he immediately inquired Zhang Bin, who is crazy about the skeleton mountain.

When he flashed, he went in, and he slammed Zhang Bin, "I'm going to open, this is the treasure I found ..."

Zhang Bin had to stop refining, escaped to one side.

And the other party is slap in the wall of the warehouse.


A loud noise, the skeleton rock slightly.

However, this wall is even trace that has not appeared.

"Good treasure, make a fortune, make a fortune ..."

This guy issued a very excited shout, his face has also floated strong ecstasy.

After all, he cultivated to the second level of the small area, and it was the kind of super power. He could not shake the skeleton mountain, and he could not break the wall.

Absolutely the top treasure.

Zhang Bin is slowly retreat.

It is getting farther from the other side.

However, this is a warehouse, or it is a warehouse that deliberately deliberately born in the monster.

So just one entry.

Now that the other party blocks the entrance, Zhang Bin can't go out.

"Stand, don't move ..."

The giant blinks looked at Zhang Bin, and his eyes shot the cold to the extreme light.

The same tail as the scorpion is slowly growing, emitting airtight of the earth.

It seems that he is going to kill Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin stopped.

The face is full of anger, "Seniors, do you still want to kill me? This is the treasure I found first?"

"Hey ... Mo said that you have not refined, it is refining, it is belonged to me, because I can kill you, easily capture. You just cultivate into Zhongsheng Jiujie, but it is dare to domain. Adventure, it seems that you are a rare genius, is it a genius disciple in the holy dragon gate? "The giant is looking at Zhang Bin with unrestricted eyes, and said.

"Yes, I am the disciple of the holy dragon."

Zhang Bin said coldly. "Is it, my holy dragon gate is hatred? So, do you kill?"

"Hey ... I don't have any hatred." The giant smiled, "I just look at the disciple of the holy dragon gathers is not cool, I have to kill."

"Your heart is mad, what is your people?"

Zhang Bin said with anger.

He has never seen such a person who is arrogant and Shabi, which is so can't be so good?

But can it still live now?

Obviously, this giant must be strong, in order to save to today.

"Let you die, clearly understand that Laozi is poisoned in the world, the external number death is the king, death Tianjun is my father."

The scorpion is smiling in the world.

"You are the son of death Tianjun death." Zhang Bin slam, "How come you come here? Is it near the death?"

He had already listened clearly, and the death Tianjun mastered a ten-level big domain, named the dead domain.

The other party came here, it may be nearby.

If this is the case, it is a bit trouble.

As far as the current strength, it is still far from confrontation with the giant and death of the death.

"Kid, I don't understand what you really do." Deathly said, "I want to come here, I need to come here, directly let the deadness to build rules."

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Bin said, "Is it possible to find such a big treasure here?"

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