The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5023 is detained

Zhang Bin looked at the rules of the void to dissipate, and his face floated.

If there is a medium domain, you can constitute a law channel, you can go to a very distant void area.

What more let him envy, he read a lot of ancient information, the giant era of ancient times, most people cultivate the world into the world in the middle of the world.

Therefore, they can build the passage of their own ability to build, naturally, you can instantly cross the distant void.

The rule channel is definitely the same as the black hole.

You can connect two unlimited farings.

"Nowadays, my body can be more than eight-level China, but unfortunately, the rule has not been cultivated to 130, otherwise, I can also cross the empty."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and his face floated the color of the expectation.

However, for the world of his body, can not evolve to the ten-level domain, he is not a certain grasp.

Because breaking through the bottleneck, it is not doubled in the body of the body, sometimes it is even more than one tenth. Sometimes it is more.

After all, it is already so huge, it has almost reached the limit.

Even if it is improved, it will also be greatly expanded.

Even, he clearly knows that in the ancient times, many top giant, their body world is similar to him today.

Of course, the world of the Emperor is of course exceptionally wide, and can be compared with the top sky.

After all, that era is different from now, too many domains, too many magical genius, can refine top-level medicinal herbs.

Have a huge auxiliary role.

But it is difficult to find the magical treasure of the monsternet in the future.

It is also very difficult to get so many medicinal materials, refining top-level medicinal herbs.

If there is no such treasure and Dan medicine, although you can break through, the world and will trees will not expand too much.

It may even be changed at a point.

Zhang Bin shook his head and no longer thought.

He took out the space container burst from the death of the death.

At that time, the other party was killed by his will, but the space container was not destroyed because of the depths of his body.

He looked at it in detail, and then his face floated the color.

Because there is a lot of genius treasures, it is particularly precious.

Any kind of thing he wants to get is not available.

"How many might be so much?"

Zhang Bin issued a voice that did not dare to confident.

He can't go back from God for a long time.

In fact, the death of the death of the death Tianjun is in a wide range of small domains, medium-domain, or even big domains.

Request top genius.

Accumulate here.

Now he was stained by Zhang Bin, and these treasures naturally returned to Zhang Bin.

"Ha ha ha ... Heaven help me, I can refine several kinds of gongan medicine, can break through a few bottlenecks. I can have a lot."

Zhang Bin made an exciting laugh.

He no longer delayed, there is a shock field.

The plane was taken out.

I went to the interior of the plane.

As for the earthquake field, of course, Zhang Bin is back on the back.

This earthquake is very quirky, must be taken in the hands or back.

If you leave Zhang Bin, put it in the space container, or in the body of the body, that's not.

However, as long as Zhang Bin's hands or back, you can go with Zhang Bin to enter any space container and magic weapon.

Sometimes Zhang Bin even suspected that the sky is not a legendary Tiandiyin, but a child, and he is a child's mother, and the child is not willing to leave the mother.

"Airplane, departure ..."

Zhang Bin's style of air ordered.


The plane is moving, scratching the void, has become a black lightning, straight to the holy dragon domain.

The speed is increasing, getting faster and faster.

Finally, it reached the extreme.

The speed is a few times faster than white snow and night.

It is definitely possible to the speed of giant giant in the proposed heaven.

"Lying, this speed is too fast? I only refine the first layer of array?"

Zhang Bin is completely dumbfounded, his face is full of not a letter.

At this time, he knew that the monster of the plane would be so horrific and powerful before?

Even if you can't make it more than the Tiandi, the absolute distance is not far.

You can get its skeleton, you can't say it is a lot of luck.

Inspiring, Zhang Bin laughed and laughed. In the future, he has a very poor teaching tool.

As for white snow and night, you can retire, and cultivate the will tree.

That can make yourself will become a big sum, and the world can be upgraded.

This is the most important.

Zhang Bin finally returned to the holy dragon domain.

The holy dragon domain covers the fog of the clouds, and all the faces of all disciples of the Holy Longmen are full of sorrow.

Even someone tears silently.

"Zhang Bin, you run, don't come back ..."

I haven't entered the gate of the Shenglongmen, three guys who guarded at the door, Luo Ba Mountain, Yu Zhuoqu, there are also achievements, nervous.

"what happened?"

Zhang Bin put out a very confused look.

In fact, he has already guessed, that is, the person who died Tianjun sent in the Lesson Longmen, how many treasures should you take away, and take away Long Hanyun and his Zhang Bin to kill, and become a Undead. If you don't agree, death Tianjun has an excuse, which will destroy the holy dragon door.

In order to keep the holy dragon domain, the Holy Longmen may really have to agree to the other party.

This is a sadness and a pain.

However, Zhang Bin had to come back.

He is here, Hongdong Mountain and Hongjingjing are here.

His teacher is also here.

Although Long Han Yun only taught him a short time.

Although she began to do nothing to him.

However, he still approved her.

He can't watch her place where she falls into death.

"Because ... Death Tianjun wants to take Long Han Yun and your teacher. Say you don't respect the death Tianjun, I want to assassinate him. So, I will hand over you."

Luo Baishan said angry.

"They didn't say that I have to make me and my teacher into undead?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"This, of course, will not say, but anyone can guess."

Luo Baishan said.

"You will go, otherwise, you can't come."

"Yeah, don't grind ..."

Yu Zao Qun and Yicheng also anxiously.

"My fare and my loved ones are deducted, how do I go?"

Zhang Bin said with anger.

It is because the Shenglongmen is inexplicably buckled with Hongdong Mountain. At the time, he and the monster war, I wanted to make Hongdong Mountain to help.

He didn't know the reasons, but when he appeared in the world, he understood.

The Holy Longmen is forced him to come back.

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