The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5024 Zhang Bin

Although it is said that the Lord of the Shenglongmen door is helpless, but Zhang Bin is still very angry very unhappy.

Of course, his heart has also puffed a strong sorrow.

Where you go, you have to suffer from disaster.

As if, I have become a disaster star.

At this moment, he has a little regret to come to the dragon domain, continue to stay in the glare domain may be better.

After all, the glare domain is safe.

Any Tianjun does not dare to hit your mind.

The only thing to worry is that the Qingguang Domain mainly hits his idea.

However, I have owned the main owner with the Qingguang domain, and it is not too big.

"But you don't go, you will send it."

Yu Zao jun said sorrowful.

"I have to look at it, how do they deal with me?"

Zhang Bin's mouth made a contempt.

After finishing, he walked in his chest.

He fell to his own cave.

There are more than a dozen long guards here, all of which are giant in the early days of the Tianwang.

Moreover, a blade trache is arranged for a space transfer.

That is to say, Hongdong Mountain and Hongjing Jing also have Zhang Bin's division, there is no way to transfer escape.

See Zhang Bin came back, and many elder faces paused.

They silently retracted one side.

They know that Zhang Bin is certainly known to what happened.

However, in order to hold the holy dragon gate, keep the holy dragon domain.

They have no way.


Zhang Bin used a desirable gaze to see them and walked into the cave.

Zhang Bin entered, Hongdong Mountain asked her face: "Are you going outside? So, they don't let us go out? If we are forbidden? I am afraid that we escape?"

"No, it is such a thing ..."

Zhang Bin said that the death of the people of the death Tianjun said.

However, he did not say that he killed the death of the king and then gave a disaster to kill the land.

Worried is heard.

It may be really dangerous.

"This is the pool of fish ..."

Hongdong Mountain is angry with vomiting blood. "The purpose of death Tianjun may not only be the same, may want to capture the holy dragon domain. They will force the holy dragon door to retreat, but have to resist, but once it resist The result may not be like me, even more sad reminder, may not be lifted. This domain is too dark. There is no background, and even the domain of the middle-level domain can only die. "

Switch, he is more nervous, "The situation is not good, what are you still coming back? This is simply self-investment network. The Holy Dragon gateman will definitely put you with your teacher. Be a day. We are fast Want to escape? "

"I don't come back, you are all dead, my loved ones are dead, but I am back, it is different."

Zhang Bin said coldly and said, "No one wants to deal with us."

"Your progress is really big, now cultivating to the middle of the holy. However, there are also many realms in Dacheng, small domain, medium-domain, large domains, and the big masters, which is much more powerful than you. The level of the sky is not worth mentioning here. Do you have any way? "

Hongdong Mountain is a bit of a little dare to believe, but it is more urgent group.

Zhang Bin is letting Hongdong Mountain picked Hong Jingjing into the body world.

And he is also blessed.

He took out a lot of volunteers from ancient ancients and said, "You take some body, if it is not a wonderful, we fry a blood road, kill it."

"My God, what is this giant will? How does it contain such a horrible manner and energy?"

Hongdong Mountain is a thorough earthquake, and his face has also floated ecstasy.

With such a will, they have to kill, but there is a certain possibility.

So, his bottom gas is coming.

He didn't know, Zhang Bin also had a more than a big will, and there is another bottom plate aircraft.

Driving a plane, shot from the plane, it is simply equal to the plane to throw the original bullet.

His aircraft is an attack on the atomic bomb.

That is the most horrible.

So they walked out of the cave.

"You can't go out ..."

Numerous elders are in front of them, of course, they don't dare to see Zhang Bin to look at them.

"The door is still hesitating?"

Zhang Bin asked faintly.

"This, yes." The long and old, the head of the head said, "The door is also known, the other party wants to fill, and will become sharp, and it will eventually be taken. One is not good, countless disciples must fall. This is He is not willing to see. "

"I have a meal ..."

Zhang Bin's passage.

"good idea……"

The elder eyes are bright, "but it is bitter. I will go to the newspaper."

St. Dragon Hall.

St. Longmen receives the place of VIP.

The Shenglong door owner and many elders sit there and appreciate it.

Several giant horses from the deadness are also sitting aside, looking at them with the same eyes like the dead.

Their number of people is not much, but only three.

Two men and a woman.

It is the giant giant in the sky.

It can be said that it is a master of super horrible.

There are not many such masters.

Will not exceed ten.

If you want to cultivate such a realm, you need unparalleled cultivation.

This is too rare so that it is.

The three people named scorpion, respectively, is women. The other two named scorpion, scorpion, swearing.

They are the descendants of death Tianjun.

It is also a rare cultural genius.

However, their talents still can't be more than death.

"You make a decision soon, we can wait for so much time."

"Ten minutes, I will hand over Long Han Yun and Zhang Bin immediately."

"Death Tian Jun he can arrive at any time, I hope you don't want to be mistaken."

Three people are a bit impatient, threatening.

"This, Zhang Bin really goes out for treasure hunt, he has not returned, we have no way to make it ..."

The sturdy anger in the heart of the Shenglong door door, said.

"That is your matter, not our things, ten minutes don't pay people, then hand in your life."

The scorpion is proud of the clouds.

" ..."

" ..."

The scorpion bismuth and scorpion are both laughing.

"You are not afraid that we kill you?"

The holy dragon door door is taken on the table, caught angry.

"Can you try?"

The three faces have a contemptuous expression.

Don't look at the Saint Dragon Gate Lord in the eyes.

In fact, this is just their borders.

Even Zhang Bin killed the world, it is equally divided.

The body is cultivated in the dead.

Death Tian Jun belt with death, the same, it is also a part.

The genius of them can be cultivated in many ways.

Dead one, can practice one again.

The source is endless.

How can they fear?

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