The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5029, ask the East Mountain

"Death Tianjun, who gives you courage, dare to leave the holy dragon domain, dare to capture the holy dragon domain?"

The mainstay of Qingguang Domain is too strong, and the murderous is handed over.

His granddaughter is the future of the emperor, which is the first person to the Tiandi.

His momentum is natural.

"This, the holy dragon gate kills me three descendants, I have reason to revenge ..."

Death Tianjun is angry in the heart, what is the powerful existence, when is it so awkward?

However, when you think, the Qingguang Domain of the eyes is a terrible double Tiantian, and there is a ten-level world.

He is a little worried in his heart, and the scalp is a bit numb.

It can't be hard, otherwise, I will be very miserable, and it may even be a gligate domain.

Therefore, he seized this reason.

"Kill you three descendants? Evidence? What about the body? Where is their flesh?"

The glare domain is a deaf.

"This one……"

Death Tianjun is a bit anxious, "" It killed them outside the domain. "

"Who is the murderer?"

The glare domain is cold and asked.

"The murderer ... is Long Han Yun and Zhang Bin ... At that time, they were together ..."

Death Tian Jun said.

"The Qingguang Domain, he is lying, Long Han Yun and Zhang Bin have not been out, and they only cultivate into the three levels of the sky, one to cultivate into Zhongsheng Jiu, but they are three in the sky. Level, how can they kill them? Is this not a nonsense? "

The Holy Longmen is anger.

"Death Tian Jun, do you dull me?"

The Qingguang Domain is very old, and the two eyes are shot, and the body is also blasted.

At this moment, he felt that his majesty was damaged.

He has been huge insult.

The future of the sky is he is a granddaughter, why are he noble?

"This, I ... may make mistakes. I will find it again."

Death Tianjun feels can't, this is unclear.

Three people died outside the domain, the murderer was a weak Zhang Bin and Long Han Yun, who won't believe it.

What's more, he is not good to say that they take away Zhang Bin and Long Han Yun.

That Qinglan domain is flattering.

"Death Tian Jun, don't think I don't know your wolf ambition, you always want to win the holy dragon domain, and even kill the Shenglongmen deputy doors. If you still dare to be in the future, I will never sit down. Treat, directly kill you, collect your death. Don't think that you are death Tianjun, I have no way to kill. I tell you, I want to kill you, it is easy. "The Qingguang Domain is finished, he Shouting, "trial ..."

Suddenly, his body blasted a golden light, and waved the sky.

Evil retreat, the death law is also shaking.

Death Tian Jun is tribute to retreat.

The face is also getting iron blue.

When did he threatened?

This is the first time I opened the sky.

This Qinglan domain, what is the benefit of the Shenglong gate?

Do you have such a holy domain?

This time, is it that stealing chicken does not erode meter?

He is going to leave his face, but Hongdong Mountain is roaring: "Slow, death Tianjun, is it the Dongshan area?"

This is of course Zhang Bin's emotion, let him say this, take the opportunity to ask Dongshan area?

"What is it?"

Death Tianjun is very angry, looked at Hongdong Mountain.

He is afraid of the Lord of Qingguang, but it will not fear Hongdong Mountain, and the zone of the district is a giant, in his eyes, it is too weak than the antity.

"I am Hongdong Mountain, the Dongshan area belongs to me, please pay back to me immediately."

Hongdong Mountain is drinking.

"You are looking for death, this is what I take from death. This is my treasure."

Death Tian Jun angry.

"Qingguang domain, please be the master, death Tianjun to win my domain, now this Dongshan area is in the hands of death? He said that it is robbing, this domain does not have a king law? No rule Didn't you rob it? If this is the case, there is no domain estimated in the future, you must be self-explosion by the domain. "Hongdong said.

"Who dares to grab the domain in the future, kill innocent."

The blue-spot domain is stimulated. He listened to the Qingguang Domain. When the ancient times, the heaven rule, the domain is like the stars in the sky, but now only 9999, obviously someone is robbing, then the domain It is not all self-explosion, the same is true, if you have been like this, the domain will become less and less, the future Tianstrian is not meaningful, no land, no domain, naturally there is no life. Human estimates are all extracted.

Suddenly, the disciple of the Holy Longmen is excited, and their faces have floated the color of ecstasy.

"I will make a discussion with many days of domain, soon."

The Qingguang Domain is also murdered, "Death Tianjun, immediately put the Dongshan area to Hongdong."

"You are looking for killing Tianjun, not my business."

Death Tianjun is anxious, he really doesn't want to hand over the East Mountain.

Eat fat in your mouth, how did he want to spit?

"In this case, I can only kill you on the spot."

The glare domain owners burst the horror to the ultimate percentage and murderous, and his two eyes shot a variety of light.

Light is started.

The void light is also distorted, gravity is crazy.

This is the gravity method is started.

The horror is that his hands have a sharp to the ultimate road ax.

"Nima ... Qingguang Domain is crazy? Specialized tube? He didn't ignore anything outside the Qingguango?"

Death Tianjun is almost vomiting blood, he will leave the East Mountain area, and it is not willing to stay.

His heart is in the blood.

This time, the loss is heavy.

"For you to know the phase. Otherwise, I kill you like killing the dog."

The Qingguang Domain Lord looked at the back of the death of Tianjun, and said that it was smiled.

He grabbed the Dongshan area, looked faintly, handed it to Hongdong Mountain, and the wind said softly: "I will return to the original master, I will give you a touch. If there is anyone to hit your domain in the future. Contact me, I will kill them. "

"Thank youn,"

Hongdong said gratitude.

"Is this Bin be your grandson?"

The Qingguang Dominant is Zhang Bin, and the voice asked.


Hongdong Mountain has a proud color.

"It's good, you are good, and you will contact it in the future."

The main voice of Qingguang Domain said, "The Shenglong Gate is also blessed."

"Tianjun, you are also blessed."

Hongdong Mountain said.

He is bright in his heart, and Zhang Bin is a trial of Jun.

In fact, Zhang Bin can be avoided.

He can hide.

But he didn't.

Before, he did not get a magical plane.

There is no self-insurance, there is no ability to escape.

But now, with a plane, if any Tianjun is unfavorable to him, he can hide.

The other party wants to break the defense of the aircraft, need not short time.

And he can pass away.

He also has a magical Tiandiyin, even if Tianjun is also difficult to find him.

So he dared to appear.

The Qingguang Domain knows that he is in the holy dragon gate, which will certainly take care of the Shenglongmen.

He can safely practice.

Don't worry about it.

And not in the glare domain, don't care about it.

Although it is said, because of this holy dragon gate buckled his borders and relatives, let him have a mustard, but did not affect his continued cultivation in the St. Longmen.

He doesn't want to change the place.

(Eight chapters sent, ask for subscription, seeking tickets.)

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