The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5030 New Exploration Direction

"Zhang Bin, have time to see the vine acception ..."

The lanterns of Qingguang Domain against Zhang Bin, "You can also cultivate in the Qingguang domain, much better than the cultivation conditions here."

He is an invitation to Zhang Bin.

In fact, today Zhang Bin has received all the inheritance of the holy dragon gate.

He can completely take better in the Qingguang field to practice.

Even if he can be more quickly.

However, Zhang Bin still refused.

He replied: "The Shenglong domain is small, and it is more convenient to explore the domain. I will point to a special direction in the holy dragon domain, and I will find that the field is like a star of the sky. Because my cultivation, needs Get a lot of special treasures on a lot of domains can be quickly powerful. "

"What do you mean, isn't you belong to ancient Tiantian?"

The two eyes of the Qingguang domain looked up, and his face was also extremely exciting.

Now his biggest concern is that Zhang Bin has established a heavens in the future, but the sky is not too many domains, it is totally unable to be with ancient Tianding ratio.

That is not too great.

"I read some ancient books and found that it is very remote. It is still very far away from the original heavens." Zhang Bin said, "The secrets of heavenly destroy will be in that heaven and earth, and there are countless fields. There, may even have a master in most domains. "

He is not lying, but it really found a map outside the domain from ancient books.

Although it also belongs to the rule of heaven, it is the most remote place.

Even, he can guess that the ancient war has occurred.

The swallow beast also gates, and finally, the most powerful one is killed here.

Therefore, the skeleton stays in this world.

"That's great, my glare domain also goes to explore the direction."

The blue-spot domain is extremely exciting.

Explore the domain, or in the domain exploration, it is safe.

If you are unfamiliar, let the domain get the rules of the channel, cross the void, if it is a place where the horror exists, the other party gives you a bombing method, killing people inside.

In this case, the glaucomer is also seen.

Even the powerful domain can do it.

So, if it is not more familiar, the domain that is explored is outside. Any domain owner does not use the law to cross the channel.

"But exploring takes a long time, will not have results soon."

Zhang Bin said.

"We have time, no hurry."

The Qingguang Domain is laughing, "Yes, are you really killed three descendants of death, they all cultivate it to the seven levels?"

"They rave the holy domain, want to take me and my teacher ..."

Zhang Bin said the process and reasons, but of course, he did not say how he kills the other side.

This will also make the Qingguang domain at unclear Zhang Bin's true strength, and there is a mysterious awe.

It is also possible to shock and deter.

"Hey, it is a future of the emperor. This combat is horrible. And the speed is too terrible. It is very terrible. It took a short time to cultivate to Zhongsheng, second, but now it has been cultivated to China. "Qingguang domain is amazed in his heart.

"The domain gathers are big, I will go to participate. By the way, look at the vines."

Zhang Bin said again.

Because he was held on the glare domain, he certainly dared to participate.

If it is in other domains, even if there is a horrible strength, it doesn't dare to show.

Get first, and may not leave a lot of treasures.

It may even bring yourself to yourself.

And he must also participate, because it is more than just a game, but it is still a great treasure exchange meeting.

You can change it to any Tianwaobao you need, of course, must be a domain.

"Okay, I try to host the domain gathered to hold a lot, and the prizes also have more."

The Qingguang Domain said, "Although there is no ancient aspect of the domain, the void large and small mountain peaks are more, and there are countless Tianwei Di Bao. Many domains have got a lot. If it is a collection Together, the quantity and type will be more terrible. It is not ancient. "

Of course, Zhang Bin participates in the martial arts, the purpose is to get cultivation resources in many domains.

Therefore, he reminds Zhang Bin, and many domains have gotten countless treasures.

"That ways to let them exchange the Tianwei Di Bao in many domains to exchange ..."

Zhang Bin's eyes also lit up, and the face floated on the face.

He also secretly praised that the Qingguang Domain is really worthy of living countless years, this is extraordinary, seeing the advantages of this era, can also get countless medicinal materials, but this is my own I have been ignored. In this way, it will be very difficult, because many medicinal materials can also be obtained.

The gaze of Qingguang Domain is the hospitality of the Holy Dragon Gate.

Entered the rule channel, I went back.

"Thank you for the asylum ..."

The holy dragon door is still grateful.

"Oh ... no me, the Qingguang domain will not be asylum."

Zhang Bin scared in his heart.

Hongdong Mountain is also the same.

"Too good, great, our holy dragon gate has spent the crisis. Don't have any worries in the future, we can practice wholeheartedly, explore the domain, and try to find the Tianwei Di Bao."

"We have won ..."

"Long live the door ..."


Many disciples in the Shenglongmen have also made a big shouting, and their faces have also floated the color.

The haze of the sky is also swept away.

"The Spark disciple is basically a good person, even Luo Ba Mountain, Yu Zao Qun, Yu Cheng three two goods are also very lover, can wait for me outside, let me don't go in." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "I still like it more."

"Zhang Bin, Long Han Yun, for this time, I said to you ..."

The Holy Longmen Gate owner projected on the two faces, apologize.


Long Han Yun snorted, did not give him a good look.

Zhang Bin said faintly: "If things have passed, don't mention it."

Although the heart has mustard, I think that the Holy Dragon Gate of the Gate, I still didn't decide to put him and Long Han Yun. Therefore, I did have gained the holy dragon gate, in Hongmeng, if he did not get the Holy Paragon gate inheritance, It is impossible to be a cancer opponent. So, he is going to be no longer

Swirk, Zhang Bin pointed to a direction and said: "The door, in the future, our holy dragon domain explore this direction, may have huge gains."


The Shenglongmen door owner deeply saw Zhang Bin, nodded.

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