The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5036 is a three-person group

"Luo Ba Mountain, how do you condense the blade of the world? I still can take you more than half."

Shenglong Feidong said confident.

Also, he wants to be a realm than Hill, and that he can rush Luo Ba Mountain. Naturally don't put Luo Ba Mountain in your eyes.

"I don't know if you have heard of a sentence - the scholars are doing a scraping. I am not the previous Luo Baishan, because I have met your daughter, I got his cultivation, my strength Today is not the past. "

Luo Baishan has a grateful color on his face, and a shocking momentum is also emitted from his body. There is a peerless genius style.

"Get the cultivation of noble people? Wow haha ​​... How do you listen to it is not much smile and absurd? On the holy dragon domain, is the most powerful high person not the door of our holy dragon gate? Is it a secret to cultivate You, even the door owner, he has no way to become a peerless genius. You are lucky to condense the blade of the world. It is so arrogant. It is simply not to know the sky. "Shenglong Feidong's face floating I have a contempt.

"Less nonsense, eat my sword ..."

Luo Ba Mountain was very angry, he shouted, he flipped, and he was a sword.


The sound is scream, and the sword is like electricity.

Murderous is also a collection, and the momentum is very extraordinary.

"court death."

The pride and contempt of the Holy Dragonfly East, the ax in his hands is also litter, and the blink is already in the sword of Luo Ba Mountain.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.


Shenglong Feidong issued an angry and dared to confuse.

Because he felt the power of the heil of the sky.

The tiger mouth of his two hands broke, and the ax in his hand flew halfway.

His people also retired for a few hundred steps, and even his mouth came out.

Obviously, his five organs were shocked.

Confused Luo Ba Mountain, it is really a step, the wind is standing there.

As if, he just said a sword.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

All genius disciples, all the old age, even the owners and deputy doors are stunned, each other.

Their face is full of not bothering.

They all know that Luo Baishan disciples, although the talent is good, but it is not tip, even before, there is no way to condense the blade of the world.

Therefore, they are not top disciples, but ordinary disciples.

However, he and Zhang Bin have been close.

Is it that Zhang Bin's cultivation has become a super genius?

Zhang Bin is so amazing?

He should have no such power.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

The Shenglong Feidong also shocked to the extreme, he sent a big shout that did not dare to confuse.

It is clear that it is a mediocrity. It is clear that it has always been crushed by him, how can it become so powerful?

"Wow, haha ​​... It turns out that I am so genius and powerful. You are an antity, I'm looking at you, I'm looking at you."

Luo Ba Mountain stunned, then he was excited to laugh, his face was full of ecstasy, and it was full of arrogance.

At this moment, his self-confidence has skyrocketed, he feels that he is the first day of Zhang Bin.

Can be crushed any Tianjiao giant.


The holy dragon flying Dongqi almost did not vomit blood, he actually became the antity in the mouth of Luo Baishan?

He jumped highfully, and he grabbed the ax of the world of the world. He rushed over, crazy and ackward to Luo Ba Mountain.

This time, he is really useful to put the strength of the milk.

So, his momentum has skyrocketed and looks very terrible.


Luo Baishan yells in the past, he is a sword on the other's ax.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.


Shenglongfei east issued a sharp scream, the ax in his hand crashed.

His body is also easily built into two halves.

Fortunately, it is from the shoulders, otherwise he may have fallen, thoroughly become a corpse.


Two half of the body fell on the ring.

Blood shooting out.

They were shocked once again, they all dared to confuse.

It is to know that the Shenglong Feidong is the rare cultivation genius, but it can't resist the tricks of Luo Baishan.

Terrible is that Luo Ba Mountain is only cultivated to the nine-level nine-level.

Does Luo Ba Mountain become the top genius of the Shenglongmen?

This is too incredible.

"Ha ha ha ... The antity is not as good, the special thing is still so arrogant, really smiles the big teeth."

Luo Ba Mountain laughed crazy, his face was filled with contempt and contempt.

As for the holy dragonfife, of course, it is ashamed, depressed, and they don't understand, they will fall so sad.

Have you sinned?

It has also been a little sarcasm than a small place.

"Luo Baishan is successful, will replace Shenglong Feidong to participate in the game."

The Holy Dragon Gate is happy.

He has appeared a top genius, he is of course very happy.

At this time, he is especially admired. It turns out that the door is really hidden, and they can really challenge, defeat the genius of the competition.

I am not old, my mind is not angry?

" ..."

Yu Zao Jun immediately couldn't wait to jump up, excitedly shouting: "The ants of Yan Dragon, you gave me up, grandfather challenges you, see how Grandpa is ..."

It is really arrogant, arrogant.

It is really seen that Luo Ba Mountain is too easy, which gives him a confidence, because he thinks that you have to genius and power in Bulushan.

It is necessary to crush the Shenglong Fei Nan, isn't that a small dish?

Suddenly, many genius disciples, elders, external doorsters and deputy masters, their foreheads have both black lines.

When did the door have such arrogant goods?

"Ah ... I am mad at me, the antite feat is Zao Qun, you dare to be so arrogant, it is died, I originally knew that you were named after the three groups, but I didn't expect to die to my head. , I want to make you completely exploding ... "Shenglong Feinan is almost vomiting blood, he jumped up, smiling and shouting.

"Anti Shenglong flyan, do you think you are very powerful? I ask you, are you much better than the Shenglong Feidong?" Yu Zao said smiled.

"Of course, it is better than him." Shenglong Feinan said a little inadvertently.

"Is you strong than Luo Ba Mountain?"

Yu Zao Qun asked again.

"This, he admits not his opponent."

Shenglong Feinan said a bit awkwardly.

"Then I tell you, I am strong in Bulushan, you said, in front of me, are you ?"

Yu Zao Jun said proudly.

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