The Talented Divine Farmer

The 5037 chapter criminal judges

Wen said that there are two black lines on the forehead of Luo Ba Mountain. Is it , is there such a friend? I am degraded to him and raise himself? When I am weaker than him, is it a good thing about it?

Don't say him, even Zhang Bin is crying, and he is the first time I have heard that three guys have such a name - a three-person group? This is the three kinds of two goods collection together, is there such a name?

And many talents, elders, door owners and deputy doors are unexpected.

Do you really want to get a genius and power?

If this is the case, they have a super genius again.

Do you want to rise when you come to the holy dragon?

"You braggy, when I don't know? See how I teach you?"

Saint Dragonfly laughed, and his hands appeared a sharp world ax.

Pulling the past, squatting, swearing, Yu Zao.

"Give me a burst ..."

Yu Zao Qun is shouting, and there is a great rod in his hand.


The sound of the ceiling spurs.

Spark splash.


The ax in the Nairo Dragona was exploded, and his people were also exploded.

Female and blood splash.

His soul seems to have a child who has not worn clothes, it is confused, and I don't understand what happened.

The audience is very shocking, and no one speaks in half a day.

Such a result didn't think of it.

"Yu Zao Jun escaping the war of Saint Dragon Dragonfly to win ..."

The Holy Dragon Gatener is also excited, and his face is full of ecstasy.

Really there is a peerless genius, is the Shenglong door to take a dog?

"Saint Dragon Feinan, now you know that you are a antite? I said that I have to fight you, I will explode you. Hey ... I will arrogant in front of people. A antity is also arrogant, let people joke, know ?"

Yu Zhuo Jun is very angry, smirking madly.

He flew to jump down.

" ..."

It was anxious to have an early morning, and he flew up like a lightning. It was arrogant: "The ants in the ant ants, the anti, you come up, I will challenge you, you can also in this antite. To participate in the game, it is simply a joke, see how I step on you. "

"The ant antity in the antity? This is said to be worn, this is not only to face the Shenglong Feixi, but also face the door, let the ant antity to participate? He is not afraid of being killed by the door?"

Many disciples are a weird expression, they look at the death of death like the dead.

"Yu Cheng, if you can't defeat the Shenglong Feixi, we will sweep the toilet for 30,000 years."

The Shenglong door door is also completely angry, and it is guilty.

"If I won? Is it a door owner to clean the toilet for 30,000 years? Do you dare to bet with me?"

It is not afraid of it at a point, once again died, challenge the authority of the door.

Many disciples have seen it, even Zhang Bin also looked at the idiot.

Luo Baishan and Yu Zao Dun are in the chest, they are very regretted, why do you want to go out to challenge so early, if they finally come out, they will let the main owners are on, let the door to sweep 30,000 years toilet, What a comfortable thing is that.

"Ah ... mad at me ..."

On the forehead of the Holy Longmen door, he had two black lines. He is sad, how do you have such a billing disciple in the door? I don't want him to sweep 30,000 years of toilet?

This door, but also the domain owner, is there really a little majesty?

"Mix, do you dare to be so arrogant? I look at the door of the door?"

Shenglong Feixi is also sad. It is a face of iron, and he flew it up. He took out a knife of the world and pointed to become a broken.

"The ant ants, you don't know, you lost our holy dragon face? If you let you go to the game, you will kill the genius of other martial arts, one finger is dead, then the reputation of our holy dragon door is stinky. The main owner selection you will go to the competition, he is wrong, what happened to the toilet? "

Yu Cheng Station is there, and continue to be madly.

Take the many disciples under the stage, it is the face, shocking is inexplicably, is it mad? Dare to die so much?

"This is so big, so arrogant, it is really powerful, it is really powerful, and the Saint-Dragon Fei West is not his opponent. Hey, fortunately, only the three groups, there is no fourth, there will be no people Challenge me, I can still go to the competition. "Shenglong fei is secretly glated below.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

Sheng Longfei glanced at the door, he found that the door of the door is black and terrible, and a pair of horse is going to make a scream. He is crazy, "Yu Cheng, you are looking for death, eat me a knife ..."

He rushed over, and he wanted to take a knife.

However, Zhang Bin suddenly shouted: "Stop ..."

Suddenly, Shenglong Feixi took the knife, and he was confused by Zhang Bin.

Many disciples and doorways are also the same, and I don't understand what Zhang Bin wants to do?

" ... ...

Hongdong Mountain and Hongjing Jing were squatting in his heart, and their faces have floated pity.

People who dare to be sin Zhang Bin, how can Zhang Bin will go?

How is the trial Tian Jun? Can they insult?

Sure enough, Zhang Bin said, saying faintly: "Yu Cheng, you are so arrogant, is it very powerful?"

"of course……"

Yu Cheng is now a confident bursary, he is proud.

"Do you have to be strong and geniuses in Bolushan and Yu Zao?"

Zhang Bin asked again and truly.

"Two? I am a bit embarrassed. However, since you asked, I can only answer, in my eyes, they are a strong antite." Yu Cheng said.

"This bastard dares to say that we are antic ants?

Luo Ba Mountain and Yu Zao jun are angry with the lungs. If you can't hate it, you will rush.

"In this case, the door owner did not find that you have a genius like you, but it is a little dereliction of duty." Zhang Bin said, "I suggest, you challenge the Shenglong Feidan and the Holy Dragon Fei North. If you can fight, you will defeat them. Let the door to sweep the toilet for 30,000 years, if you are defeated, you can sweep the toilet 30,000 years, how? "

"it is good."

I shouted in an excitement, this time, it is really dying to make a new height.

That is what Luo Baishan and Yu Zao Jun can't do.

In the future, you can regulate two of them.

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