The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5049 Dark Five Works

Numerous people put the skeptical eyes on Luo Ba Mountain.

After all, this genius is the suspicion of trial Tianjun.

However, the second ratio.

It is Yu Zao Qun, and he is a five person who is fighting against the war, letting them all take a plane.

The other party simply does not have any absence.

Moreover, this team is also the Tianjun team.

After that, a pair of five continue.

Take them into murals, in fact, put them into the wall of the cliff.

Can't move anything.

A picture.

Moreover, after they have turned in this turn.

Strongly, a pair five, never have an opponent.

Sweep everything.

Even, Zhang Bin did not go up.

He cultivated in the light millet.

Without Zhang Dong and Liu Chao, he did not have any interest at all.

"God, the Shenglongmen has three super geniuses, no, it is four, there is also a name called Zhang Bin, did not shoot, he is the granddaughter of the Qingguang domain."

Many gaps are shocking, and they can't believe their eyes.

At this time, they no longer doubt that some people in the four people are trial.

I want to come, the trial Tianjun is much stronger than they.

That is absolutely will not appear in such a place. After all, there is no powerful, but it is dangerous to kill in the cradle.

This is another battle.

However, the strength of the team encountered is also more and more horrible.

Luo Baishan has no way to fight.

Can only be together, or three people together.

After all, the Tianjiao countless, some of the door is really a lot of arrogance.

Their combat power is not overridden to Luo Baishan too much.

Soon, the Holy Group in the Shenglongmen kills the previous 100.

As for the other group, it was eliminated.

Don't say one hundred, that is, 10,000 have not entered.

The overall strength gap is too big.

"Boss, the next game, you have to go to step, we are not sure."

Three killed guys looked at Zhang Bin at the same time.

During this time, although it had a lot of wind, it also a lot of suffering.

Sometimes it is also very wolf, even once, Luo Baishan's neck is cut off.

Too many masters, one is accidentally counted.

They rely on three people, they can enter the previous one, but they are already very good.

"It's really useless."

Zhang Bin is very unsatisfactory, these three guys are so big, the will tree is so tall, but the war is not awkward.

It is because of lack of tempering.

Just as this bird, I want them to capture the first four, but it is a bit hard.

"Boss, we only have three people, and they are all arranged in battle, and the war is terrible. We have never studied the battle."

Yu Zao Dun said.

Since they seized the places of others, they did not experience training.

They are all war.

And this is their weakness.

If Zhang Bin doesn't have a horse, they don't have any victory.

"Boss, you have to go up sooner or later, we must take the first, otherwise, the door is really to imprison us in the toilet 30,000 years."

Yu Cheng crying and saying.


Zhang Bin agreed.

Soon, it's a round to their game.

It is also a knockout.

Winning continues, only the ratio of the lost.

Fight for 50 to 100 rankings.


Zhang Bin four people jumped on the ring.

And their opponents also jumped up.

The road is narrow, and the opponent is the descendant of the dark day.

The darkness is also one of them.

They constitute a singular array.

Their body is also dark, and the five people are completely packaged.

It seems that it is extraordinating.

"Zhang Bin, this time I want to play you."

Darkly looked at Zhang Bin with the eyes of the grievances, and said.

"What are you?"

Zhang Bin's face floated and ridiculous.

"Our dark five-line array, that is outside the famous domain, the invincible, dealing with you, is simply a snatch."

Dark Jun said proudly.

"Boss, the situation is not right, among their array, my gods and eyes are unclear, how do this with them?"

Luo Ba Mountain first saw the crisis, the sound said.


The darkness is not given to Zhang Bin, and it has been shouting, and it has already rushed.

The horrible thing happened, and it became dark in the moment.

The two sides were completely covered.

Hey ...

In an instant, the horrible war broke out.

Ah, ah ...

Angry voice also rang.

Of course, from Luo Ba Mountain, Yu Cheng, Yu Zao Jun.

Because they have been recruited, they don't know where the enemy comes.

Fortunately, their defense is very strong.

After all, their body also constitutes a magical enhancerous hill.

Otherwise, they have been lying on the ground.

" ..."

The darkness of the jun made a lot of smart laugh.

He took the murder of the sky to Zhang Bin.

Now he is dark, Zhang Bin can't see him, and you can't induce.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Zhang Bin, and slammed an ax to Zhang Bin's neck.

However, Zhang Bin turned around like a ghost, left hand grabbed the opponent's ax, and took the right hand and took a palm of his head.

He mastered the magical monitoring rule, naturally easily monitors the enemy.

The reason why didn't start attacking, but the three guys who have died in Luo Baishan have a bitterness.

I also hope that they can come up with ways.

But he is still disappointed, and the three do not want to think about it.


A loud noise.


The darkness is screaming.

Then there is a mushroom.

There is no way to move again.

The dark five lines are also revealed.

Luo Baishan did they induced the enemy.

They crazy attacks.

Three down five, the two will turn them into mushrooms.

It's just too easy.

Suddenly, the dark five lines were completely broken.

Dark tie.

People under the stage will also be clear.

The team of darkness turned into mushrooms, was imprisoned, and a very angry and ashamed.

Of course, they also have incomparable doubts.

I don't understand how their array is broken.

In the past, they were unfavorable.

It is easy to defeat your opponent.

"This is impossible……"

The darkness of the darkness is also issued under the following sounds, and the teeth are almost bite.

The face is also black.

Originally, he was looking forward to the darkness of the four masters to defeat Zhang Bin, the darkness of the grass, you can pick it up.

But now, it will never be able to get out.

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