"St. Longmen ..."

There is a referee shouting at exciting.

"We have won ..."

"Saint-Dragon Weiwu ..."

"Shenglong invincible ..."


Many disciples in the Holy Longmen shouted, and their faces were filled with enthusiasm.

And the dark disciple is a group, and it is pulling his head and is lost.

The next game continues.

Soon, I turned to the holy dragon gate, this time the opponent is even forced, and the death door is died.

That is, the genius group of the death Tianjun created.

This is simply a narrow.

You know, the St. Longmen is bullying for too many years.

The last time, if Zhang Bin shot, let the Shenglong door owner come to help the blue light domain.

The Holy Longmen has not existed, and the dragon domain has certainly not robbed.

Even all disciples of the Shenglongmen have also been killed.

For such an evil martial art, Zhang Bin is there is no good sense.

"Boss, is it sent to the road? They have killed too many opponents."

Yu Zao Dun said.

Indeed, the death of the death door is very heavy, they like to kill the other to kill the other party and kill the other party.

So, then a few people killed.

"They won't let me, how can we let them go?"

Zhang Bin said seriously, "and the war, if you still think about it, the result is that you are killed."

"Hey ... You are best to admit it yourself, otherwise we will not be soft, send you directly."

Five masters of death gods took out the death sickle and built a horrible death.

Said to the head of the captain.

"Shaby ... I will give you watermelon."

Zhang Bin said.

"Do watermelon? What do you mean?"

The leader of the dead is stunned.

"Cut your head, don't turn into watermelon, don't you understand?"

Zhang Bin said.

" ..."

Luo Ba Mountain, Yu Zao Qun, sent a wretched laugh in Chengdu.

"Ah ... you are looking for death, on, send them to the road."

This guy screamed straight, danced with ax, with their big arches.

Suddenly gray fog is filled.

The death law condenses, with a rich to the ultimate death.

A small force is also active in Zhang Bin.

Let them feel a huge pressure.

As if it is imprisoned.

And the five sickles have been collected together, and the brother of ice is burst.

Turn over them.


Zhang Bin also shouted at the same time, and their body is also a sharp pressure and momentum that is extremely horrible.

The blade of the world in their hands is also swept.

Dangdang ...

As if the sound of the iron is ringing.

Spark splash.

Zhang Bin, they couldn't resist, and they retired.

And the enemy is in the rain, and it is crazy about the death sickle to them again.

"Hey ..."

The sound is scream, under the role of the array, the war is 10 times a hundred times.

Horror to the extreme.

The death of the death of the big squad.

"The Strongest World Blade ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

"Kill kill ..."

Three guys are also crazy, the world's edge of the hand is replaced by a greater power.

Then they came with Zhang Bin, and slammed the magic weapon on the other side.

Dangdang ...

The sound is extra loud.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of the scream is also ringing.

The five genius of the dead god do be broken, and the death sickle is also crash.

And Zhang Bin, the magic weapon, but the past is the same as the lightning.

... ...

The sound of the break is ringing.

The neck of the five people is cut off.

The head dropped.

The soul is killed, it is completely fallen.

And Zhang Bin, four people are standing proud, and they don't move as mountains.

No damaged.

The audience was shocked.

No one speaks for a long time.

To be honest, the team of the Shenglongmen is a black horse, but no one will think that this black horse will be as black.

Not only killed the previous one, but now I have already killed the top ten.

This is too horrible.

Moreover, on the terrorist strength they just show, there is a possibility of entering the top three.

Terrible is that they don't know how to join hands, all of which are dealing with personal terrorism.

The four disciples of the Holy Longmen are all incomparable to the horrible cultivation genius.

"Ah ... so biliary, do you dare to kill me the disciple of death?"

The death of the dead Tianjun, who is looking at it, is a furious anger, suddenly standing, smiling and shouting.

One of his hands is also high, and it is necessary to shoot four people in Zhang Bin.

To completely kill them thoroughly.


However, a huge energy palm descends from the sky, hosted in his body.

Tooted him directly.

The voices of the Qingguang Domain Lord also sounded, "Death Tianjun, you are just looking for death, do you not know how many people have killed in the game? Now they are killed, what? You are so quite horizontal, directly expel it. "

Death Tianjun immediately became honest, but he has always been laughing at Zhang Bin them.

At this time, he is even determined, and it is necessary to kill the holy dragon door.

Perhaps, and several Tianjun teamed up, he is willing to resist the Qinglan domain.

Otherwise, he will always be mainly pressed against the head.

The game continues.

Soon, Zhang Bin has encountered a special team.

That is the cancer domain team.

Among them, is one of the participating members.

He also cultivated to the Holy Tenth Level 10.

Now Zhang Bin has already understood that the Lord of the cancer is also a Tianjun, in fact, the virus Tianjun.

He created a disease.

It is an incomparably horrible Tianjun.

His ranking on the Tianjun list is high, in the top thirty.

And the virus Tianjun, of course, is a very evil existence.

I like to use human body to give birth to a cancer.

And their five people's strength is terrible.

Of course, the most horrible or Zhang Bin's third part of the vine.

Zhang Bin, passed the space transfer array, delivered a lot of treasures he got to give .

For example, the ancient holy fruit, the magical medicinal medicine that swallows the beast, flesh, and refining.

"Boss, they are the enemy of your human being, do we want to do all them all?"

It said.

"Don't think that you are really powerful, they are not less than us."

Zhang Bin's face has floated the singular expression.

"Come come, let's pick, who do you dare?"

The sauce will take over and said faintly.

"I will kill you ..."

Luo Ba Mountain shouted, he rushed to the past.

However, Xiao Zaoto took the palm of his world and took him deeply into the ground.

Just expose a head.

He was specified with mushrooms.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

Luo Ba Mountain was amazed, and Yu Zao Jun and Yicheng were also completely stupid.

They know how powerful.

However, this inconspicuous cancer teenager in front of him is so powerful and genius?

Luo Ba Mountain can't resist?

"God, incredible, energy life also has such a horror genius?"

Many of the Taijun of the Taiwan Jun sent a shocking voice.

In the field, there are two kinds of life, that is, law life and energy life.

Haody is of course energy life.

According to the general situation, energy life is weaker than the law.

However, is completely different!

(Seven chapters sent, ask for recommendations, ask for subscription.)

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