The Talented Divine Farmer

Cap 5051 body warfare

In fact, Zhang Bin knows from the distant classics, life is divided into three categories from cultivation from cultivation, that is, life, energy life, and French life.

For example, Zhang Bin's body is French life, his first second part, also belongs to French life.

And his third division, is a pure energy life, and the cells in the body are energy planets. With the advancement of cultivation, the level of energy is getting higher and higher.

The energy in the body is also more and more.

Decomprehension to the end, you can swallow energy in the world, such as stars, great domain.

Horror to the extreme.

That is not on the law, and the law is life.

Most of the human body is a ruled cell, of course, there is also energy cells, so most of them belong to the fatal life. Among them, the leader is that the law of the cells and energy cells are completely balanced, and no matter what kind of realm is cultivated, it will not break this balance, so they take special advantages, and the rules can attack at the same time, and the power is extremely horrible.

Of course, some people have some human cells are all laws, so they are pure law life.

The law is natural is also extra particular, cultivating the rules to a particularly advanced point, naturally confront the most top energy life.

However, if it is roughly division, it is possible to divide the rules and energy life.

And most of the domains outside the domain are energy life.

For example, Zhang Bin encountered the horror swallowthrough, which is the horrible energy life, which can refine the will tree that is cultivated by human cultivation, transforming into special energy. In fact, the domain beast is not only eating the trees, but they also eat weak and small domains, even eating human body, and can refine human body worlds, convert them into energy. Just, they refine and become more difficult, they are most good at refining and absorbing or will.

Even Zhang Bin suspects, ranking the first ancient beast, swallowing the beast, is also a life life.

However, his second part is swallowed, but it can also practice the rules. Of course, the favorite is to swallow anything with energy, including life, including planet.

So, if you swallow the heavens are also swallowing the beasts, the swallowing beast may be like human beings, there are many, energy, law, and law life.

Due to today's domain, human beings belonging to energy is quite rare, so energy life has rarely appear strong super cow.

It is generally considered that energy life is not as if it is two.

However, because Zhang Bin reads too many distortion, there are some books about how energy to cultivate, and even a lot of excellent practices.

Therefore, the saicot has changed the practice of cultivating the practice, and cultivated the best practice of ancient times. Of course, modifications were properly made.

More suitable for him.

So, now the strength of , it is particularly horrible, which is strongly unknown in Bovill.

Only a little bit of the body of Zhang Bin.

If it is not Zhang Bin's body, it has created a trial rule, and the trial of countless beliefs can be called, and it is difficult to suppress third.

That is not impossible.

"It's over, we finish, the cancer family actually appeared such a strong genius, we are not opponents. We have to imprison them in the toilet for 30,000 years."

Yu Zao, Yu Cheng, two of them floated on the face, and the heart was desperate.

I can plant a mushroom in Luo Ba Mountain that strokes. It can also grace them into mushrooms.

As for Luo Ba Mountain, it is even more unbelievable, muttered by: "It is impossible, absolutely impossible, how can there be so many enchanting?"

"Lying in the trough, finally encountered the genius of terror, but also a life life, not to master the rules ..."

The cloud is full of shocking, and the face is full of tension.

He knows this time, Zhang Bin may be difficult to continue to win.

Now there is only three people left, and the other side has five people, the most cattle is the master of super horror.

"Hahaha ... Fuji is invincible ..."

"There is one person in Fuji to hit you ..."


The four players of the cancer and the cancer people under the stage shouted in the madness, and their faces were full of pride, and they were full of pride.

"Come come, continue single ..."

, Yong, Yu Zao Jun continues to hook your fingers.

His face is filled with a contempt.

"I will go with him, you will have the four companions to kill them right away. Then you will die. Then to deal with this guy."

Zhang Bin's passage.

Of course, I am laughing in my heart. Now who can know, the opposite is the third part of my own?

And can be said to be his hand.

He wants to reflect the super power of .

Attracting everyone's gaze, there is no one will notice that he is super genius.

I will not doubt that he is a judge.

Naturally, there will be no danger of being too horrible.

As for , then it is only energy life, strong, and many Tianjun will not care, because they feel the most powerful.

So, will not be dangerous.

It has been thrown out of Luo Ba Mountain, Yu Zao Qun, in three masters, and throws a more horrible master such a more horrible master.

Almost invisible, will not be suspected.

"Kill kill ..."

So they moved, with a murder of the sky rushed.

Zhang Bin has an energy sword in his hand, crazy and .

But it is a defeat, and I can't afford it at all.

So, he is fighting.

This is of course acting.

The powerful and genius reflected in the .

And Yu Zao and Yicheng are like two mad tigers, and there are four other cancer masters.

They don't know Zhang Bin and in acting.

Therefore, they showed the tricks that were extremely horrible, and even the strength of the milk was used.

Dangdang ...

Just tricking, they flew the enemy's magic weapon.

The second trick, I took the other four heads.

At this time, Zhang Bin has been in jeopardy.

I can't stand completely.

"What is going on, how can the son may not be the opponent of the guy?"

Xiaoyan's face did not dare to confuse.

"Silly girl, that is a son of the son, that is, it is throwing out to attract eyes, then it will not be suspected that he is a judge."

Light merchay sounds.

In the past few days, she and Zhang Bin like a paint, so Zhang Bin told her secret.

Even told the blue-spot domain, so that the glare domain secretly protects the .

Since the glare domain knows, the blue-spot domain will also know.

Light merchants will also know.

So, it is better to tell her.

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