The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5052 Time Princess

"Heaven, the son is too magical, there is still a life of energy?"

Xiaoyan is like a fool, "and is so powerful?"

"The son is the future of the emperor. Although his own body is invincible, he is also invincible, and he is just a trace of body. Otherwise, how can it be suppressed? Can you overlook , crushing everything? "Light Yanshan proudly said.

"Gong, I worship you too, I love you ..."

At this moment, Xiaoyan once again rose a step again to Zhang Bin, almost the limit.

She can't wait to serve Zhang Bin immediately, pick up the legs, pinch shoulders, warm beds.

Then her face has floated the pretty flock, I am so shy, I am not ashamed, the lady has not yet with the gongzi, I will start thinking ...

"Boss, let's help you ..."

Yu Zao, Yeheng, two of them shouted, danced with magic treasures to join the ring.

Three people teamed up with the vine.

Dangdang ...


One-on-three, did not fall in the wind.

His body also revealed a sharp pressure and momentum.

"My God, how geniuses are . The original energy life also has such a horrible genius."

"It's not a talent, but the opponent is too weak. This session of the Wano domain, there is no genius of life, and the Bin looks very talented, but it is only more than Yuzu, Luo Ba Mountain, It is a little bit in a genius, and the gap is too big, and the gap is even greater. "

"The talents of is good, but there is no advantage in energy life, cultivating to the heaven, and his war is far less than."


There are many giant in the Taiwan, and their faces have floated and contemptuous colors.

Of course, more is disappointing.

However, there are currently no terrorism that is temporarily seen outside the domain.

Therefore, there is no super genius, and there is no hindrance to them.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin's three people shouted, do not attack, they also showed a horrible ban.

Finally occupied the wind.

Finally, I took the .

However, is still straightened, and it is non-destructive.

However, his four companions were smashed thoroughly.

This battle, the Holy Longmen once again passed, defeated the most horrible cancer door genius team.

Even, they did not lose one person, although Luo Ba Mountain was planted, but it was only imprisoned and there was no damage.

Of course, if Da Zaoto is not the third part of Zhang Bin, it is estimated that the palm of the palm will kill Luo Ba Mountain.

Where would be so gentle?

"Unfortunately, the cancer team was eliminated, mainly the companions of

"Although the Holy Longmen is only four people, any one is very powerful, the overall strength is stronger."

"This year, a bit shackled, I estimate the champion of the individual competition, I have to win it by ."


There are many giant families under the table.

"It's so biliary, I dare to kill my descendants, do you find it?"

The difference between the virus Tianjun is in the air, his eyes are directly, and it is falling on Zhang Bin them.

Finally, I fell on Zhang Bin's body, I was in my heart: "This is a human, it seems to be the teenager who fled together with Hongdong Mountain. The talent is very good, it is only weak. If you grab him, It used to pregnant our cancer genius, but it is very good, perhaps you can once again give birth to the top genius such as . "

Thinking of this, he is a special heart, the higher the talent of the brunette, the better the talent of the birth of the cancer group.

For example, he killed Hongmeng, use him to be born to give birth to cancer genius, and the result is a horror genius such as .

He felt that the future of is unlimited.

It may even reach the point where he is.

At this way, Zhang Bin's talent is not on Hongmeng, but it is a very good parasitic.

"I will find way to catch him, let it kill ..."

The virus Tianjun laughed in his heart.

"Shaby, your good days are not long, I will soon kill you."

Zhang Bin, of course, felt the maliciousness of the virus, and he laughed in his heart.

And the hatred of this guy is too much.

The virus Tianjun is Zhang Bin's strong, the first person to kill.

After all, Hongmeng is dead in his hand.

And Hongmeng is Zhang Bin's father.

Without Hongmeng, there is no peerless genius such as Zhang Bin Zhang Dong Liu Chaoheng.

Of course, the reason why Hongmeng can give so many horror gains, and it is estimated that he has got a magical source star.

That Source star has an earth-shattering secret.

Therefore, there will be so many strange things in Hongmeng, Xiaoxing, willful eggs, swallowing the heavens, and even Fang Fei.

Soon, the semi-final began.

This time, the time door is the Thunder Gate.

The holy dragon gate is the truth.

The Shenglong door can break into the semi-finals, absolutely no miracle since ancient times.

Time Tian Jun, Thunder Tianjun can be said to be the top Tian Jun.

The other two levels of the sky are mastered in their hands.

The five genius of the time doors are very quirky, all are women. And is a unioneerful beauty.

Especially for the first one, it is more extraordinary, charming to the extreme.

The body, the face, the skin is unfair.

She is wearing a white helmet, green, long hair, black eyes in the arm.

Hold the sword, and the British is cool.

Countless people look at their eyes, and the eyes are falling on her. I can't move it.

Even many men's breathing becomes particularly urgent.

It's a bit of a little bit of power.

"Heaven, how can there be such a beautiful woman? If you let me marry, I will die in the next day."

"You are too lazy to eat swan meat, that is the time princess, time Tian Jun is the most petty, the most beautiful granddaughter, the talent is also the best. Where is you can do?"

"Time princess is not simple, time Tian Jun all female descendants the most talented beauty can be sealed as princess."

"If someone can marry her, it is really developed, not only the beauty is pregnant, but the treasure is countless, the cultivation resources should never worry."


Everyone was shocking.

Even Zhang Bin looked at time with shocking eyes, attracted by her beauty and noble temperament.

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