The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5276 breaks through the Empire 8

Because the Tang's Tiandao has improved, it is really a tanks.

It can be said that the progress is like flying.

Originally cultivated to 123, it is no longer broken.

But now I am very relaxed, it is very easy to cultivate 124 in just one month, which is a month of the glory.

Zhang Bin is big, and continues to make efforts to cultivate.

If you can cultivate the Dan's road law to level 150, the benefits are great.

It means that Zhang Bin can go to the emperor.

Not only can you collect more beliefs, but it can make the law of the world's laws in the sea area to increase the road to 150, and the mana in the body will be greatly improved, and even the genius of the world. It is rapidly improved.

His war is naturally a boat.

Moreover, if Luo Hong really escaped, then he has improved because of the law of Dan, and he can also refine these super cow's medicinal herbs. Looking for medicinal materials.

As long as the Dan's path of medicinal materials, there is no more than him, he can recognize their true face.

When soft, not all herbs are good at Dan, and there is also good at wood, and the way of life.

They cultivate these roads to the Wood of Zhang Bin, and the more advanced level of life, Zhang Bin is also difficult to recognize them.

Therefore, many of the emperors come to the seal of the seal, seeing plants, catching their own body, perhaps there is a super cow.

Of course, if you do it, you can't explore too many areas a day.

Moreover, many plants grow in the array area, he must be over.

Also very troublesome.

Time will passively lapse.

The outside world will soon have passed for half a year.

Luo Hong also didn't come back.

"Is it really escaped?"

Zhang Bin is a bit regrettable.

However, there is nothing sorry.

Today, I have cultivated Dan Tao to 142.

Refining for half a year, it is estimated that it can be cultivated to level 150.

You can look for medicinal materials, then alchemy breaks through the bottleneck.

I want to break through the eight levels of the Emperor, and of course it is not very easy.

If it is cultivated in the class, Zhang Bin may still have to cultivate tens of thousands of years.

He didn't care, and continued to cultivate.

There are people here, and it is very safe than the practice of cultivation.

What's more, he is in the heavens.

His heaven is not far from the perfect heavens.

The defense ability is exceptionally strong, and the enemy wants to sneak into entering is basically impossible.

He is looking forward to breakthrough, not only to improve strength, but want to make his own heaven into a perfect heaven.

That is safe to be perfect, basically safe.

Finally, even if the perfect belie is collapsed, your body is still too ancient Lingbao.

It is still possible to resist the danger of terror.

Broad through a level, your body will be a lot, and the defense ability will naturally rise.

I have passed for half a month.

Luo Hong came back, she came in and said, "Zhang Bin, herbs were finally found. Many herbs you are looking for, the quality is not very good, so I will change most of the quality."

"Hard work."

Zhang Bin finished, he took out 10 drops of substances and rewarded Luo Hong.

As for the dragon veins, he has not limited, let her absorb refining.

"Thank you."

Luo Hong is a pleasant, and it is fast to swallow the substance into the body.

Then it will start to give Zhang Bin.

It does not have to use the Dan furnace.

Directly use Dan's road law to extract the drug, bring together.

Slowly chemical into a furnace.

Quality is super high.

Even, I also came to a horrible day.

There is a cloud-laminated dark cloud, and a Thunder is crazy.

Bombardment in Dan medicine, let Dan medicine have a strangest change.

" ..."

Xiao Fu Xing is very curious, it took the empty.

Drill into the cloud.

It wants to see what is the same as it is in the air.

Of course, the void here is terrible, everywhere is spatial cracks and array.

But now the robbery is crazy, and the array is lost.

It seems to be banned by the heavens and the earth.

Little Fuxing is of course dare to go.


Little Fuxing has not yet been clear, and the head is gone.

Suddenly fell.

" ..."

Little Fuxing made a painful voice, but the face was floating.

It seems to see it, and it seems to be exactly the same as it.

But it is much more powerful than it.

"Who is I? Where did I come from?"

Xiao Fu Xing was lying on the ground, and his face was full of doubts.

Luo Hong looked at Xiaoxing with a weird eyes, and Zhang Bin actually had a servant, and it is not simple.

No wonder is so angry, dare to let yourself look for medicinal materials.

I really don't worry about the escape.

Such a person is worth following yourself.

If you escape, it will suffer.

So many things that are not extinguished, so many dragon veins.

They are all eager to get.

Finally, the end of the robbery.

Dan medicine also happened sharply.

Zhang Bin did not hesitate to take a piece.

Then he began to cultivate crazy.

His body has emerged with rich golden rays, the momentum and the pressure are also skyrocketing.

Even the congenital runes on him become more clear.

After a while, Zhang Bin took a medicinal medicine again.

It took 8 capsules in foot, he stopped.

Close your eyes and continue to cultivate crazy.

Refining the huge vitality in the body.

After about three months.


The broken voice sounded in Zhang Bin's spiritual realm.

He broke through and finally broke through a very important bottleneck and cultivated to the eight levels of the Emperor.

His momentum and percentage are also instantly skyrocketing.

It has been upgraded.

Golden rays become extraordinary.

The world has become a golden.

"Bang ..."

Unparalleled terrorist robbery coming.

A golden sky is smashed from the high height of the void.

This tianship has too many doors and windows, brick tiles, and Tiantian main beams.

Evil atmosphere.

There are no a few holes on the wall.

It is still very novel.

Of course, Tianding also stands five million resident souls.

Then one is the existence of the Emperor's eight levels.

Exctends to be a warst and horrible momentum.


Zhang Bin shouted, he went to his heaven.

His 5 million souls are also thoroughly revealed.

All residual souls are also shouting crazy.

They show the rules and madly dominated the opponent.

And Zhang Bin's hands also had a trial pen.

Write directly in the void: "Trial, imprisonment ..."

Suddenly, the crazy talents suddenly paused, because countless trial rules, the chain of the composed, unlocking the sky.

(There is also one chapter, is being code.)

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