The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5277 Perfect Tianting

And Zhang Bin's heaven is not idle, with horrible to the ultimate murder crazy crazy.

A most sharp striped corner is embarrassed to the wall of the sky.

And it is aimed at a broken hole.


A horrible giant ring.

The sky is flying away, and the wall has a huge cavity.

However, Zhang Bin's residual soul is partially killed.

The soul of the sky is strong.

The law is also a lot of horror, and it is easy to break the law of Zhang Bin's many residents of Zhangbin.

I hurt these residual souls.

"More than the cover, you go in, don't be here."

Zhang Bin worried that it was lost than the cover, and he went to his heaven.

It can be said to be Zhang Bin's talents, and contribute to Zhang Bin's secret law and ghost emperor to establish Yin Cao's House.

Zhang Bin promised to resurrect it as soon as possible.

You don't want to do your commitment.

He has already planned to explore the next and the coffin, it is necessary to go to a special place to resurrect than the cover.

Then he continued to control the heavens and hit the sky, this time, he used his head to make a trial and imprisonment.

The trial pen in his hand smashed in the sky.


A loud sound, spark splash.

I killed a big soul.

He is a revenge for his resilience.

These residents have contributed to his classics.

He naturally does not want them to fall like this.

And so hit, the top of the sky is also cracking.

Then his heavenly hit the sky to the top of the sky with a murder.

Bang ...

A horrible giant ring.

There is a huge cavity in the Tiantai Tiandai.

Many residents have fallen to the ground.

Even the attack is a bit weak.

Such a strong Zhang Bin made them understand that they have no way to kill Zhang Bin.

This is a original road, and with the Tianshu Lingbao, and even his body has made it into a Taikoo Lingbao.

Therefore, Zhang Bin quickly occupied the wind, crazy hit, attacking.

It is miserable very much, and it will be broken soon.

There is a trend to crash.

"Really cattle, this is the top Taoist. Zhang Bin is too powerful. The degree is the perfect Tiantian robbery."

The carrot looks at the carrots and admires with worship and admiration.

More than ten minutes.

The sky robbery is finally collapsed.

All the Tiancheng Tiantian accessories, the ethnasic soul made Zhang Bin's captive.

This time Zhang Bin is a big harvest. Get too many heaven accessories.

The number of residual souls has also reached 8 million.

He is happy with blood, many doors and windows, Tiantian main beams, brick tiles.

Today, he is strong, while the blood is all all heavenly accessories.

Just a few minutes of time, it is successful.


These heaven accessories are automatically supplemented to Zhang Bin's heaven.

The wall slowly became perfect, doors and windows, and the Tiantian main beam is also the same.

Finally, it becomes beautiful, and there is no defect.

All are all settled fittings.

And it is extra huge and wide.

Do not narrow, not bigger, you can stretch 999 km.

Too much.

Even, there are still some doors and windows, Tiantian main beams, brick tiles.

Can't be combined.

Because his heavens have been completely perfect.

There is no need for more heaven accessories.

"God, this is already a perfect Tiantian, Zhang Bin this is a perfect Tianstrian robbery, got a perfect heaven. This is too bull, it is a hanging day."

Luo Hong shocked as a fool.

"We can't complete the ideals, he realized that he really had a perfect Tianstrian robbery, combined with a perfect Tiantian. He is one of the most best in the most," Many residents I have a red eye.

Then they are also secretly happy, starting today, they are also separated from the control of the heavens and the earth, and don't give people a robbery.

Don't worry about death.

They as long as they wait quietly their body resurrection.

Then go with your body.

"Perfect Tianship, I finally combined."

Zhang Bin also looked at his perfect heaven, his face was full of pride and pride.

In the past few years, countless geniuses are in the same day, but they basically fall, become the soul.

I don't know if anyone is resurrected?

But I spent the robbery and combined with the perfect heaven.

In fact, the most terrible of the robbery is to start a few times.

Later, you become more and more powerful, and the perfect Tiantian Tianji has no threats.

Well, mainly, I have got a lot of cultivation from the soul.

Make up the cultivation defect, open your own eyes, and improve the practice law.

I not only make my body, but I also built Yin Cao Dioli.

I am so strong that there is too much.

There is nothing defect in practice.

Even the Truth Taoist is still a long-awaited blow to kill himself.

He reached out, the perfect heaven is rid of rapidly, and it is falling in his palm.

He felt that the rolling air transport came from all directions.

Integrate into the heavens.

"Ha ha ha ... no wonder my luck is so good. Not only getting the heaven of the Pig, but also encounters Luo Hong, improved the talent of Dan."

Zhang Bin is happy to laugh.

Today, he breaks through, his Danquity has also broken through a level, reaching 143.

His trial law is also the same, enhanced first, reaching 181.

The timing is the same.

Only Thunder laws, because it has been upgraded to a very high level.

It is because of Xiaoxing's sake.

So, you can't continue to increase.

Then he looked at this ecstasy, sincerely said: "I can give you no matter, let you attach it to my heavens, enjoy the rolling air transport. Commitment to your body resurrection, let yourself I will leave. However, I hope that you can give my skills and the most precious classics. If there are some secrets, or treasures, I can tell me. I am the original road of the trial, and I will not have a river to remove the bridge. If I can get the benefits, I will never treat you. "

Many pasts have followed Zhang Bin's residual soul began to lobby.

Those residual souls quickly moved, Zhang Bin's original road, the trial of the trial is the first.

There is still a perfect heaven, and there is a Taikoo Lingbao Judicial pen.

Plus or five Tianmili, soon it is the six Tiandi.

Such terrorist genius and giant will be a great energy in the Jinqiu Continent.

Their body is still a resurrection, but also must be ignorant.

Therefore, they are all afraid to contribute their skills and precious classics.

Some people also said some hidden treasures.

Let Zhang Bin have got a huge gain.

After all, these residual souls are very powerful, and the Emperor is eight.

They are only two steps from the perfect root.

They do their best, and they think that precious classics are of course non-homogeneous.

They know the treasures, and there is also a calendar that is more than the cattle.

"It's too cool ..."

Zhang Bin is big, he did not immediately explore it immediately, but began to read the practice and classics.

He hopes that he can further further.

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