The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5279, two dead monuments

The flame is crazy to boib.

Tens of thousands of precious medicines have been melted.

It became a special liquid.

Moreover, it becomes hot and the temperature is high to the ultimate.

Burning Zhang Bin's body into red.

The pharmacokine is inflowing in rapid, combined with his body, and has a singular change.

The cells of the body are really stronger, becoming strong, becoming healthy.

Contains more life energy.

Even his soul is also stronger.

Of course, the will tree has not become big, it is only to concise.

This is a magical change.

It is a change in the sky.

It is still a hundred feet more steps to cultivate it.

It is very difficult.

It must be a super adventure.

This refining is not easy, and it has been used for three months.

It is only completed.

Zhang Bin jumped out, his face floated the color of joy, excitedly: "" Strong is about 3%. "


Luo Hong also excitedly.

Although it is only three percent, it is really acknowledrance.

If Zhang Bin met with him the same genius, he could defeat the other party because of cultivating the Dafa.

It can even be said to be crushed.

What's more, this is just the first Dan party.

There are four Danfang behind.

"Thank you for your help, otherwise I have a Dan party that there is no way."

Zhang Bin said.

"You trust me, how can I live up to your trust?"

Luo Hong said, "Now I have a lot of time, I can give you a source of origin."

After that, it immediately condensed a glass of green liquid.

Zhang Bin ranked right away, and gave her a lot of local substances.

Then she absorbed the dragon vessel solution on his shoulder.

Zhang Bin still did not go up, but continued to cultivate.

Establish a way to cultivate Dan.

One breath is also cultivated to the 151st level to stop.

He is happy to renew its emperor.

Can condense more beliefs.

From today, he is the cattle who is six into the emperor.

Of course, I also came to the robbery, this time is a flame, and I am crazy, I am sorry, but Zhang Bin is of course safe.

Instead, it makes the body get a good quenching and become more powerful.

"You can go to the mountain, but you will see how horrible place is that you can kill such a genius Tong."

Zhang Bin muttered.

He also did not use perfect.

It's going to step forward.

Luo Hong has shrunk to only a little bit, worrying about the pool.

Although the mountain is steep, it is a winding path.

There are room cracks, congenital runes, and Taikoo array.

There seems to be not on the road.

So, it is still very smooth when I started.

However, Zhang Bin quickly lamelon.

Because he looks back and looks back.

The back of the road has changed, and the spatial crack of dense lane, countless too ancient script, the first day of the law.

The small road is completely disappeared.

It is equivalent to a horrible trap, which can only be adopted.

"Zhang Bin, this place is too evil door, do you want to go back now, now there is still much farther, maybe go back safely." Luo Hong said.

"Go down? Maybe it's dead?"

Zhang Bin looked at it.

"Try the power of the law?"

Luo Hong nod, suddenly shot a red hot flame in his mouth.

Explosion on the road behind.


The flame is injected into the array.

But he is instantly extinguished, as if there has never been the same.

And a cold murder is also filled.

The array begins to spread forward, as if it is touched.

"Not good, I made a mistake."

Luo Hong's face changed.

"Don't worry, we will continue to come up."

Zhang Bin didn't care at all, and his head did not continue back.

Fast speed is faster than the spread of the abbot.

Since the following array will start from themselves, Luo Hong is not attacking.

I will complete the road sooner.

Let him find the way to go.

Gravity is rapidly improved.

Becoming bigger.

As if countless mountains are crushing on him.

If it is not the power outside Zhang Bin, it is difficult to walk.

Suddenly, a giant monument appeared in front.

It is written on the big words of blood red, "Two dead monuments! Be will die around, and then die!"

"Nima ..."

Zhang Bin and Luo Hong are almost vomiting blood, this is the sign of organism?

This is completely to lead people to completely killing.

Who will wait for a stupid?

It is always necessary to leave immediately.

Whether it is advancing, or back, it is dead.

This is simply too bad.

The horror is that the latter array is rapidly spread.

Spatial cracks are also derived rapidly.

Taikoo rune, terror killing, also started thoroughly.

It seems to be completely caught in the array.

Zhang Bin black face and went to the front of the stone.

The trial pen in his hand, gently locked it.


A crisp sound sounded.

Spark splash.

There is no trace of stone monuments.

"so hard."

Zhang Bin sighs and said, "It seems that this is a very good material. But it can be used to refine the magic weapon."

"Zhang Bin, you want to think about it, the next paragraph will spread."

Luo Hong is very nervous and very depressed. When this is dangerous, Zhang Bin actually studies the material of the stone monument.

"Luo Hong, you see, there is a road behind the stone monument. However, it is blocked by the stone monument, and around the stone monument is a spatial crack and the horrible array. Therefore, the talent of the monument warns to death, and then retreat. Therefore, the only way is to break the stone monument, so you can safely go. This is a test. "Zhang Bin said.

"You are right, then you will attack the stone monument."

Luo Hong said.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin also did not delay. He called all the mana and energy, and the trial pen on the stone monument.

Show the most cattle trick, trial the heavens and the earth.


A sound sound is sounded.

Spark splash.

Stone monument shakes, but still does not have any traces.

There is no signs of broken.

"Pig, come out."

Zhang Bin is anger, yelling.

Suddenly, the Pigs flew out.

Zhang Bin jumped up.

Driving the rushing pig crazy on the stone monument.

Of course, he also slammed the trial on the stone monument.


Sound shock.

The stone monument has a fine crack.

But it is still not broken, it is actually fixed rapidly.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin passed the Hao pig to continue to crazy.

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