The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5280, Death, Gravity Rolling

One breather impact and bombarded nearly 100 times.

Finally, the stone monument crashed down.

Zhang Bin passed the Pigs.

Because the latter array has spread.

There is no extra time.

"It's too thrilling. I worse. I now understand. Now I understand that the emperor who is falling in the past is because I can't go to this level, I can't break the stone monument, I am killed in the array, and finally the body dropped."

Luo Hong was scared, and it was fearful.

"Don't be nervous." Zhang Bin is light, "the stone monument is very bull, it is the genius of the Tenkways. It is also very horrible. But it is a very horrible death. But at all Can't live with me. If I use the beauty of the United States, I can hit it easily. "

He is not blown by blowing.

His perfect Tianding is very horrible, can't be said to be a lot more than the trial pen and the Pig, but there are eight million resident souls above, their mana collection together, that is incomparably horrible, not to mention, his heaven Having some emperors, Zhang Sanyi, Tian Lei Zhengxuan, can call their mana and energy.

Therefore, the perfect heavens are the power of the collective.

Natural is not comparative.

Zhang Bin can break the stone monument by himself and two too ancient Lingbao, which is already very busy.

However, when Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin, also understand, his physical attack of his trial pen is limited.

The main attack is the soul, dealing with the existence of the soul is very bull.

But if it is dealing with such a stone tablet, the explosion of the mountains will not catch it.

In this regard, it is not as good as a pig.

And the porcine is tried by the trial pen.

"Yes, you still have a perfect heaven, I am tense?"

Luo Hong said a little awkward.

Rotate, they both looked back.

Then they are secretly taboo.

Because the broken stone monument has been completely recovered, it is intact.

Intercepting on the road, people can't come, I can't go back.

Obviously, that is the magical application of the array.

The stone monument is certainly a very cattle magic, which can recover quickly under the role of the array.

Zhang Bin continued to go up.

This time he is driving a Porcupine.

The Pig is very heavy, step on the road, there is a footprint on the road.

However, it quickly disappeared.

The rocks on the road also have magical recovery capabilities.

"It's a good array of laws, this is certainly arranged to practice the array to the very senior Tianmili."

Zhang Bin praised the way. If it is arranged around his own empire, even if it is a truth, it is not so easy to enter.

How much Tianjiao once I have ever been ever?

The road becomes more steep, and murderous has become more rich.

The spatial cracks around are creep, as if they will spread at any time.

And behind them, the array is really spreading, let them have no way.

About more than a dozen kilometers, the road has changed.

Being straight, like a straight steep road.

The dangerous breath is also emitted from the mountain.

The dim, it seems to have a horrible eye to watch.

Excorps an evil atmosphere.


Zhang Bin smiled coldly.

He continued to rush to the Pig, and the speed is accelerating. He instinctively feels that there seems to be organic on this road.

The sooner the better.

Sure enough, I quickly saw a stone monument standing on the side of the road.

The above wrote: "Death Po, once killed 699 genius Tianmili, only two people escaped, do you do a good death?"

"Dried Pear. True and Dead."

Luo Hongru is anger, shouting in an emergency.

Zhang Bin's face became very serious.

The owner of this mountain is definitely not a good person.

Killer is happy.

It seems that no one has successfully went to the top of the mountain in numerous years.

No, someone went there, but it was dead there, it seems to be dead.

That is really problematic.

Moreover, Zhang Bin also had a huge doubt.

Since you have died so many emperors, where is their body?

After all, just more than 100 emperors below are gold bones.

Is it difficult to arrange a group of array, in fact, in the hunting of the emperor, to capture everything.

Also, most of the Tongmie has a good treasure.

Emperor, Tianting, Emperor Print, herbs, exercises, secrets.

As long as you can kill a sky, there are huge gains.

Do you have such a tribiot, and there is such a poisonous and vicious means?

It's not so powerful to rely on yourself, but rely on everything in the Emperor's Emperor?

At this moment, Zhang Bin's heart has picked the anger.

If this person is still alive, it must be killed, and give these deaths.

The array is still spreading, from the backstakes.

The top of the mountain road sounded the sound of the sky, and it seems that there is a horrible monster to scroll down.

"Danger, extreme danger ..."

Luo Hong began to tall, "Zhang Bin, this time may be miserable. You must be careful."

Without Luo Hong reminded that Zhang Bin also felt a rich death crisis.

It killed 699 Tianmi here, they all broke the stone monument, and they were very powerful and even powerful to terrible.

However, they are falling here.

Obviously the attack is incomparably horrible.

Zhang Bin only cultivated to the eight levels of the Emperor.

Even so, Zhang Bin still has no panic.

He didn't go forward, he looked at the mountain.

Then he suddenly moved, and rushed to the rushing pig.

With a moment of destroying the earth.

Because Zhang Bin understands what the organs of this mountain road are.

The more dangerous is, the more dangerous below.

Boom ...

The horrible voice sounded.

A huge roller rolls from above.

This roller is red, which is contaminated with countless emperors.

About more than ten meters long, about 20 meters long.

Anyway, put all the way, there is no gap.

Terrible is that the roller is densely marma is congenital rune.

Excorps a breath of destroying everything.

Obviously, this is an extremely horrible Taikoo Lingbao.

And it is the probability.

On such a mountain pass, encounter a horrible gravity attribute of Taikoo Lingbao.

Crazy is crushing down, both sides are array, and the air is also a magic.

Really horrible.

Who is to grasp the resistance?


Zhang Bin is angry, he is the perfect heaven and fly out.

It landed on the mountain road.

Deeply packed into the rocks.

And it has become a lot.

Also block the road completely.

He is bright in his heart.

May be hit.

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