The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5281 is difficult

However, if the heavens are rooted on the ground, they will be borrowed.

That situation will be much better.

Boom ...

That gravity roller rolled down with a murder of the sky, heaven and earth in the thrill, and the mountains were shaking.

Obviously heavy.

It is also horrible to the extreme.

I finally hit it in the tianeau.


A horrible giant, spark splash.

The perfect heavens are also unable to resist, and begin slowly.

There is a crack in the wall.

If it has been crushed on the stone, it will definitely break it all.

Zhang Bin also will be crushed into a powder.

Even if there is no, it will also be hit into the horrible big array.

It's hard to say that it is hard to say.

Anyway, so many the emperors who have broken the stone monument were killed.

Zhang Bin may not have to be strong than them.

In such a place, the perfect height is not too much.

Because you don't escape.

It is completely only to die, hard fight.


Zhang Bin entered his heaven.

Open the back door, naturally see the huge gravity roller, is slowly crushing down.


Zhang Bin shouted.

Suddenly, eight million residual souls simultaneously call the mana, all bombarded on the roller.


A loud noise.

The roller shakes up, but it will continue to crush down immediately.

"Hao pig, give me ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

He allowed the Pig to shrink and went to the gaps made of heavens and rollers.

Top it hard.

Many residual souls are also inheriting with the mana.

Finally, it is more difficult to stop the roller.

But the danger has not been in the past.

Because the latter array spread quickly.

If it is wrapped by a mapping, it may be traged.

Blood refining ...

Zhang Bin shouted, his mouth was spit into blood.

Falling on the roller, constitutes your own name.

As for the way to make a hole, it is a thoughtful thinking.

Taikoo Lingbao is extremely hard, it is not necessarily to break a hole for hundreds of years.

The only way is blood.

However, Zhang Bin's face changed.

Because the blood can't work.

This roller is owned by the owner.

So, this is simply killing.

No wonder 699 uncommon Talents, they are falling here.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin's hands appeared in the hands of the southern, squatting on the ground.

The bottom is of course rock, and it is an unsteady rock.

Can withstand the rolling of the roller.

Naturally hard to the ultimate.


A loud sound, spark splash.

The Southern Sword rebounds back, but the ground is even a trace.

If you want to play a hole, go to it, it is almost impossible.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, his trial pen broke the incomparable light.

The sharp striker began to rotate quickly on the road.


This rock is hard to terror, but it is supported by law.

The rhizophobic rule, the increase in the increase of the alphabet, and has an inventory.

However, Zhang Bin has created a trial rule, and he can tried everything, all of the creatures.

So, although it is difficult to break, it is slowly drilled in.

Slowly constitute a hole.

If there is another one, it can only dream.

Therefore, it is basically fallen, and it is very tragic.

The bastards arranged in this trap are very vicious, countless.

"Don't let me know who you are, I will not die, I am not Zhang Bin."

Zhang Binnai is a great anger. He took a trial pen and narrowed his body. He went to the hole.

Then he made a heart, it was necessary to be flattened with the talents and the porchers into his body into his body.

There is no blocking, the gravity roller, of course, with the sky, crazy, crushing down.

Finally, I hit it on the stone monument.

Can engulcize it by a mapping method.

White fog is filled, can't see the back change.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he jumped out.

Continue to quickly.

"Zhang Bin, you are really too powerful."

Luo Hong praised endless.


More than just the terrorist strength of Zhang Bin, but also to admire Zhang Bin's strain ability.

There is no waste of any minute.

Moreover, he is starting to fly and strive for time.

Otherwise, the latter method is spread up and swallow the heavens.

Tianting has fallen into the array, then there may be no life.

"There is also a more horrible difficulties behind, and these two levels are not."

Zhang Bin said seriously, "even, there is no one to leave here, here is the murder, do not give people."

"Too bastard, too vicious."

Luo Hong is also anger.

"People who arrange array are still alive, the roller is owned."

Zhang Bin's face was filled with a jealousy color. At this time, he has a little regret.

Should not be on this horrible mountain.

This is not a chance, but a horrible death robbery.

If you cultivate yourself to the Ten level, then you may not be afraid of each other.

But I didn't practice it.

It is very troublesome.

The strength of the other party is not as good as the truth, but the absolute distance is not far away.

Is there such a horrible magic in the semi-sealing area?

It's so scary.

Does the land nor?

Still this is a place?

What are they so evil?

Let him depressed that he wants to find a safe place to improve strength.

The latter array is still moving.

It will chase his butt door, let him only go quickly.

He is black and jealous.

His body exudes ice cold to the ultimate murder.

Finally, he walked this road.

Then it is a valley.

The head of the valley is another road.

There is no array among the valleys, but the labeling is spread.

This is not a safe place.

The horror is that there are many hills in the valley, which look like a humanoid grave.

There is also a rich emperor exudation from it.

Even in the mountain bag, it also reveals dark golden feet.

Obviously, there is also a super cow, and the mountain road has passed the mountain road with a special approach.

But it is falling here.

The body is covered by the soil.

There is a stone monument in the entrance of the valley, which is written above: "Emperor Valley, once lost 218 top Emperors, the next one is you."

"Dry Pear ..."

Luo Hong broke.

Zhang Bin is a little bit a little, this carrot is male or female?

Is it going to become a male in the future?

However, he is soon throwing this idea.

Observe the valley finely.

Because there is not much time, the horrible array is about to catch up.

That must be killing, and you will be able to suffer horrible attacks.

What kind of attack is it?

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