The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5285 goes to the top of the mountain, then see the gold belt

Zhang Bin slowly moved up, the speed is not too fast, his face is full of vigilance.

There have been some changes in the mountain path in front of you.

Bending curved songs and hovering.

After all, the mountain peak is too steep.

The latter array continues to spread, and the way is completely blocked.

Let Zhang Bin can only go up, can't go down.

The two sides of the mountain road are the parafage and spatial cracks of terror.

There is no way to escape.

"Zhang Bin, the bastard must be very powerful, even if you guess, it is imprisoned, but it is still able to manipulate the array of words here, you must be careful."

Luo Hong became very nervous, and the body was stabbed.

Obviously, its courage is small.

Born to be afraid of such places.

No wonder it cultivates countless years, but also can't cultivate into a local family, and it is not dare to enter.

Naturally, there is too much machine.

Of course, if it comes back, it is not small, it is estimated that it has already fallen.

So, the courage is not necessarily the advantage, and it will die faster.

The goods can be lived longer.

"Don't worry, we will not have something, but it is the bastard, and it is dead."

Zhang Bin is full of confidence, a prisoner, there is no , can you force, how can it be?


Just when he was confident, countless arrows from the front, also burst from behind, with a murder of the sky.

This arbitel is extremely blue.

It is obviously a poisonous.

"The road of arrow, the poison attack?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color. He has once, and it has entered the perfect heaven.

Countless arrows are shot in the tianship.

Dangdang ...

Like the same sound as the iron. Spark splash.

Perfect Tianding is safe and innocent, and there is no trace.

However, Zhang Bin did not dare to underestimate such an attack.

If it is shot, it may be poisoned.

So he rushed to the perfect heaven, with a moment of destroying everything, rapidly.

It is quite hit in many arrows.

All the way is mad.

Boom ...

It's rolling down.

With horrible to the ultimate momentum.

Terrible is that there will be three rollers in a row and roll down.

The speed is like lightning.

This is simply no vitality.

There is also arrow bursts.

Heaven can't resist such rolling.

It will be broken, and then it will be crushed into a powder.

Even if you escape, it will certainly fall into the big array, it is estimated that there is no living road.

"During the end, it is dead."

Luo Hong's face floated the fear, and the body kept trepidated.

Anyway, it can't see any vitality.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a despise, and he rushed sharply with his heavens.

The zoom is that there is only pertish rice, it will go to the limit.

No more you can shrink.

He will drive on the mountain road and wait for the roller to roll down.

It seems that he has a good way to respond.

Soon, the gravity roller rolled in front of the murder.

It is going to be crushed in the perfect heaven.

Zhang Bin was able to control the sky, and the lightning flashed on the side, and it had already joined it in the array.

In fact, it is madly impact among the array.

Read countless books, naturally have a certain understanding of the array.

Zhang Bin hits this place, is the weak place of the array.

The spatial crack is also very horrible, but it is impossible to break the perfect Tiantian.


The array is vibrating and depressed.

Tianship naturally kills the array.

And countless spatial cracks hit together.

There have been a lot of cracks in terraine.

It seems that it is necessary to break it next.

If it is Zhang Bin's body, enter such a place, it is estimated that it will be broken immediately.

Rumbler ...

Three rollers have wiped the sky with a murder of the sky, and the blink is far away.

Zhang Bin rushed out of the big array and returned to the mountain road.

There is no delay, and the tiabs are quickly arrogant on the mountain road.

He wants to go to the top of the mountain as soon as possible.

He felt that these array may not be arranged in the other party, but the bulls of the bastards are arranged, which may be used to deal with the giant of this bastard.

However, because countless years, this bastard may master a part of the array.

It is also possible to have no mastery at all, he can refine remotely.

Therefore, there is no decrease in danger, the better the top of the mountain.

"Hey, Zhang Bin, you are really too cattle, I admire the five-body investment."

Luo Hong praised, "Now, I am getting more and more confidence in your confidence, you must have a hard time, kill the bastard."

Zhang Bin is lazy, it is rapid, and it has passed more than a dozen horrible level.

He finally came to the top of the mountain.

The picture he saw once again appeared again.

The bodies of the two Emperor appeared in front of the eye.

One of the huge towering, like a mountain, how to have a height of billions kilometers, the momentum, the pressure like the sea

He is sitting on the ground, holding a huge talents in his hand. Put a black long sword on your forehead.

The belt like the dragon is also surrounded by his waist.

And another emperor is lying on the ground, holding a golden Tiandiyiny in his hand.

Although it is not very huge, Di Wei is extremely horrible.

It's not asya giant.

Even if this is a body, it is also much powerful than the body of the earth in the valley below.

The pressure makes Zhang Bin a little discomfort.

"God, what kind of horror is this? Is it a local family?"

Luo Hong sent a shouting shocked.

Don't say Luo Hong, even Zhang Bin felt very shocked.

These two fallen Tianmili, their strength is definitely not patriants, and may even be stronger.

However, they are attributable to here.

And they did not have made it into a puppet, obviously too geniuses, even the horror babers who are good at .

Even even the treasure on them, there is no way to get it.

No, the bastard is imprisoned.

Of course, there is no way to get their treasures, otherwise, it is estimated.

After all, that bastard is too horror and powerful.

Zhang Bin's eyes were projected onto the small temple that was not far.

It seems that it is dull, but it is dark gold, exudes rich to the ultimate, unsteady.

There is a thick dust, with historical vicissitudes.

Obviously it is already ancient.

It is also for a long time, no one has entered it.

What secrets are there in the small temple?

Is there any magical treasure?

So the two horrible Tianmili is worth it?

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