Rotary, Zhang Bin is a little doubtful, in this case, where is the prisoner?

Where is the baking egg of the refining?

Is it ...

Zhang Bin's eyes slowly projected into the huge body of the sky.

His eyes were squinted, and the face also floated the singular expression.

There is also a way in your mouth: "Golden belt, you caught me in the past, how can I not talk today?"

The gold belt is silent, as if it is a dead.

In fact, most of the imperial soldiers have a spiritual, but they will not speak.

This ability is specially removed when refining.

The Taikoo Lingbao, which is born in heaven, is also the same.

Otherwise, such treasures are eternal, maybe I can find a way to improve your own strength, then if you want to kill the soul, no one can make it.

Instead, some of the magic weapons in the world are intelligent.

That is the refilled person, I don't know this taboo.

However, the world, the magic weapon is also difficult to become incapacitated.

However, in such a place in the golden continent, it is very strong, it is very suitable for Fa Bao cultivation.

Once the magic weapon has a spirit, it will become incomparable to terror.

In the past, Zhang Bin did not know this truth, but now he read too much of the book, but understands this truth.

So, he is also suspected that the gold belt will not speak.

The past is the babble, and the gold belt is controlled to lure him.

Even, the bastard can not completely control the gold belt.

So there is no way to let the gold belt shot, and Zhang Bin directly caught.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, Zhang Bin at that time is too weak, even if it caught the golden continent, it will collapse into a broken meat directly under the role of horrible gravity, and completely fall. .

The babysque is naturally unable to get any benefits.

This is of course not he looks forward.

"Available bastard, why don't you talk? I am coming, get to your site, how can you take me?"

Zhang Bin made a ridicule.

But the weird is, there is still no sound, a dead.

The horror is that the array of mountains has spread.

The top of the mountain is completely packaged, blocked, and there is no gap.

Zhang Bin wants to escape, almost no possibility.

"Lying in the trough is too strange."

Luo Hong was scared, and the body kept treteking.

Two strange little temples, strong horrible two Tianyu bodies.

It seems to be vivid, and it can be hurt at any time.

The murderous murder in the air is also a rich, ominous breath is also a great pole.


Don't say Luo Hong, even Zhang Bin is secretly frightened.

He did not take nearly two dead Tianyu body, and he was observed far away.

These two bodies are too surprised, too powerful.

If you want to say traps, that traps are two Tianyu body, or is the strange little temple.

"Is it, the bastard of the refining is one of these two Emperor. His body is killed, but the same is true, but his soul is still alive? So, can he still refine, or can Control the gold belt? "

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He caught in deep meditation.

It is the possibility of giants, because he can manipulate the gold belt.

If it is lying on the earth's body, then he is hard to manipulate the gold belt.

The gold belt seems to be an emperor, and it seems to be a Taikoo Lingbao.

Hide most of the properties.

People can't see.

That black sword is the Taikoo Lingbao, there is countless congenital rune on the surface.

Evil to the ultimate Taikoolete, also exudes a horrible to the ultimate murder.

"If it is caught, these treasures can't be moved, and you will die."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he didn't explore the small temple, and did not take the magic weapon.

He is just the place in the ground, and it enters the cultivation.

It's too horrible here, and the strength is the most important.

If he also cultivates 10 levels, even if it is caught in him, he is not afraid.

The emperor, the gold belt, and the black sword are all gentle treasures.

Since it comes up, you must get it.

Strong to his point, only the trial pen is not enough to use.

He needs a sharp Taikoo Lingbao who can go to fight, and the black sword is very good.

Can you wear a giant's head, why should it be?

That gold belt also has a magical use.

"Hey ... Kid, are you not to kill me? How did you have no movement? Come, come kill me?"

The arrogant voice suddenly sounded, but it was passed from the small temple.

It seems that the bastard is imprisoned in the small temple.

"Oh ... Waiting for me to cultivate the tenth level, then destroy you, let you completely kill, let you never resurrect."

Zhang Bin made a smile, "you are also very arrogant, saying that I have to make me into a perfect, but now I don't dare to come out, it is a mouse."


Luo Hong was shouting.

"Do you want to practice here? Is it a dream?"

The arrogant voice smiled and drinked, "the array of laws."

His voice has not yet fallen, and the array wrapped in the top of the mountain extends slowly, and the area of ​​the top of the mountain is to be completely covered.

Let Zhang Bin have no foundation.

Forced him to enter the small temple, then it is the place where death.

And that bastard is really taboo, I am worried that he cultivates him from ten levels, there is no way to deal with it.

"This is troublesome, if it is even a foothold, there is no doubt."

Luo Hong's face changed, becomes particularly nervous.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin still didn't have any fear, he made a contempt.

A trial pen appeared in his hand.

Rapidly extends, becomes long, then printed on the Tiandi in the same hand lying on the ground.


A horrible giant, spark splash.

Tiandiyin has been a strange force, flying from the Hand of the Emperor.

However, it suddenly became a big place, and it hooded to Zhang Bin.

"Not good, middle planned."

Zhang Bin's face is slightly annoyed.

He thought that the impact of the refining may be the giant of the emperor, the soul is not dead, but because the forehead stabs a horrible sword, but the body died, the soul was also imprisoned, and no longer came.

As for the sound sent by the small temple, it may be a special secret law.

It is to transfer his attention.

I thought that the trap was in the small temple.

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