The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5287 is tied

So, I want to get those magic weapons and enhance their strength.

After all, today's array is closed.

I have to enter the small temple.

Didn't think of it, it is directly.

The soul of the corpse lying on the ground is not dead, he is the bastard of the refining.

And his soul, it is likely to hide in the small temple.

Imprisoned inside.

He is the magic weapon of Tiandi, can't take it closely by the body of the body.

No, it may also be imprisoned by mysterious strength and can't get off.

But now it has broken the seal by his trial pen, so you can attack him Zhang Bin.

Of course, all this is the speculation of Zhang Bin, is this, it also needs to be verified.


Zhang Bin angry, he went to the perfect heaven.

Driven the Tiantian's impact on that day.


A horrible giant, spark splash.

Zhang Bin's perfect heaven is directly smoked.

There is a hole in the roof.

And that emilings are also rebounded.

But it is not damaged.

Distribute an endless breath, powerful to a terrible point.

The horror is that heaven and earth printed once again crazy.


Zhang Bin greeted, he appeared in heaven, 8 million souls also appeared in territory.

At the same time, the terrorist mana, bombarded the babard.


A horrible giant ring.

The emperor was flying.

But it is to continue to madly, as if I don't know how tired.

Zhang Bin can only continue to fight against the attack.

The horror is that the array will continue to close.

The breath of death has become extravagant


Zhang Bin was angry, he was able to control the body of the two Tianji's body.

Since it has triggered a trap, it is not dangerous close.

He is the attack on the emperor's impression.

On the other hand, it is brought to the black sword.

If you can refine the black sword, his war can improve a lot.

However, because the emperor is too high, his head is in the air.

Deemed into the array.

It is almost impossible to get it.

Even the gold belt is also the same.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin is anger, his trial pen is pushed in this body.

Suddenly, this feat is overset.

Magical things happened.

The body of this Tiandi is sharply reduced.

It is soon zoomed to only two meters high.

Directly fell to the ground.

like a statue.

Of course, the black sword on his forehead is still there.

There is also a gold belt on the waist.

Zhang Bin is big, and immediately go to grab the black sword.

However, he suddenly stopped.

Because he felt the weird place.

This black sword is clearly lying on the earth.

Since the soul of the Emperor is still, hiding in the small temple, may also hide in the body.

It is certainly possible to manipulate the sword to attack him Zhang Bin.

This is a too ancient spiritual treasure.

The power is terrible.

But there is nothing.

Obviously there is special purpose.

Moreover, if you pull out this sword, can I really seal it?

So Zhang Bin's eyes were projected onto the gold medal, and blood was sprayed in their mouths.

Falling on the gold belt and constitutes his name.

I want to refine it.

But the quirky thing happened.

The gold medal has suddenly floated a weird name, and Zhang Bin's bloodball is easily flying.

Zhang Bin is a heart, what is going on?

Is this the soul of this Emperor?

Just die?

Otherwise, how can this happen?

So, the soul of the two Emperor is still alive?

Are their magics can't be moved?

The soul of the Giant Tale may be locked in the body.

And the sword can not be pulled out, and it is kept tight by the bodies of the giant Emperor.

Once the sword is pulled out, will the soul of the giant Emperor will escape?

Then be killed by the sword?

The soul of the Elf Emperor will take the initiative?

What is the gold belt really want to help me?

Want me to save his owner?

The reason why you can speak, is a soul energy escape.

But driving the gold belt, the soul energy dissipates?

Zhang Bin really is a bit confused.

This situation is too complicated.

His heart is also hair.

And the situation is extremely urgent.

He is slightly sinking, reaching out, grabbing the gold belt, and pulling hard to pull the gold belt.

However, the horrible thing happened that the gold belt instantly became a golden light, shot in Zhang Bin.

Directly bundled Zhang Bin into a scorpion, even, bundled the trial pen.

Countless congenital runes have emerged quickly, and Zhang Bin and trial pen are completely seal.

He didn't do it with the trial pen.

" ..."

Almost at the same time, there is no more proud sound, "Kid, are you not very delicate? Isn't it very cow? How is it? Isn't it to be caught by me? Also I can refine into a perfect ."

"Is there a matter you come out? Do you dare to come out?"

Zhang Bin was in a hurry.

"I don't dare to come out?"

A came out from the back of the small temple.

It looks a very powerful body.

He looked at Zhang Bin using the same eyes as the dead. "Let you be fox, but also fight me. Laozi kills the emperor countless, how can it be planted in such a kid? That is a big joke."

"What exists in the end?"

Zhang Bin said angryly, "Which one is your body?"

" ..."

The Tiandi sent a lot of smart laugh, "You guess?"

"Is the elf Emperor? No, is the giant of the emperor?"

Zhang Bin said.

He still has no way to figure out now.

"Guess you can't do a confused ghost?"

That Emperor said, "Now, I will send you to the way."

"Wait a minute." Zhang Bin said, "Don't you want to refine the perfect , look like, I am not living, I am willing to cooperate with you, but you have to tell me what is going on here? Who are you? What is the little temple? "

"Oh ..." The Tiandi sent a strange laugh. "Where is this? I can tell you. This temple is actually a magic weapon. As long as there is the ability to find this temple, then enter, then You can go to the world of the local family. SANT, this is the attractive temple of the local countries. "

"The Temple of the Native Nationality?" Zhang Bin slammed, "This temple is obviously movable, but why is it not moving here? Why is you fall here?"

"There are two kinds of temples, one is to move, one is fixed in some place, this attraction temple is fixed here."

Tiandi said.

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