"Hey, I see you is crazy? Is it fantasy to kill me?"

The Tiandi sent a crazy laugh, and his face floated and scornful.

"Fantasy is still there, if you come true?"

Zhang Bin said faintly, "You are a soul, do evil, today is to be retributed."

"Ha ha……"

The Tiandi sent a scream, "How much powerful existence, how much powerful Tongmie? Even a soul, you can kill everything. You, . Do you dare to fight?"

"In my eyes, you are a Sandby."

Zhang Bin said, "I want to kill, it's too simple."

"My Tiandiyin can quickly destroy all your believous. Then I easily kill you." The Tiandi said proudly, "and you are tied by the gold belt, it is absolutely impossible to move. , I was bundled, I can't move, let alone you? "

"is it?"

Zhang Bin smiled, his body suddenly lit up the light, not, exactly, his hair ligshed the bright light.

His body is a Taikoo Lingbao, and the gold belt is very cattle, and his trial pen includes a pen.

It is mainly because Zhang Bin's realm is not true, and all the power of the trial pen cannot be played.

Plus can't be unfained, it is tied directly, it is sealed.

However, the gold medal is unable to block the hair of Zhang Bin.

Therefore, the hair suddenly outlined two horrible characters in the air: death penalty.

The instant became a large coverage.

Then suddenly split, becomes two death penalty.

A detonation on the forehead of the Giant Temple.

Another one will take it, print on the forehead of the Emperor of the Emperor.

"It's impossible ... absolutely impossible ..."

The Tiandi sent a big shout that did not dare to confuse.

Then he was drunk, and he fell to the ground.

The body is not moving.

However, his Tiandiyin is still crazy.

Obviously, the soul of the elf is still hidden.

Continue to control the Tiandiyin attack.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a clear laugh. "It turned out that your soul was blocked in the body, this is a horrible attack secret law."

His mind, the hair once again wrote the death penalty, turned into a big word, shot on the forehead of the Elf Emperor.

In an instant, the attack of Tiandiyin was weakened.

It is obviously his soul suffered from heavy.

"I is negligent. It turns out that you have a horrible secret law, you can use special attacks, kill the body, block the enemy's soul in the body, let it can't escape again, then you want to resurrect." Zhang Bin said faintly, "And you just lied, although your body killed by the giant Emperor, but your soul likes to hide in the body of the moon, because it is the safest place, because no one will attack A body without any vitality. Even if there is a genius of the emperor, come to the top of the mountain, you are safe. Even, he will think that all attacks are tests, including those who are the attack. "


The elf the Emperor suddenly jumped up, and the horrible black rays shot.

In an instant, the death penalty was dispensed.

Then he slammed Zhang Bin's head that had not been broken away.

"It turned out that you made you also made it into a squat, the cattle is forcing. Admire."

Zhang Bin praised, "" With his own body refining, don't suffer. "

And his body suddenly looked up, the trial pen is the same.

Then, his body and the trial pen are thoroughly integrated.

This is the magical secret law studying from Zhang Donghe Liu Chao.

It is a great improvement of war.

However, it is still tied by the gold belt, not enough to let him get stripped.


The fist of the Elf Temple is on Zhang Bin's brain.

However, just defeat Zhang Bin on the ground.

It is no loss.

Obviously, he has thus enhanced defense.

Even, his hair once again wrote the words of the death penalty.

Instantly blast on the forehead of the Elf Emperor.


The Elf Tongmie made a scream of fear.

The body is that it is rapidly and retreats, keeps shurns, can't stand it.

"Trial ... death penalty ..."

Zhang Bin shouted with cold smile.

His hair wrote more death penalty, bursting over, on the forehead of the Elf Emperor.

It has been bombarded nearly a thousand times.

Elf Emperor is finally on the ground.

The mouth is also a big shout, "I am uncomfortable, I don't accept it, I am obviously what I won, why?"

"You are retribution."

Zhang Bin said with a smile and continued to attack crazy.

The other party's soul is very powerful, but after all, there is no body, to resist the attack of Zhang Bin's trial rules.

And this guy is dying, his emperor is also stopped attacking.

He has no ability to manipulate the emperor attack.


Eight million people shouted, they bombarded all the law on the Dwarf.

Bang ...

Tianshure crack.

The body of the elf is hit.

Then just move it.

His soul was dying.

It is now completely killed.

"Zhang Bin, you are too big, great ..."

Luo Hong shouted excitedly.

"There is a soul in the district. Since I came to the top of the mountain, I was destined to death."

Zhang Bin said, "I thought it was a living, it was very troublesome."

He was tied by the gold belt, and he had a way to get off and kill the soul of the giant of the emperor.

However, he still did not do this.

Because he doesn't want to kill any good people.

And the giant is not a bad person, he will also judge.

Therefore, he also only used the trial rule to attack the soul of the giant Tongmie once.

In the powerful strength of the giant, certain can be resistant.

Therefore, the gold belt also continues to tie Zhang Bin.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin and the trial pen were integrated, and the war has skyrocketed.

He is crazy, struggling crazy.

However, it is still struggling.

"If you don't let me go, I can only kill your master."

Zhang Bin was anger.

This is of course frightening gold belt.

However, the gold belt is like a fool, continue to tie Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin spurted blood, flew out from the gap of the belt, formed his name on the sword of the black sword.

He began to crazy.

Since the owner has fallen.

So it is easy to refine.

Just a few minutes, it thoroughly refines.

Zhang Bin's heart is moving, and the sword has been pulled out from the head of the giant Tianmili.


In an instant, an incomparable soul flew out.

At a glance, he issued a laughter of the scene ...

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