The soul of the giant Tianyu laughed in the madness, and his face was full of ecstasy.

"Ha ha ha ... hahaha ... elf, you traged? Thoroughly tragedy?"

"Ha ha ha ... teenager, you finally come? Do you kill the elf?"

"My giant climb is finally touched, and finally recovered."


"Seniors, I will come, help you with revenge, kill the elf."

Zhang Bin is still struggling, I want to break free, but the gold belt is really too burning, or struggling.

So, he had to say hello, "Quickly put away your congenital spiritual treasure, this first Tian Lingbao is too powerful, it is incredible."

"Don't worry, wait for a while."

The soul of the giant clip said, "I ask you, how did you kill the elf? It is not easy to kill him."

"The bastard is very delicate, it is also very powerful, good at controlling."

Zhang Bin said, "But I am not weak, because I have perfect talents ... I finally broke the road, I found a top of the mountain, I found that he manipulated a grand temple, so I took him Killing. Then I found that his soul was hidden in the body, and crazy attacking his body, killing it. Then I pulled out the sword, and touched your gold belt, but was bundled Living."

This is half-half vacation, and the things you have trapped in the top of the mountain.

Just try this, the other party is a good person or a bad person.

After all, today's Zhang Bin is tied, it seems that there is no ability to resist, and you can kill.

If there is a bad heart, it can be handed.

Zhang Bin, but there are too many treasures, perfect heavens, trial pen, the black sword, the extracted elf, the Tiandiyin, which has dropped on the ground.

Any one worth even.

Zhang Bin is equal to the opponent of temptation.

After all, he was attracted by the other party, and the natural heart was worried.

If the other party is not good, he certainly wants to kill each other.

So far, only the truth is still alive, so far, only the truth is still alive and the Thunder.

"Hahaha ..."

The soul of the giant, sent a smile, "Not bad, you are very powerful, the wisdom is also very good. You think that he is safe, you can get my magic weapon? Don't know, this is true Death trap? Now, I have to resurrect with the energy of your body, so I am sorry, I can only kill you here. "

"Do you actually kill me?"

Zhang Bin's face floated and did not dare to confuse the color. "I saved you, no me, you will never escape."

"Hey, actually, I am very grateful to you. I really have to be tied, I can't come out among the body of the dead." The soul of the giant is said, "if it is Place, not in this Jedi, I only need to collect all your treasures, I will let you, but here, I have to kill you, because I want to resurrect, I can only swallow your flesh. So I am really sorry, I am sorry. "

In the golden continent, if the body is falling, the soul is still alive.

If the soul has blended a lot of immortal substances.

The body is the same.

That is still resurrected faster.

However, there is a need for a lot of energy, but also special secrets.

Elf Emperor can't resurrect, because you don't get a lot of energy, you don't have a special secret law.

No, the elf the Emperor has a special secret method, that is, refining a perfect .

So, he is doing everything possible to catch a living person, and if you are super genius.

"You only have a soul left, so many years, can you still borrow the energy resurrection of others?"

Zhang Bin's face has a problem that I can't confuse, "I don't, do you teach me this secret method? In the future, my soul can be quickly resurrected?"

"Hey ..." The soul of the giant emperor sent a horrible whisper. "Since you want to kill you, of course, you will be difficult to do it, so that you will be difficult to do. So, you will die, my secret law will not disclose Give you, you won't leave your soul. Get your treasure, then I can have a lot of powerful, absolutely can push the door. Then become the disciple of the land. "

"Become a disciple of the local country? What do you mean?"

Zhang Bin said, he felt that the previous elf is lying.

So, you must take information from the giant's mouth.

The strange little temple may have another mystery.

"You come here, you have died so much, I don't know what this Temple is doing. It's really too vocal. Ok, I will tell you the secret, let you go peacefully." Giants The soul of the Emperor said faintly. "There are two kinds of inheritance methods, which is two kinds of macros. One is to move, and the genius disciple will send the local family, and the other is fixed small. Temple, there is an inheritance method of the local family, if your tachip is very good, can pass through the tests on the way to go to the temple door, you can get the inheritance of the local family. That will cultivate to a certain point, Just become a real home, you can ignore the robbery of the world. It is free to live in the world. "

"Nima, the emperor of the elf is too lie. He actually said that the small temple will be sent to the local family. Not to get inheritance."

Zhang Bin broke into the heart.

However, this giant is not a truth, he is also difficult to judge.

Anyway, this kind of giant giant in the years, all of which are all fine, and the extreme.

If you are not careful, you have to eat a big loss.

"Well, now, I will send you to the way."

The giant of the giants said with a whistle, and his hand has a golden controversy, which exudes an extremely horrible breath.

It is necessary to stick to Zhang Bin's forehead.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a contempt, his heart, the black sword took the past, with a rich murder.

The soul of the Giant Temple.


The soul of the giant Temple is directly smashed.

However, the blink of an eye is together.

Nothing loss.

He whispered, "Kid, I am fighting with this sword, how can I be hurt? I see, you still don't resist it, because it is there without any use."

"Perfect Tianship, give me ..."

Zhang Bin shouted with cold smile.

Suddenly, his perfect heaven has become a golden light, and he hits the soul of the giant Tian Di.

"Ha ha……"

The soul of the giant Emperor became black, and blinkped into Zhang Bin's body.

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