The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5328, three people, while the soul

Zhang Bin's two souls are sitting in a special place and is practicing the Strong Soul of Faith.

This special place is his Tiandiyin.

Here is full of appreciation.

The power of faith is white, but with a touch of faint gold.

The two souls pinch the special legal cliff, and the golden rays were lit up.

Countless beliefs swallowed in their mouth, then flow from the nostrils.

It looks very weird.

However, the effect is very obvious.

The soul becomes more and more powerful.

It seems to get moisturizing and lainting.

In fact, it is true that it is not only moist, but also washed it, so that the soul becomes more pure.

Even the soul lights that blend together with the Taigu Soul Rune also become extra bright and hot, and the temperature is improved, and it seems that the force of faith has become a special fuel.

Therefore, the soul has also received special quenching.

Quality is naturally rapidly upgraded.

"Concentrate ..."

Zhang Bin feels that the war is in front of him. He also dares to neglect.

Start to continue to condense the ecstasy in the soul.

First condense on the sanctuary.

Since the quality is strong, it is very easy to condense the first one.

without crashing.

There are no signs to collapse.

And more condensed, Zhang Bin felt that the law soul was strong, especially the defense ability increased more.

"It's great, it is so good. My soul is still stronger."

Zhang Bin joyful, his heart is bright, if the rune is not perfect, it is a more antiques that will never condense more.

The soul can't afford it.

Defense is not strong.

In other words, the perfect Taikoo soul rune enhances the defense of the soul, and there is no flaw, in order to condense more Taikoo soul.

If the two souls are condensed, a perfect Taikoo soul is coming.

Then it will force it.

Zhang Bin will continue to condense.

The second, third, fourth.

Ten of a breath is up to the limit.

It can't be condensed again.

So he began to condense on the energy soul.

It also condenses 10, which has reached the limit.

That is, the mana soul and energy soul have 5010 too ancient soul.

Zhang Bin felt that his soul has a quality change.

The war has improved a lot.

"If I now enter the moon palace of Jingyang Autumn, I can kill him directly."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face also floated deep confidence.

However, he is still not arrogant.

He didn't know that the Truth of Truth, the verses of the top of the local economy were not perfect.

If so, then the trouble is big.

It is dangerous to kill your own soul.

Therefore, you can only continue to work hard to improve the strength.

One to 10,000 time flow rates.

As long as you don't die, you can hide more than one day, he will take the time for 10,000 days.

It will be a lot.

Soon the outside world has passed for a hundred days.

Semi-sealing area.

A tachychat sky in the mountains.

Truth Daozhi has a large number of people, there is a length of thunder, appearing here.

Even, there are many regiments to appear here.

It is very powerful.

"Hey, not dead, you don't have to hide, under my monitoring law, you have no shape."

The truth of the truth issued a horrible smirk.

It is terrible to cultivate the monitoring law.

Undeadway is of course continuing to hide.

like a statue.

He hides deep underground.

But the face also became pale, and the bean sweat was taken on the forehead.

Why didn't he think that the truth of the truth will search here.

He was discovered by the local family, and then the truth is rushing.

The monitoring law is out, can it be discovered?

"I monitor you, you are in a downstream, sneaking into the depths of the ground, now hidden under a huge rock."

Truth, Zun, said, "Go out, otherwise, I really want to catch you out?"

"Go out."

Not dead, flying out, flying out, hanging in front of the truth, he said coldly: "Truth, you are very terrible, the local family is also terrible, but if I am self-explosion, you may not Will die. "

"I am self-explosion? It's true. Can you hurt us?"

A local giant smile, his body lit up, countless too ancient script luminous.

This is a real treasure, an unsteady treasure.

In such a place, they will not die even if they don't escape.

The land is so hanging.

"You still say Zhang Bin's land, then we will bypass you. Otherwise, you can only kill you as an ant."

Another regional family is also smiling.

Although only two local countries are old here, they have been better than thousands of people.

What's more, there is a cattle who really truthfully?

Three people teamed up, it was simply invincible.

"Truth Dao Zun, I said to hit you, now I am coming."

At this time, a cold voice sounded.

It is Zhang Dong's voice.

I don't know when, Zhang Dong's two souls come.

The hand held his hand, lit up the brilliant brilliance, exudes a strange halo, so that you can't see how much the talls have much in the sky.

"Truth Dao Zun, the land, is very cattle? Can you really want it?"

Liu Chao's voice also sounded.

His two souls also held hands to fly, and Zhang Bin's two souls were standing side by side.

"The local family is old, I heard that you are chasing me? And you can deal with my friends?"

Zhang Bin's soul, I don't know when I appeared behind two regiments.

The same dark golden rays have skyrocketed, and the gratin is filled, and everything is blocked, and I can't see the true face of the Taikoo rune on him.

Once the rune is perfect, it can be easily hidden.

You will see it.

This is the secret of heaven and earth.

Yes, they three, in fact, Ending Hengyuan Long also cultivated into a perfect Taikoo soul.

Just, they can't attack all.

Therefore, Heng Yuanlong is guarded at home, so that someone else has dealive their body.

"Hahaha, three stupys, you have come over, I have completely destroy you today."

The truth of the truth issued a madness of ice cold.

The two elders of the land are large.

Why don't they dare to think, there are three people cultivating the perfect ecstasy.

If the three people sneak into a moon palace, launch a terrorist attack.

How long can they persist?

Can you wait until the assistance?

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