The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5329 Moon Wars

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao yelled at the same time.

They respectively pounce towards their own enemies.

Since Zhang Dongfei is going to deal with the truth.

Therefore, Zhang Bin and Liu Chaoa have went to the moon palace of the two regions.

And Zhang Dong was going to the moon palace of Truth.

Such bold, that is because any of their soul has already condensed 5,100 too ancient soul runes.

Defense ability combat ability, of course, has been greatly improved.

They don't dare to be attending the truth, and the land is old.

However, they know that they should have perfectly cultivated the ecstasy.

Therefore, when Zhang Bin has off, Zhang Bin has undergone the killing of well, and the local mission is not able to kill the soul.

And the past truth is no soul, dealing with them.

Not don't want, but can't do it.

In this case, they kill the other side of the moon, even if they can't kill each other, but it can also contain them, and that is not dead, you can quickly escape.

" ..."

I have already got an unmanned road to escape the command, there is no delay, immediately decomposed into a stream.

Even, he took the hand and took the thunder's source into the earth.

Almost kill directly.

"If you don't deviate, you can't escape, this time you will die."

The Legend of Thund jumped out of the ground and made an angry shout.

However, he did not dare to catch up.

He must guard here.

Now the truth is respectful, the two local countries are old, and there is almost no defense.

If Heng Yuanlong suddenly kills, it may be troublesome.

"Dare to kill my moon palace, you are just looking for death."

The two souls of the local countries suddenly fused together and became one.

High, embarrassing, dark golden rays.

Excissions from richness.

The soul also slowly floated a blood red armor.

He looked at Zhang Bin's soul with the eyes of the intensity.

Obviously, the two souls are integrated into one, which may be a special secret law, should be a high-ranking high person.

However, this is indeed reasonable. After all, the two souls are integrated into one, the surface of the ancient soul of the surface is equal to a lot, and the defense ability will naturally improve.

Zhang Bin looked at the soul of the opponent, with a special induction, he found that this local family is very strong, even condensed 9996 too ancient soul runes.

Excissions from richness.

And the two souls are integrated, and the four unreasoning places become extraterrestrial, not looking carefully, it is difficult to see.

The other party just brought these flaws thoroughly with a left hand palm.

But there is three hands on his body.

It can be killing.


Zhang Bin did not fear, he was crazy.

His two almost souls are completely integrated.

It seems to be a whole.

Then hit the soul of the other party with the murder of the sky.


The elders of the land are even can't even be able to resist it.

It is really that Zhang Bin's soul is too fast.

Suddenly he turned over and rolled continuously.

The mouth is a laughter, "Hahaha, can I make me? You don't have a way to kill me."

He is indeed safe and sound, and his body has a Taikoo soul, and it is perfect.

And cultivated the magical secret law, let the two souls integrate together and improve the defense ability.

In addition, there is also a special armor.

The left hand also blocked the flaw.

Although Zhang Bin condensed 10,100 too ancient soul.

There are more than 100, but it does not have an overwhelming advantage.

The only advantage is that the speed is fast, hit the other party, and the other party has no way to avoid it.

Moreover, Zhang Bin occupies the initiative, can be retired, and you can leave at any time.

It is possible to transiently cross an unlimited remote void.

However, he wants to kill each other quickly, but it is difficult to do.

Even if the three people sneak into the moon palace of the other party, be siege together, and may not be grasped.

Their soul attack is too monotonous, it is impact.

If it can be cut, if it can cultivate an unbearable weapon, it may be possible.

"Today's soul is still defective. That is insufficient attack."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face has also floated the color of thinking.

Do you have a full story?

Otherwise, this attack is too funny.

Once the other party has a flaw, it will not have each other.

He tried to pull the left hand of the other party, but did not do it.

Because the other party directly makes the left hand and the flaws together.

There is no way to separate.

He is not too great to say and the perfect Taikoo soul.

Defense is the same.

It is too slow, and you can't sneak into the moon of the enemy, you can't instantly cross the unlimited distant void.

"Kill kill ..."

However, Zhang Bin is still not discouraged, still impacked in a madness.

Put the opponent's soul to roll.


However, he really can't think of a way to kill each other.

At this time he finally understood that the local family is really horrible.

It's terrible than you think about it.

If you want to escape the championship, you must also practice into a baby, but also to cultivate a double soul too ancient soul.

However, the champion of the local family will not stop.

I will find them later to return to the Taoist Empire.

It is inevitably a horrible blood battle.

In another elder moon palace, Liu Chao has encountered the same trouble.

Although he hits the opponent's huge miserable, he is killing the opponent.

Zhang Dong is also respectful in the Moon Truth of the Truth.

The soul of the truth is more powerful.

His two souls are also thoroughly integrated.

It became a whole.

His no rune is in the lower abdomen.

He also fused there with his left hand.

Perhaps he realizes the extremes of the Ecrust Wen.

His speed is even super fast.

His body lit up the dark golden light.

Even his moon palace issued a horrible suction, absorbing the soul of Zhang Dong on the floor.

Make Zhang Dong's soul is a speed that has become slow.

Then they both in battle.

Truth Daozun even cultivated a sharp soul knife.

Crazy on the soul of Zhang Dong.

If not the soul of Zhang Dong, more runes are condensed.

It may not be able to resist it.

Even now, it still cuts out a touch of traces.

After all, Zhang Dong's soul is not integrated. For a separate soul, the Taigu Souxin is still completely perfect.

"Hahaha ..."

However, Zhang Dong was a laughter that made a shock.

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