The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5351, Tian people dispatched

This is a forbidden place.

Zhang Bin will appear in the bright area.

They are reading a number of elders, and cultivating the experience.

At the same time, the treasures on them are tier.

The horrible magic weapon is not too much, and there is only six.

They are all over the Augustu and the comb.

The body condenses too much burial world.

There are even some of them to be perfect.

This is incomparably terrible, if it is used with the body and the battle, it is absolutely to eat a big loss.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin's soul is extremely powerful, and kills them by the soul.

Let the land have to retreat back.

"It turns out that the most powerful verses are taught in the world."

Zhang Bin muttered, he saw evidence from a jade tube.

This jade cylinder has simply indicated that many verses from the heavens and the world, and some of the magical script is to teach them to them.

Of course, there are also some special calendar, but even a magical scripture is also a terroristian robbery, and then he is given.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not have to look for the scriptures at all, and the practice of cultivating the class was stronger.

Of course, this is an ideal state.

According to this jade tube discounted, there is an initial domain above the emperor.

If you want to break through this realm, if you practice hard, it is absolutely unable to do.

Therefore, there is no way to get teach in the world.

Must look for treasures and find the opportunity.

Or given the Tianzi Teaching.

Yes, the local family is a special connection with the Tianzi. After any of their strong, after the beginning of the field, it will go to the Tianbanian site.

Become the people of the Tianzi.

Therefore, the local and the Tianzi have a secret connection.

Dealing with the local countries and dealing with the people.

Zhang Bin self-confidence can deal with the land, and is just a soul. If you rely on your body, there is no advantage.

The local family is not destroyed, much more than they.

Also in-depth.

However, I got the body of so many people.

It is possible to see their body tables and runes in the body.

Then, the description of the runes above the burial day.

They can also cultivate into the right back.

Even the nest of the country is still the body.

After all, the neighborhood of the local country is very embarrassing, they can't cultivate perfect.

Otherwise, they can go to the abyss of the world.

"I don't have anything about the local family, and their most cattle is still not destroyed, but we have already got it now."

Hengyuan Dragon said, "Now we are best to be close to practice, improve strength."

"There is a treasure place here, the time passed is one to 10,000. Like our empire."

Zhang Bin said, "Just cultivate it here, break through the ten level of the emperor, and get the next step by the next step."

"The old nest of the local family is equipped with an incomparable horror, it is said to be a giant martial arts that can defend the soul of the soul."

Zhang Dong said, "So, we can also cultivate into the baby, then kill the past, attack the array, kill the land."

"Cultivation ..."

So they didn't delay, began to cultivate crazy.

This treasure is not easy.

It is Zhang Bin to find a lot of prohibited.

In this way, they have a few times more time practice.

Don't go back to the Empire area.

Then don't waste time.

After all, they want to break through, want to become stronger, have to collect numerous medicinal materials, refining Dan medicine.

Yes, they have got a lot of Talented Danfang from the elders of the region.

It can be upgraded nearly a thousand ways.

But it is not easy to refine it.

It is necessary to slowly look for medicinal materials in the semi-sealing area.

However, they have this magical existence of Luo Hong.

Looking for Dan medicine is not too difficult.

Today's Luo Hong, followed Zhang Bin and has also got a huge benefit.

Don't worry about the robbery of the world, or even ignore it.

Because it also cultivates too ancient scriptures.

More than 5,000 runes have been condensed.

Naturally, I will continue to follow Zhang Bin, helping to find Dan medicine naturally there is no problem.

Of course, if Zhang Bin got a funeral coffin, the defensive ability has not been able to attack.

I don't dare to practice this place.

If the local family invited the ancestral master, found them, that is, the blood of the horrible, they may not be able to resist.

It's really like this, at this moment, there is no way to shout in anger: "Zhang Bin, you are looking for death, it is a self-finding road. I dare to kill my local family more than three hundred years old, and kill Beiyun cover the sky The favorite son - Bei Yun, will Beyond you? "

He immediately took a strange treasure.

This treasure looks like a mobile phone.

Evil atmosphere.

He began to pay attention to the Beyun Sky, "Covered the God, and our local countries have trouble, out a human, very fierce ... He killed more than three hundred years old, but also killed the son Beiyun long……"

"What? Dare to kill my son? Looking for death?"

A fierce storm is coming from the phone from the phone. "Capturing him did not, grabbing him, I sent it, I would like to kill him in person. I will give my son."

"This, we have no ability to grab him, his soul is too horrible, I have not to grasp his opponent ..."

There is a bit awkwardly.

"Waste, you are all kinds of waste, a genius that only cultivates the nine-level level of the emperor is not dead? Also let him get a funeral coffin? Also let him kill so much old?" Beiyun covers the sky , "I will pass it as soon as possible, grasp the bastard directly."

"Ha ha ha ... Zhang Bin, this is what you die? You are a strong soul, and you will be a big antity, you can kill you."

I am laughing where you are madly.

" ..."

Zhang Bin jumped into the Dan furnace.

The hot medicine is also wrapped in him.

This is of course the medicine that the sixth Dan side refining.

Not only can I strong body, but also strong souls.

It has been refining for three months, and the refining ends.

Zhang Bin's body and the quality of the soul are really improved.

And Zhang Bin horses, we work hard to condense the ecstasy.

What made him secretly joy is that the three sets of runes also condensed one.

Take 9995.

The distance is only five only.

"Ha ha ha ... My soul is strong, and it is more powerful."

Zhang Bin is excited to laugh.

He didn't delay, prepared to break through the bottleneck.

I didn't hesitate to take a breakthrough bottleneck.

Of course, Luo Hong refining it.

Used too much too precious medicinal materials.

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