The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5352 breaks through, ten levels in the emperor

This time, the medicinal medicine is really a cow, which has become a rolling energy and medication, and flows in Zhang Bin.

And Zhang Bin is crazy to refine the drug.

Impact this unparalleled bottleneck.

It took 99 different kinds of Dan medicine for 99 years.

I finally reached a breakthrough condition.


The broken voice sounded in Zhang Bin's spiritual realm.

The bottleneck of this banned Zhang Bin has finally broken.

The world and will trees have skyrocket.

The mana and energy are also skyrocketing.

The soul is again turned again.

A strong horrible momentum is also flowing from his body.

, stuffed the heavens and the earth.

"God, Zhang Bin took the lead in breaking. It's really burd."

The Luo Hong, who looked at it, her face was also excited and excited.

In fact, Hengyuanlong has also refined the sixth Dan party, and then broke through.

Time is more than Zhang Bin at night.

Zhang Bin took the lead in breaking through reasonable.

"Bang Bang Bang ..."

The dark clouds stacked in the sky have emerged, and the heavens and the earth are completely covered.

Dangerous to the ultimate breath is also leaked.

The crisis of death is also in the heart of Zhang Bin.

This time, it seems to be big.

Then, there is a horrible golden light to shoot, as if a sharp sword.

Slowly zero into two golden human stones.

Standing together.

This is just a model, but it is terrible.

Their body lit up golden light.

Countless Taikoo Soul Runes have emerged on the surface.

With an endless breath.

Zhang Bin, these runes are condensed.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is a face, what is this?

Is this a time, I can't get the benefits?

However, next moment, Zhang Bin completely shocked.

The epidermis of the stone suddenly broke, and then broke.

The body is also transparent.

The five internal organs, the bones, all of the muscles can be clear.

The above is also densely passionately paveled.

Complex to the ultimate.

If you are not prepared, you can't see any mystery.

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color of ivory.

Because he saw, the arrangement of rabbits design is completely the same as the inside of these two models.

The only thing is that all blood vessels have new too ancient soul runes.

Very small, dense, like the most small and complex ants.

This time, the sky is to teach him, this is this kind of rune.

Sure enough.

The runes on the meridians began to beat. The singular scripture sound is also ringing. It seems that the mystery of the heavens and the earth.

It is speechless that the top of the internal organs, inside and outside the bones, the inside of the muscles, the inside and outside of the organ is also starting to jump.

There is also another sound.

However, if you just choose to listen to a sound, it will not be interfered.

But if you listen to it, you will inevitably have a mistake.

All people, including many residual souls, all look at it, feel it.

This kind of robbery, anyone can feel together.

However, if you don't cultivate to a certain realm, there is no terrorist talent, that a rune cannot feel, and then condense.

Of course, they are only listening to rune sounds on the blood vessel.

Zhang Bin is also concentrated, madly, understanding.

At the same time, it is condensed in the meridians.

One of the runes was condensed, he felt that the soul was in the raggy change, becoming more powerful, more horrible.

"Too cow is forced, this is certainly the lower part of the Taikan Soul."

Zhang Bin secretly praised in his heart, but also secretly celebrated, if he did not condense three sets of ecstasy in the body, it was completely an idiotic dream.

Therefore, the Taigu Soug will be difficult to understand and condense.

Perhaps, only the former funeral Tian Dan is condensed, and now the Tianzu estimate is also condensed.

The reason why the soul of the funeral heaven is not his opponent, that is because his soul is far from recovering.

He didn't dare to think, continue to concentrate, condensed.

Time will pass quickly.

Soon, I have passed three days and three nights.

The scriptures finally read.

The number of scriptures is more terrible - 10 million.

Zhang Bin is still very poor, only the first time, he condenses 90,000 runes.

I missed 10,000 runes.

Then the verses rang for the second time.

Then there was a third time.

It is completely silent.

The surface of the body stone is also recovered, and it can't see the situation inside.

"Depressed, 8 cars are not condensed, and even don't even remember the way to condense."

Zhang Bin was in a hurry, depressed.

Even the rabbit has no way to record runes, because Zhang Bin did not understand, rabbit rabbits did not understand, and then simulated.

Today's rabbit is equal to part of Zhang Bin's brain.


The stone moved, and the blink of an eye has been killed in Zhang Bin's moon.

The soul of Zhang Bin launched a death attack.

This time the attack method is a variety of ways, not just impact, can punch foot.

Powerful horror.

Zhang Bin also felt that his soul had a magical change, crazy and stone wars.

Hey ...

It is extraordinary murder.

Zhang Bin's easy occupation of the upper wind because there is no future flame in the heart.

The energy is sufficient, and the stone is not rolling.

Finally, Zhang Bin's two souls grabbed the two legs of the stone model, and it was tween a half.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

These two half stones became golden rays, and they entered Zhang Bin's soul.

And the energy of the soul is condensed together, so that the energy of the soul penetrates a golden color.

Be more robust and condensed.

"Hahaha ... Not bad, this time I got a great advantage."

Zhang Bin made an exciting laugh, and his face has also floated the color of ecstasy.

He didn't delay, and he immediately gathered three sets of three sets of ecstasy.

Sure enough, he once again condensed two, reaching 9997.

Obviously, because it breaks through the bottleneck, improve the quality of the soul, and then swallowed the golden light of the stone.

Only the quality of his soul has improved a lot.

It is equivalent to upgrading two levels.

However, he still feels. Because there are 8 cars in the blood vessels that are not condensed, the mana and energy are a bit hindered.

Especially if there is no endless flame, the blood vessels have a possible possible.

Last time, he killed so many places, and he hurted blood vessels every time.

Let his soul weaken some.

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