The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5353, Beiyun, Killing

"Hahaha, Truth Dao Zun, I finally caught up with your progress, I also cultivated to the ten level of the emperor."

Zhang Bin made an exciting laugh. "My Tempse is absolutely nothing in the cultivation."

He is not a fool, seeing this time, naturally knowing the truth, the truth is condensed in the body.

However, it is all disabled.

As for the old land, there is still no three sets in the body.

That's because their talents are not enough.

Truth Dao Zun, the alalence is long, their talents are enough, but they can't let runes are perfect because they don't have a genius.

But it is only just one.

They must also be the same Tianji ten-level robbery.

Even, they also have another opportunity to make a perfect rune.

Unfortunately, for special reasons, a rune is not in line with you, so it is unhappy.

If they are not able to comprehend, the second opportunity may not be able to comprehend.

So they can only stand.

However, Zhang Bin is also very confused. Since the local family and the Tianzu have a unclear relationship, why not teach this rune?

Is it that the heavens and the earth are not allowed to teach out?

Is there a special reason?

"How many runes do you condense?"

Zhang Bin took the look to Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and Heng Yuanlong.

Even unfamed and unsteadless.

"8 did not condense."

Zhang Dong said.

"I am also eight."

Hengyuan Long and Liu Chao also said.

"We still have a lot ..."

It is a little ashamed for unscrupulous and not dead, and the terrorist talent of Zhang Bin has admired five-body investment.

Four super genius.

The local family is bullying human beings, and it is really kicking the iron board.

What is human beings be bullied?

They began to gather their respective runes.

Then they are very shocked. Because there is no comprehension rune.

As for numerous residual souls, there is no one to comprehend these eight special tough runes.

This is a bit trouble.

"We can't immediately be robbed. But you must first understand the scriptures. It is similar to those who know the text."

Zhang Dong's eyebrow said, "I can condense several times again."

"It can only be this way."

Hengyuan Long, Liu Chao, Zhang Bin is also nodded.

So they began to trust these new runes.

Even the last rune is also worthy of their continued understanding, because it contains the mystery of the heavens and the earth.

The more comprehension, the more benefit it for them next time listening to the scriptures.

"It seems that the rune on the eighth hole is this 10 runes."

Zhang Bin also has a new discovery, excited, "must condense these 100,000 runes can be qualified. These runes are too poor, the defense ability is so horrible? Continuous disc com Bao can't break? "

Everyone's eyes are also bright.

If they are not able to understand 100,000 runes, they are not completely condensed, maybe they can also go to the eighth hole, and feel the above runes.

Although it is awkward, now I have realized most.

It is possible to understand.

"Walk ... We still go to the eighth hole day, I feel that there may be super treasures."

Zhang Bin is excited.

"Don't, first understand these runes, before the past, the time is more than five times."

Hengyuan Long stops.

So they will continue to be madly here and have realized.

If you have used it for a long time, you basically feel it.

Probably understanding the rune of the rune.

I want to go further, it is very difficult.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Dong took the lead to start breakthrough.

The degree is really the same kind of robbery.

They once again feel crazy.

But only one rune is only condensed.

And is the same.

There is still seven.

"Lying, this is too difficult? So many years of hard work, only more realistic?"

Everyone is depressed, and it is also very shocking.

You must know that they are all universal geniuses, and the understanding is super good.

Then there is another one of the emperors, it may even be more difficult to understand.

It's so, many of the souls, no deceased and unscrupulous autumn, they are hard to know more about a rune.

Talent is limited.

Moreover, the back of the rune is too complicated and deep.

They once again sent this rune and realize the alms.

Then Hengyuan Long and Liu Chao have launched the robbery.

They also condensed two runes, and there were still five no comprehension.

"Don't rush to the eighth hole day, we cultivate the baby."

At this time, Zhang Bin did not argue.

Since it is so difficult, it is useless.

It is better to cultivate it into a certain level.

Going to the eighth hole day, it is certainly for a long time to feel the rune.

So they observed more than three hundred elders of the country, mimicing their position where they condensed the burial world.

Continue to work hard to condense the burial world.

The runes they condense are also more and more.

The body is sharp.

That is getting harder and hard, and the defense ability is also getting stronger.

However, Zhang Bin still felt that even if the place where the land condensed the burial island, there was a mistake.

He feels not very smooth.

Of course, the error is not too much, which is roughly no problem.

Therefore, he is still condensed.

"Hey, finally found you, do you hide here, think I can't find it?"

A cold voice sounded.

The land is boundless with a horrible giant flying.

Wink in front of them.

Everyone's face is slightly changed, they are particularly jealous.

Because Hengyuan Long is still not monitored to them now.

It seems that they don't exist.

This is simply incredible.

Hengyuan Long's monitoring law has now been cultivated to 200 levels.

It is incomparable to terror.

You can monitor everything, but if you don't monitor each other, how powerful?

"Who killed my son?"

Beiyun covered the sky and looked at everyone, and the tone said.

He is very big, but it is very ordinary, it seems to be the same as very ordinary emperor.

However, his tone is like a living.

His face is also full of context.

As if, in his eyes, Zhang Bin they can kill the ants.

"It's he - Zhang Bin."

The ground is bound to say.

"You are so bold, dare to kill my son?"

The eyes of Beiyun shouted the ice, and a stupid pressure and horrible murderous gas were leaked from his body.

Suddenly, the wind is big, the sky is colorful, and the sun and the moon are light.

It's too horrible.

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