The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5358 Ox and Tigger

"Hahaha ... I have been happy."

Zhang Bin is all laughing in haha.

I feel that it is extraordinary.

In the past, they were chased by thousands of strong elders in the local economy, and any one can be confront.

Any ability has the ability to kill their.

However, now they are killing the land, they don't dare to come out.

They easily capture the natural manda treasures.

Don't worry about there is no medication.

"Hey, the local family is alive. It is a group of ants."

Luo Hong is also proudly laughing.

"The land is boundless, dare to come out and I am free?"

Zhang Bin appeared on the coffin, he provoked.

"There is a matter you continue to attack our array, see how we explode your coffin."

There is no sneak and said.

He certainly dares out.

Don't say Zhang Bin's burial coffin, say Zhang Bin's horrible soul, he can't resist it.

"It turned out that a group of fear of death, hiding in the turtle shell, breakdown sooner or later."

Zhang Bin said with cold smile, he controlled the funeral day.

"Zhang Bin, don't go, wait for a while, the Tianzi master is coming soon. Are you not very arrogant? How is the strength of the Tianzhu?"

The ground is boundless and drinking.

"Laozi waited for three days and three nights, they haven't come yet, I can wait for so much time."

Zhang Bin said, "When they come, let them come to me, see that they are dead or we live."

After finishing, he was able to control the coffin of the funeral.

I won't see the movie.

"Blend ..."

There is no breathing in the earth, and you want to cry without tears.

The accumulation of countless years was almost taken by Zhang Bin in countless years.

The loss is too huge.

It is really unbearable.

"How did a family, how do you have no arrival?"

A long elder is just asked angry.

"They come over, it is very difficult, you must break the heaven and earth. It takes a few days."

The land is elders, "Moreover, the abyment of the world is a few days."


Many old ages are all overfightened, and they are angry to the extreme.

However, they have no way, they can only wait, waiting for the Tian people to arrive.

The cave where the world is deep abyss and the eighth cave.

Zhang Bin they once again appeared here.

They are not a fool, preventing the Tian people to come to aid the land.

Look for them.

If it is better than the Beiyun to cover the sky, even if they have a burial, they may not escape.

After all, he can't play all the power of funeral.

So, or come over here.

"We fully realize the runes on this cave."

Zhang Bin said seriously. "I feel that even here is not safe. If the Tianzu has a giant to cultivate the fate law or the algorithmic rule to nearly three hundred, then they can calculate our position, then kill, then We can only hide in the funeral coffin, it is difficult to improve the strength. So, we must have to comprehend the rune here, enter the Dongfu, get the inheritance, enhance strength. And, they will not come. "

"If they can find this, they may be able to enter this cave, they have realized these runes, but if we enter, it is equal to the Yuefu, and they are not coming." Zhang Dong is also Supplement.

So they sit in front of the cave house and started to work hard.

The runes on this cave door change, the speed is very fast, and it is also very embarrassing.

But it is indeed a rune in the blood vessels of the soul.

So they basically understand.

Only those runes they don't have condensed can only see.

However, look at it several times and see that hundreds of thousands of times.

It is slowly to see the clues.

"Hahaha ... I condensed one."

Zhang Bin laughed.

"I also realized one."

Almost at the same time, the rest also shouted in joy.

Their faces have also floated with a strong joy.

Why didn't they think of it, can there be such an admed?

This has not yet entered the Dongfu.

They will continue to work hard.

If you don't die, you are also the same.

As for Luo Hong, it did not feel it. She was busy refining a kind of medicinal herbs.

As for the rune, wait for Zhang Bin to understand, naturally it will pass to her, as long as her talent is sufficient, you can condense.

Time is running rapidly.

Five days in the past.

The giant giant of the two horrific is finally crossed, and there is an abyss of the burial, appearing on the local area.

They have a horn on a head, which seems to be a stealthy shape.

A two ear tiger ears, as well as golden hair.

There is still a king word on the forehead.

"I have seen the god of the smock and see Tiger and I'm."

There is no longer, welcome to everyone, respectfully.

"How to become this?"

Two giant looked at the bare land and did not reply.

"They were all governed by Zhang Bin. The bastard relinested to refining the funeral coffin, but also killed the Beiyun sky, but also received all our herbs and unsulfed substances. Even the spring eyes took away." The ground is boundlessly angry.

"Good bile."

Tiger ear is old and furious, "Don't he don't know, is it a Tianzu? Is it really not afraid?"

"He has killed hundreds of people. It is indeed bold, he did not put our locality and the heavens in the eyes. He also said that he would so early and the Tianshi." Boundless angrily Say.

"Oil the land and the celestial? It is also very angry." The horn is also a great anger. "He thought that he got a funeral coffin, it couldn't worry? It was simply innocent. There are more, the funeral coffin is the giant, my Tian people are not. What is the current funeral coffin has no soul. "

"Let me calculate it, see where they are hidden, this time, it is necessary to let them kill, the burial coffin should also be sealed."

The tiger ear is finished, and he sits on the knee, and there is a huge gossip figure behind it.

Evil rays.

His two hands are also playing quickly.

The mysterious breath is distributed.

The stars in the sky have taken over and make him thoroughly.

Just took about ten minutes, he opened his eyes, and his face floated his faint laugh. "They hid a cave on the wall of the burial world. Distance is not too far. Go, we This is going to die. "

"Ha ha ha ... Zhang Bin, how do you die this?"

All the giants of the local countries are crazy.

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