The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5359 is only one step

" ..."

The horn and Tiger Ears are boundless with the almanac and fly quickly.

Crossing the void, soon they came to the edge of the burial day.

It is the location of Zhang Bin's going.

"Just here about a few meters below."

The tiger said faintly.

"Hey ... this time you see how you die."

I am laughing where you are madly.

"Let's go ..."

After faintly finished, he pulled his incoming horn.

He took the two into it, and he was able to sink the horn quickly.

"Ha ha ha ... The last rune I condensed."

At this moment, Zhang Bin laughed excitedly.

Among his meridians, 100,000 runes are completely condensed.


And Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and Heng Yuanlong also condensed at the same time.

However, let them surprised that the door of the Dongfu is still open.

There is no vision.


Zhang Bin's soul flew out.

The brightened light.

His four hands were posted on the door of the cave.

The Taikoo Soul Rune in the body is all in the light.

Includes Taikoo Soul in the meridians.

Magical things happened.

The door of the Dongfu is also bright.

Then open the silence.

"Fast, go in, the enemy is coming."

Heng Yuanlong's face changed, he suddenly heard that there was a giant and sneaked into it.

I didn't find it.

It can be seen that the power of the other party, even the gas of the magic weapon can be masked.

In fact, the horn and Tiger ear don't need to use the horn. It is the boundless look, worried about him.

Only the horn is used, otherwise they can enter faster.

Even, will not let Hendean Dragon monitor.

They are too powerful, and they have made a lot of realm.

The monitoring law also monitored them.

" ..."

Zhang Bin didn't have any delays, and I turned into it.

And they entered, the door of the Dongfu closed.

It seems that it has never opened the same.

"Fast, look for the stone monument of refining the cave."

Do not yell from the dead.

He read some information again, knowing that some magical cave is about to refine.

Otherwise, if the enemy is in line with the hole conditions, it can also be entered.

The cave is wide, and it is also divided into multiple layers.

White fog is filled, there are many places.

But I don't know which one is a little stone monument.

" ..."

Zhang Bin once went to a stone tablet, drip blood on it.

Yes, there are only four stone monuments.

One person is one, just can test at the same time.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's stone is a recognition stone monument, and the sound of is issued.

Blood was inversely inserted.

The stone monument is also bright.

The remaining three stone monuments have no response.

"Ready to fight……"

Zhang Bin felt the crisis, he yelled.

Funeral coffin flew out and blocked directly behind the door.

Moreover, the coffin has changed a singular change, and the door of the Dongfu is attached, even a gap is not.

Then, even if the other party can open the door of the cave, the door is returned from both sides.

That is still, it is buried in the coffin.

They want to push the funeral coffin to enter.

Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong, they also thought of God, they stood behind the coffin and took the coffin hard.

To avoid the other party to push away.

"The eighth hole in the golden autumn area?"

The sound of the horn has been surprised, and the face is also floating.

He took two people.

"They entered the eighth cave?"

Tiger's ear is dimly, "however, they have not been able to refine. We can also enter. Nothing, this time I can have such good luck, I have found the eighth cave."


The two souls fly out.

At the same time, put your hand on the cave door.

Like Zhang Bin just entered the same, the Taikoo Soul Rune on his body litted his light.


The door of the Dongfu returned from both sides.

However, the burial day coffin is in front of them.

Even a gap is not.

"court death."

The two are very angry.

The soul returned to the body, and then pushed into the coffin at the same time.

"Boom ..."

The horrible voice sounded, the coffin started.


Hengyuan Long, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, the outside world is not dead, no dead road, you will be on the coffin.


Let the funeral coffin retreat.

Ah ...

Both parties are in the madness.

It seems like a thrust match.

It looks a little funny.

The ground is also joined, and the three are crazy.

The burial day, the coffin is ready to move.

However, it is only ready to move.

Still not moving.

It is really a burial day.

Zhang Bin has launched the horror gravity of the funeral coffin.

Plus them have so many masters in pushing the coffin.

"Give me ..."

The horn is crazy, and the body is also getting bigger.

Tiger ear is the same.


Zhang Bin also refined the stone monument in madness.

Of course, he arranged a lightweight array.

Otherwise, it may not come.

Soon, it has been ten days in the light in the light.

The stone monument was finally refined by Zhang Bin.

Rumbler ...

Tiandi shakes, rays.

And Zhang Bin also found that he has a strange connection with this day.

He can control all the array and the agencies of this hole.

So he moved in his heart, suddenly, the door flew out from both sides and closed quickly.

Almost did not clamp the three guys.

They have to retreat quickly.


A loud noise, the door of the Dongfu closed.

There is no flashing rune on the cave door.

This cave is completely Zhang Bin.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

The horn and the tiger are screaming, there is crazy shouting there.

Then they started crazy to bombard the door of the hole.

Play the sky, spark splash.

But this is one of the most amazing Dongfu in the world.

That is that there is no way to force it, and the degree of cultivation to the funeral heaven does not do.

So, they have to give up, standing there, the impairment, anger.

It's just a step, just one step.

If they can come over a minute, this cave belongs to them.

And they can also catch Zhang Bin, no, I caught the burial of the coffin, and the seal is taken back.

That Bin, they will never come.

It is also to be killed by them.

Even, they can find ways to break the defense of the coffin.

After all, their Tianzi has already appeared in the same level.

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