The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5374 Goodbye

"Is it, the Tianzi site is the essence area of ​​the golden autumn area?"

Zhang Bin muttered, his face became extraordinary.

If this is the case, countless years of cultivation, he is only in the door of the strong.

"Welcome to the Tianbanian site, please go forward as soon as we need you, the world needs you."

A voice suddenly rang.

It is from a big tree.

I scared Zhang Bin.

Do you have this tree? Are you talking?

That's really.

"What existed?"

Zhang Bin looked at this big tree and asked very curiously.

"I am a welcome, the ability to talk to me in the world, I am responsible for giving a genius that can cross abyss."

Welcome to the pendant, "You are the 15th genius for me to meet in countless years."

"Where are you now? Do you know?"

Zhang Bin asked very curiously.

"They - all fall. War and death. Their ashes are sprinkled at my feet."

Welcome to the grief.

"War and death," Zhang Bin, "Where is the war?"

"The Golden Autumn Domain is a huge sphere, as if a huge planet. We are all in the planet." Welcome to the pessure, "This is a safe place, and the war happens in the surface of the planet. Waiting for you one day Can cultivate the grade five levels, eligible to go to the surface and enemy blood battle. "

"What kind of enemies?"

Zhang Bin is very shocking. He immediately remembered a horrible giant hand in the abyss.

Don't the enemy are the horrible monsters?

"There are many enemies, from all sides. They are all incomparably powerful." Welcome to the peers, "they come to plunder the life of the golden autumn field, strong themselves. Or inject their parent domain, let their parent domains become more powerful."

"Life is the source? What is it?"

Zhang Bin is a face, full of mist.

He is really shocking. It turned out that he had been crazy to cultivate genius and strong, because there were war erupted.

I don't know how many years of war?

"Life is the vitality of our parent, has been moisturizing every life in the body. If the parent domain lacks the source of life, the life of the body will die. It is the strong you will be affected, we are mother Part of the domain, seized the source of life of the parent domain, is also equal to the source of our lives. "Welcome to the peasant," You have the eighth hole, it is the Tian people, there is an obligation to give the mother to the mother. The obligation to defend the parent domain. "


Zhang Bin was very surprised. He asked some of them in detail, and heard the current situation of the Tianzu.

Then he turned into a streamer and burst.

I won't see the movie.

This is a very wide world.

The mountains, tall towering giants, which can be seen everywhere.

Countless is genius.

In the air, there is a source of life.

Broken, you can improve your life energy.

The fifth hole day.

The big character of Longfei Feng dance will show it on the mountain.

A cave is located in the mountainside.

And the surroundings are countless palaces, the cave.

Countless monks are also busy cultivation, or is in alchemy, refining.

Any one, powerful to terrible.

Their body cultivated into a baby.

Their soul is also cultivated into an endless soul.

A beautiful woman is alchemynum, she is beautiful, and the black is like a satin.

The temperament is also very expensive, it seems to be extra beautiful and seductive.

"Fang Fei, is you looking for you?"

Another beautiful woman came over and said.

"Hui Yan, you laugh again."

Fang Fei did the red lips, and the foot is delicate.

However, she still looked at the horizon that it seems to be in the heart of the contest.

"Where do I smile? I admire you too late, then when you are so bold, you will be so bold, you dare to leave the Tiangu, you still dare to go to the domain, and even dare to go into the Hongmeng body, put it into your body. "Hui Yan smiled," I am very curious, when you calculate Zhang Bin is your future husband, but at that time, there is no fate. How do you dare to see him? It is also punished by the family, personally put you Catch it back? "

"I just want to see him, very curious, how can he grow so horrible? I will give him a simple life of life, and I can stimulate his talent faster." Fang Fei said, "I just hope that he can come to me faster, otherwise, in the fate, he will come here for a million years."

"We are a heaven, there is such a bold and passionate beauty, and the college is crying."

Spring is smirk and said, "Is he arrived today? Look at your heart, even the furnace is almost failed, I know that he is coming. This is the medicinal medicine you prepared by him. Let him practice to the beginning of God? I have to look at it. What kind of genius is it, let us heaven the first beauty of the world.

"I ignore you."

Fang Fei is a feet, and it is ashamed.

But she is suddenly a surprise looks at the sky.

Then just flew up, the pen greeted it.

" ..."

Zhang Bin has become a stream.

Of course, he will hear Fang Fei live here from welcoming things.

He is coming over to find Fang Fei.

Tian people, now in his heart is not mysterious.

The Tian family is a race that is fully cultivated by the Jinqiu Domain.

It is also the main source of warriors.

They have little time to go to the semi-sealing area, and it is more impossible to go to the domain.

Here is the best cultivation resources, and also the most magical cultivation.

They can be quickly powered.

Powerful to a certain point, will go to the surface to participate in the war.

In fact, it can't be said to be a war, which is a sporadic battle.

Once the enemy kills the life of life, they will attack.

Sometimes they will also kill the enemy's parent domain, capture the source of life of the enemy's parent domain.

Powerful yourself, supplement the source of life of the mother.

In the surface, it is divided into multiple regions, and there is a giant Town in the field.

It is very difficult to cultivate a giant giant in the beginning of the field.

It takes too much time and energy.

The Tianzu 71 family, only the first ten race has a period of ten giant.

The other races are not available.

And Zhang Bin's eighth hole day, nature is not.

This needs to be strong up to Zhang Bin, cultivate it to this realm as soon as possible.

"Zhang Bin ..."

"Fangfei ..."

The two quickly shouted, and the red hugged.

Why can't you be separated?

Nothing years, they finally met again.

(It's hard to write to the last volume, you have to consider a lot of problems, update slow, sorry.)

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