The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5375 under Mawei

"Zhang Bin, I have been waiting for you, I love you ..."

Fang Fei looked at Zhang Bin in the verge of love.

How is Zhang Bin now, what is the previous Buddha to speak Hui Yan, he heard, and finally understand why Fang Fei will appear in front of him.

It turned out that she is a magic of fate of the law, and the future of her future is Zhang Bin.

I used to see him and help him.

It turned out that the created fragment had such a magical role.

I have a small crypt.

Otherwise, they are less cultivated by Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and Heng Yuanlong, how can they follow their progress so soon?

Even, I still have a little more than them.

And their talents are also not worthy of Zhang Bin.

"Fang Fei, thank you for everything you do for me."

Zhang Bin also grateful.

Then they can't help kiss together.

Fang Fei fell to Zhang Bin's neck, pretty blush, and a full look.

And Zhang Bin is also almost the same, the two have feelings.

Plus Fangfei is beautiful, let him god down, completely lost.

"You are really not ashamed, didn't you see that God is watching you?"

A play of the sound sounded, of course, Hui Yan said.

They woke up two.

That is to quickly separate.

Then they found that there were too many heavers in the side.

A powerful breath, it is very horrible.

They all took a slightly with hostile eyes to look at Zhang Bin, a pair of provocation.

Of course, it is male.

Fang Fei is that they are the first beauty of them, they are the goddess in their dreams, but they can't catch her.

But now a teenager who has never seen it has got a heart of Fang Fei.

Let them be angry and unwilling.

This boy is not very special, and even there is no cultivation of God.

They are stronger than him.

Even Fang Fei is also much higher than Zhang Bin's realm.

Because now Fangfei cultivates the beginning of the field.

It can be said that it is a very horrible master, and Zhang Bin has the most powerful masters currently have seen.

"Zhang Bin, go, go to my cave."

Fang Fu was ashamed to have a hole on the ground, and she drilled in and hid.

She pulled Zhang Bin to go back.

However, a teenager is blocking in front of them, saying coldly: "Do not go, where to come, do you dare to invade our heavenly land? Today, you can't get it."

"Fang Zhiqiang, what do you want to do?" Fang Fei was very angry, "he is Zhang Bin, my Fang Fei's husband. The family has been calculated."

"Kid, dare not dare to tell me?" Fang Zhiqiang said, "I have to see, what do you have?"

His realm is not high, but it is the same as Zhang Bin.

It is cultivated to the ten level.

So, he dare to say this.

Otherwise, the proud Tianfang people will never challenge the realm of people lower than yourself.

Because they are all super genius, it can be said that it is an excellent race that is carefully pregnant in the world.

Their strength is of course very horrible.

In fact, the Tianzu 71 pulse is very talented, genius to terrible.

Most people will not be talented with proud of Truth.

"Kid, don't you dare? Our heaven is not accepting mediocrity."

Another giant looked at Zhang Bin with unrestricted eyes.

His name is a brother of Fang Zhiqiang, and he loves Mu Fangfi for many years, has been pursuing.

But of course not pursuit.

Like Fangfei, his realm is also cultivated to the beginning of the field.

He is not so good to challenge Zhang Bin, and he can only let his brother go to horses.

"Yes, don't take advantage of strength and top talent, you are not qualified to come to our heaven."

Numerous giants are also stupid.

I want to give Zhang Bin next Mart.

If possible, it is directly expelled.

That is ideal.

"Fang Zhiqiang is, I promise you to challenge."

Zhang Bin's face is light.

What kind of wisdom is he experienced, and it has experienced things and wars.

Naturally understand these people's mood.

The goddess in the mind is gone, and of course it is very uncomfortable.

At the earth, the star married, there are a lot of pink pain, and even fan suicide.

It is not accepted.

"Hahaha ... then come with me."

Fang Zhiqiang was excited to laughed, and he had reached the void from step by step.

The masters of them are very horrible.

It is easy to destroy numerous flower grass grass, and the collapse of the mountain is not impossible.

Of course, the mountain here is much hard than the mountains in the semi-sealing area.

It is not so easy to play collapse.

"Fu Jun, be careful, Fang Zhiqiang is very strong."

Fang Fei is still a bit worried, but it is.

"I will be careful."

Zhang Bin deeply saw Fang Fei.

He has a strong pride in his heart, which is for the beauty.

The other party challenged him because of his jealousy.

They are not enemies.


Zhang Bin stepped out, and he had reached the high space, suspended in front of Fang Zhiqiang.

A huge machete appeared in the hands of Fang Zhiqiang, which is very weird.

The surface is densely covered with countless weird runes.

Excissions from richness.

It seems that there is similar to the nails you get from Zhang Bin.

The horrible murder is also emitted from the knife.

Ice cold poles.

Cold light is also taken, so that the sun and the moon have not been collected.

"Broken Yue knife, how can I use broken?"

Fang Fei shouted in the following angry, "Zhang Bin, don't hard block, the knife has a magical origin."

"Lying in the trough, it is very powerful, and the heavenly boy from the sky has such a horrible magic weapon."

Zhang Bin said darkly admired, and his hand immediately appeared his own nail knife.

Suddenly, the cold is bursting, and the murder is rolling.



Fang Zhiqiang shouted, and a arrow came to Zhang Bin, and he slammed a knife to Zhang Bin's neck.


Void crack, cold light.

Horror pole.


Zhang Bin is also yelling, the fingernail in his hand is embarrassed on the other party's broken knife.


The sky is split, splashes.

The magic weapons of the two are safe, and there is no trace.

Ah ...

Both of them felt huge anti-earthquakes, and they quickly retired a few hundred steps.

It looks great to the enemy.

However, Zhang Bin's face has floated a touch of smile, and the opposite side of the opponent is hook his hand.

It seems that he does not put the opponent at the eyes.

"court death."

How is Fang Zhiqiang? It is a furious, he is crazy, "Wan Malang plus, kill ..."

(I have been busy these days, there is no time code word, today is only two chapters. There is also a chapter. It is right. Try to resume normal updates early.)

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