The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5389 Truth Proud Yield

"I am in the 36th day, in fact, there are some cultivation resources there, thus condense the body, and break through the beginning of the beginning."

Truth is proud of the sky, and you don't want to tell the truth.

"Truth is proud of the sky, are you thinking about it?"

Zhang Bin said, "We have long been to the Tianzi, just rushing from the Tianzi. Naturally, know how difficult it is to win the cultivation of the throne. How can you get cultivation resources from the local country? They are not enough, not, it is not enough, there are many giant giant, they all don't break through the beginning of the god. So, you are old and old, if you see you Sincerity, don't kill you. Otherwise, how do you kill you? We are so mastered, which is not strong than you? Even if you can resurrect, but that time, you may never practice to the beginning of God. "

"If I say it, you don't talk, where do I go to say?"

Truth said.

"Just as you said, if you don't go to the Tianzu, we are a dead enemy, you must kill you. But after you have been to the Tianzu. Kill your mind is almost ok. You are damaging, you have to die on the battlefield. In the mother domain for so many years, you don't have any questions, the parent domain is not sweet, we are not sweet. "

"Truth proud, although we are a fence, you have to kill me many times. But now it is different. We have a common enemy. We can say that there is a family. So, I can not kill you, but if you don't say To kill you, why? Anyway, you are also difficult to cultivate to the beginning of the second level, even higher. Because you are hard to get cultivation resources. "

Zhang Bin and Hengyuan Dragon have to say.

"If you don't say, send you to the road right away. I have a chance of life."

Liu Chao is simply.

"I believe you." Truth proud said, "And, I hope to cooperate in the future and fight against the enemy. Protect the mother domain."

Then he told his singularity, in fact, it was the harvest in the cave.

"It turned out that in that cave, it got a lot of initiatives, strong Tianmili's body, their treasures and life of the source of life were taken away by you, put it in your cave. Can you let you turn over." Zhang Bin said, "I also have to go there, but I have not discovered treasures. It was taken away by you."

"Walk, take us to your cave, see if there is no important treasure?"

Zhang Dong said.

"Do you want to capture my treasure? Then kill me?"

Truth proud of the pupil contraction, the face is changed.

I feel a deep threat.

"There are some treasures, you don't know the usage at all, it is straightforward."

Fang Fei said, "If you take it to the local family, you will definitely be taken. But we are different, you will not take your treasures. You can also exchange with you. Perhaps you can let you cultivate the second level."

"Take a look, what is this?"

Zhang Bin also took out a egg so big life crystals, and emitted green rays.

Selling is much better than the truth proud.

Truth proudly got a dozen life of this source of life, and he only refined one, and the rest can only refine the part of life of the source of life, which is as large.

There is still a lot of left left.

He plans to exchange it with others.

It is better to break through the beginning of the domain.

That can basically mix it in the Tianzi.

However, he also knows that if you want to exchange it, he is too difficult.

So, he didn't do that, but first to revenge.

In addition, he also got a lot of medicinal herbs, and many medicinal herbs didn't know what to do.

Dare to take it.

One is not good, it may cultivate problems.

"I don't look at my eyes in the district."

Truth is proud of the sky, "If you want to exchange, please take more treasures."

"Your life, this source crystal is low, I am advanced, advanced to you don't dare to confuse. As long as you are as big as the ball, you can have a hundred, even thousands of low-level life crystals. "Zhang Bin said," It will definitely make you break through the second level. "

"Cry out of him, then make a good estimate, it can also find his Dongfu."

Hui Yan is impatient, "" Mother, I hesitated, not a big thing. "

Indeed, now the truth is proud of the habitle, not yetful, and the fool is almost.

However, for the truth, his treasure is the only chance of his only life.

Nature should be solemn.

"I will give up some treasures to buy it, don't you."

Zhang Dong hinds an ax, and there is a murder of the sky.

"I am willing to exchange you. You can also lose money."

Truth said.

Soft is soft, he finally succumbed.

"That headbands."

Zhang Bin has a smile of victory on their face.

The cultivation resources of the initial god are too difficult to get.

If you can get some from the truth, you will be some, it is also a big luck.

That maybe Zhang Bin broke through the three levels of the beginning.

It can even have the strength of the beginning of God.

There is no big problem in the main god domain.

That can continue to get cultivation resources to let them continue to break through.

"You come with me, I will take you to the cave."

Truth said.

Soon, Truth is proud of the sky with them to his cave.

Of course, it is in the semi-sealing area.

He took all the treasures, "This is what I get from the cavers in the cave."

There are hundreds of medicines, and there are more than a dozen living crystals.

Cut a part.

"The quality of these life is not very high."

Fang Fei said, "However, the value is also huge."

Then she and Hui Yan carefully examined those Dan.

"Most of them are not used. Only a few are useful."

Hui Yan said.

"These Dan medicine left some, you taking this."

Hui Yan took out part of several medicinal herbs, gave truth proud.

The rest of the medicinal medicine, including all life crystals, were taken away by Zhang Bin.

"Can you give me a life of life?"

Truth proud of his face.

Zhang Bin attacked each other, in fact, it was in detail.

Is it proud of the truth, or let him?

If you kill, you can don't play the parent domain, let go, may put the tiger return to Mountain.

"You can rest assured, I will never go to you again. What do you have not killed your people? You also have no people who have also killed me." Truth proudly said, "My purpose is to deal with strong enemies. , Not to die with you, it is too ignorant, and you can also sorry my mother. "

(I try to write one chapter.)

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