The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5390, the cave is another treasure hunt, huge discovery

Finally, Zhang Bin did not pay hard.

Zhang Bin said: "Truth is proud of the sky, the future our hatred is clear. Even, we don't take you cheap. Because we don't want to be in the mother. So, give you a super precious life of the source of life. This can enhance your Tianshui. Plus these medicinal herbs, plus unstrue substances, you cultivate tens of thousands of years, break through the two levels of the field. It can even reach an invincible, but of course we don't include us. So, this time exchange is You account for a big cheap, we lose money. As for the future, if you really want to continue with us. We will not be afraid, you come over. "

His body reveals a deep confidence.

Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong, they are also the same.

A truth in the district is proud of the sky, has been surpassed by them.

The other party never turned over.

This is the confidence of super genius.

It is also a mood that is perfect.

They don't want to kill each other because I am worried that I am worried.

But the other party still can resurrect in the future, that is, the real thromete.

And it is hiding in the darkness.

It is not as good as a large scale.

Maybe it is really likely to resolve hatred.

Even if you can't, the truth is also under their monitoring.

It is easy to prevent it.

In fact, they also negotiated, grabbing the truth, proud, ban him, killing him to kill outside the mother domain, there is no after anything.

But give him a chance.

After that, Zhang Bin gave a life crystal of a burial days, and the bouncing is so large.

"Thank you. My truth is proud of the truth, nor does it forget the gratitude, Hu Zuo, although it is quite horizontal, but I haven't done a bad thing. In the past few years, my biggest evil thing is to capture the road of monitoring "Truth said proudly," Now I have already awake. I can't continue to go. "

His voice is extraordinarily sincere.

I don't know if it is true.


Zhang Bin, they deeply saw the truth, arrogant, and went.

The truth arrived his cave in the first time.

Going to another cave.

Take the life of the life of life and start crazy.

Then he was completely shocked, because this life of this life is really like Zhang Bin, contains horrible to the extreme life.

Crazy improved his talent.

"Admire, really admire, Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong, Heng Yuanlong, Liu Chao, you are really people."

The truth is proud of arrogant. If he is in Zhang Bin, it will definitely not give such a top life of the source of life.

Don't kill him is the limit.

"Perhaps, I am do not have their chest and temperament, it is surpassed by them."

Truth arrogantly sigh deeply.

"Let's go to the cave to see, the last time, I didn't go to the bottom. I wanted to come to Trume proud that there was also no ability to go to the bottom."

Zhang Bin said, "And that place is certainly the battlefield, the giant marty of the coffin, maybe it is necessary to capture the live crystals of our parent domain, all grasp the abyss of the horrible, but they still have no success, but blood war It's a lot of money. There is still a lot of bodies. "

"I heard that the Tianzu giant to sweep the battlefield, maybe it may be found that the cave." Fang Fei said, "So, it is worth looking again."

The rest have become excited and excited.

Although a lot of cultivation resources have been obtained from the truth proud day, it is necessary to rely on these cultivation resources, and break through a bottleneck. It is simply an idiotic dream.

It is necessary to have a very advanced life of the source crystal, and more medicinal herbs and medicinal materials must be taken.

Most of those Tan medicine are refined with a mother-in-law.

Naturally, it is not used.

Only a few bottles are outside.

It is only used.

Soon, they came to the cave.

All the way down.

"The last time, I can only go here."

Zhang Bin also pointed to say.

"The suffocation here is terrible. It is difficult to continue to continue."

Hengyuan Dragon said.

I went to a few hundred kilometers and didn't encounter my body.

But your suffering is more horrible.

They have no way to continue.

Zhang Bin has changed, and it can better play the power of funeral.

So, he controlled the burial coffin to continue to go down.

The anti-gas murder method is condensed together.

It has become a horrible to the ultimate resistance, blocked them to continue.

"There seems to be light ..."

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, it was not a sky.

It is a treasure that is sent out.

After all, even here is there, it is dark outside.

It is impossible to have a light.

"It seems like a monster as an eye, but it should die."

The monitoring law of Hengyuan Long is the burden, his eyes lit up.

Excitedly said.

"Sure enough, there is no corpse to clean up. It is very likely to be a magic eye beast."

Zhang Bin also excitedly, and their faces also floated the color of ecstasy.

If you don't say this place, even if Zhang Bin has come, you will not think that there may be a body below.

He may come to explore in the future, but now it may not.

Then miss the big firing.

Slowly, they fell a few hundred kilometers.

Finally came to the glowing place.

Sure enough, it is a huge body that is like a hill, there is no life atmosphere.

Inlaid in the cave.

It seems that it is laminated by the rock.

However, a horrible pressure is still exuded, making people creepy.

"It turned out that this cave is a magical eye beast hit. It is always desirable to kill the ground, to capture the life of the mother of the mother. The monitoring of the magical beast is not, in fact, it is a perspective, can perspective See life of life. "

Fang Fei said, "So, this magic eye beast must be very powerful, maybe it is the giant of the funeral heaven and the gourmet."

"It is true that the magic eye beast is not measured by the size of the size."

Hui Yan is also excited, "I don't know, its life is still not there?"

"It should be, otherwise, even the body is taken away, so the top giant, their body is also top treasures."

Zhang Bin said.

"Life is still in the case, I monitor it."

Hengyuan Dragon excitedly said, "Very huge, no more than the giant hand, it is the master of the same realm. Our parent domain has been invaded by so many terrorists, almost even the life of life is taken away. "

"Our mother's life is not almost seized, but must be taken through the part."

Hui Yan sighed, "It is the battle of the destruction. I don't know how my mother domain is coming."

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