The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5463 Killing the Giant Flying Cloud

"God, Zhang Bin seems to have a lot of power, is he founded the life of life? Is it in the beginning of the field?"

Dragonfly glanced to see Zhang Bin left, the momentum and the pressure have improved too much.

She secretly shocked, and her face has been excited and excited.

Now she finally broke through a bottleneck, cultivated to the beginning of the field.

However, she did not continue to cultivate, and she immediately began to go on the shore.

She can't wait to ask Zhang Bin immediately, is it to use the trial to condense into a life of life?

And she also believes that there is a horrible blood battle.

I don't know, who can win?

When Zhang Bin was cultivated to the beginning of the field, he could kill the coffin town.

Now he breaks through the beginning of the field, how much is the power increase?

How much distance is his business channel?

And the distance is not long, and there is not too much power to improve. Zhang Bin is hard to win.

But she still wants Zhang Bin to live, because Zhang Bin is a trial of the trial if it is a trial.

Otherwise, that is, there will be thousands of years, but he may not be able to find it.

No, that is not necessarily.

If there is already a trial of the trial, it has cultivated the source of life.

Zhang Bin can also quickly find life of life.

Because he uses the trial of trial and other kind of unknown avenue, you can find life.

He still has an advantage over another genius, because he is good at trial, this is a new road.

Creating a combination of countless days, creating a lot of life.

29 giant, did not enter the space container, just on the shore, staring at the third cyan path.

Therefore, when Zhang Bin came to three hundred meters, they saw it.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

They are all incomparable giant, from Zhang Bin's momentum found that Zhang Bin repaired to the beginning of the field.

And time has only been a year.

Also, they know that the purgatory cannot be cultivated to the beginning of the domain.

But what is going on now?

Zhang Bin's face has become serious.

Because after finding the life path of life, he can find the power of the enemy.

Any one is terrible, it is much better than the South of the coffin town.

They are all cultivated the life of the life to tens of millions of kilometers so long.

He wants to kill them, it is really difficult.

After all, he is fast, and many of the matching skills will not be cultivated.

Finally, Zhang Bin came to the shore of more than ten meters away.


The giant hand flew yell, he became a stream of flow.

The native source crystal is sprayed in the mouth.

With the murder of the sky, Zhang Bin.

It is the most convenient to kill Zhang Bin on the purgatory road.

Because Zhang Bin has no way to avoid it, it can only be returned.

But it is absolutely faster than his life of this source.

His life is not simple, flying out in vitro can also call his full mana and energy.

Of course, you can attack the gravity and rules of the purgatory.

After all, he has cultivated the life of the live road to a point of 90 million kilometers.

And there are many channels.

Life's source crystals can quickly call countless mana and energy.

The power out of course is of course incomparable.

The hit is definitely destroyed.

" ..."

His life of his life was crystallized into a green light, and the blink of an eye was in front of Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin did not retreat, but yelling, "Looking for death ..."

His mouth also burst into a live source crystal.

Lightning is in the past.

Between the blink, the two life of life is slammed together.

The mana and energy were taken simultaneously, and it was chemically formed into a number of horror.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.

Space collapse.

The rays of the light, it has become a huge mushroom cloud, and the vine is empty.

Two life of life is also like Mars hit the earth.

Then fly back at the same time.

However, look carefully, you can find that the life of the giant flying clouds has a fine crack.

And Zhang Bin's life is safe and sound.

Even a trace is not.

After all, it is the same realm, and Zhang Bin's life crystal is broken by 16 limit.

It is not just a huge size, but also a specific gravity is also particularly horrible.

Although the armed mana and energy are not more than the other, it contains massive life energy.


Zhang Bin's heart is big, rapidly fluttered, and all in the life of life.

Suddenly, the source of life is rotated and flew out and easily crossed the other party's live source crystals.

Call the mana and energy again, bring the murder of the sky, and fly to the giant hand.


The giant flying clouds made a scream.

This is because the painful sound caused by cracks caused by life.

He immediately retreats quickly.

At this moment, he regretted him, should not jump.

This makes him unsearous.

There is no way to avoid.

And this is a purgatory, and he is difficult to return quickly.

Between the blink, Zhang Bin's life is already chasing him.

It's going to look at the giant flying clouds.

There was a huge ax in his hand.

It's too late to turn out, and you will stop.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's life is in the ax.

Bang ...

It is also a big sound brochure.

Flame rays detonating.


The ax is broken, and then Zhang Bin's life is in the giant hand.

... ...

The giant hand is broken instantly.


Screaming is particularly screaming.

The soul of the giant fly cloud is also flying out, and it is completely broken under the horrible energy and mana attack.

Then the sound came to an abrupt.

He is falling.

Being killed by Zhang Bin tweezers.

If he is not coming to the small way, you want to kill Zhang Bin, that Bin wants to kill him, then it is very difficult.

After all, he is the most powerful and most powerful.

It is much stronger than the 28 giant.

"Ha ha ha ... It's the most powerful, it's really transported."

Zhang Bin's heart is big, reach a hand, and seizes the other's lives of life, and has received it.

At the beginning of the nine-level life crystals, it is worth the city.

It can be refined to replenish the life of life.

It can also be used to cultivate.

It can make the low-level start domain giant break through the bottleneck.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

The 28 giants were completely scared, shocked to the extreme.

I can't believe it will be such a result.

The power of the giant fly clouds is known, and the cultivation is millions of years.

Soon, you will have to break through the terminal ten level.

Be turned out to be killed by Zhang Bin tweezers?

Such a result can not be accepted.

"It's a miracle."

The drama is also very shocking, watching Zhang Bin like the monster.

And she is now having a hundred percent of the grasp, Zhang Bin is brought together with the source of life and cultivation to the beginning of the field.

This speed is too fast.

Moreover, Zhang Bin's war is too horrible!

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