
Zhang Bin did not have any delays, his mouth opened, swallowed his life, the source crystal, and then became a stream, rush.

"Kill him……"

28 giants were awake at the moment, someone shouted in madness.

Then they spurt their live crystals and brought to Zhang Bin with the murder of the sky.

Their life is not very large, and there is less than a football.

But the speed is extravagant.

The murder is also extravalent, after all, can call the mana and energy among their body.

This is extremely horrible.

woo woo woo woo……

The horrible voice sounded, the space collapsed, green light.

28 live crystals have blocked any direction, let Zhang Bin can't close them.

"Life is dead."

Zhang Bin angry, his two hands were suddenly explored.

Dancing in a hurry.

Many life transistors changed the direction and went around his side.

And his people rushed to the past.

Two feet kick on two coffins.

The horrible energy and mana take out from the feet.

Brain bumpy ...

The coffin bursts, and it has become a debris.

The attacks of these two feet are simply too ferocious.

After all, that is, the coffin of the beginning is domain, cultivating into an unsatisfactory.

Defense is extraordinarily horror.

"Kill kill ..."

26 giants were crazy, they didn't dare to close Zhang Bin, continue to control the live crystals of life, and they also spurt countless will leaves in their mouth.



Zhang Bin also shouted in madness.

His two handed out of gods, mana and energy, and chemically formed a whirlpool, rotating countless will leaves and life.

And his two feet are chemical into a weapon of death, kicking in the coffin, giant hand.

... ...

The coffin is broken, the giant hand is broken.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of screaming continuously.

Only a dozen breathing time, 28 giant is all kicked by Zhang Bin livelihood.

Even if they have a life crystal, they are not coming.

In fact, it is useless to self-explosion, just kill Zhang Bin at all.

Nowadays, Zhang Bin repairs to the beginning of the field, which can quickly invoke the mana and energy in the body.

Faster, defense is stronger.

In such an open place, the live crystal self-burst of life, he can easily avoid it.

Therefore, the giant battle of the beginning of the field is basically not allowed to make their lives of the source of the source.

And this allows Zhang Bin to get 29 intact life crystals.

Even got countless will leaves.

However, there is no use of such will leaves, because false, attached to the soul and spiritual power to dissipate.

Zhang Bin, of course, can also drive the will of the leaves, but it is better to cultivate quenching, and their own will leave, and they will be more built.

But the blood war has not ended yet.

A blind man suddenly flies from a giant hand.

In an instant, it turned into the fumes of the coffin.

Obviously, this is the will of the coffin buried autumn leaves.

And that a giant hand is certainly super genius, although there is no giant flying cloud, but it is more potential.

"Zhang Bin, die."

The coffin burys the autumn roar, and the lightning hits Zhang Bin.

That speed is really fast.

As Zhang Bin is now the strength, it still can't open.

But Zhang Bin did not panic, even his face floated on a contempt.

His mouth opens, and the life of life is taken out.

In an instant, I slammed on the emotion of the coffin.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.

The fumes of the coffin buried autumn instantly crushed, chemically became countless light, dissipated in the heavens and the earth, no longer existed.

And Zhang Bin's life is also flying back, and there is a touch of scars in the surface.

But there is no crack.

There is no damage.

That is, today Zhang Bin can have to resist the attack of the will of the world.

Of course, just a piece.

It is hard to say if you are multiple pieces.

Moreover, if it is a will of the masters of the Shangyong Anbang, Zhang Bin also did not grasp the resistance.

Because is much more powerful than the coffin.

"God, this is simply a miracle."

It's really stunned and shocked by it.

I can't believe my eyes.

Just one year, Zhang Bin found his own source.

Ten years, Zhang Bin broke through four bottlenecks and cultivated to the beginning of the nine level.

Terrible is that his war is extremely horrible.

His talent is too horrible.

Zhang Bin picked up a lot of trophy in the first time.

The face has also floated the color of joy.

Because he is induced, the treasure in the huge body is extraordinary.

Not only there is small source Dan, but there are still many medicinal materials.

Most of the coffin and dragonfly domains, there are also some kind of gods.

Of course, the most precious or 29 life-generated crystals, contains massive life energy.

" ... The enemy did not come in?"

Then Zhang Bin's mouth made a surprised voice.

Don't this 29 terrorist giant, did not pass alert before dying?

It is impossible, and the coffin has been in autumn. After all, his will leave the leaves issued an attack.

"The beginning of the nine levels were killed by you, and the beginning of the field is not coming. They must ambush in the entrance of the purgatory, then you don't know the number of people, and you can send it, they can easily attacked you."

The drama said seriously, "I have also ambush there, I have almost no lost."

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin muttered, but his brow is gone.

This is troubles, you still can't get out of the purgatory.

After all, there are 10 horrible masters, all of the field ten.

Among them, there is a powerful coffin burying winter.

In fact, as long as a giant giant in the beginning of the field is outside, you may tragedy.

After all, the giant life of the beginning of the field has gone hundreds of millions of kilometers.

The most cattle even got past nine billion kilometers.

The giant is more than ten times higher than the nine level.

Zhang Bin has estimated his strength, and he is only a strong flying cloud than the giant hand.

The life of the giant flying clouds came out of 90 million kilometers.

So, your own war is estimated to fight the weakest field ten giant, but there is no ability to kill.

"Zhang Bin, are you from the trial of the trial into the source of life?"

I can't help but ask.

"No, I combined with two channels, the life of the life is condensed."

Zhang Bin lie.

In fact, he almost said true, but suddenly felt a inexplicable crisis.

Although I don't know where the crisis comes, it must be avoided.

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