The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5465, the ambition of the rain

"With two kinds of roads, it has become a life of life. It is also very unrestrained, and now many people have used more than a dozen roads, or even dozens of roads have become the life of life. After all, they must be unique, several ways The original source of combined with it has long been gone first. "

...... Secondly, the trial is used to make the source of the source, this foot can cause nearly 20,000 powerful genius. You are one of them. Then follow the trial and the other two channels. It will also be very powerful, and it can be made more. "

"Two roads, three ways to condense the source of this source, will it become very powerful?"

Zhang Bin asked faintly.

"Of course, just cultivate some trouble, try to bring two or three rivers into one, in fact, it is to open the river, let it integrate, excavate, but as long as there is cultivation, it is not too It's hard, but because you have to advance these kinds, you can make the river to open more, you will trouble something. Because it is different for many talents. Since the promotion is very slow. So, powerful speed It is different. And a kind of talent to the limit, then thoroughly restroom, no longer advance. So, a single cost source is the most powerful. Because it is the most talented path. ".

"You are right, but it is only limited to the upper limit, and the future achievement will ceiling."

Zhang Bin said, "But before the ceiling, progress and combat power may not be poor."

"Are you using the trial of the trial and the other way to coagulate the source of the origin? How is the gap between the two roads?"

I asked in the grass.

"This girl seems to be very interested in me. It seems that I am very handsome."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but his mouth said: "It is the way, my time is good, but of course, the talent that cannot be tried."

His answered is a bit vague.

In fact, he doesn't want to disclose any secret.

Although the drama of the drama does not seem malicious, and I have been helping him.

But after all, it is not your own relative, nor is it your own woman.

"You can also cultivate time to 400 or more, it can be seen that talents are also good." , "If you spend this crisis, keep the golden autumn domain, you are very rare genius, The future is not limited. Do you know? Why is our and the first-class ganta genius to enter the three-level garden, or a higher god yard? It is because it is a very good, it is more than a dozen, or even Dozens of dozens of. However, as long as in ten kinds, it is basically able to enter the high-level garden. The original source of two kinds of roads, that will even enter the fourth and even five gods in the future. "

"My talent is generally general, I can practice to the field level estimate."

Zhang Bin said.

Without powerful, the talents are too good, the sharpness is revealed, but there is a danger of falling.

Still hidden.

"Zhang Bin, you missed the chance of the big big." Drama raining and sighed. "If you don't go to the main god domain, then you can use the trial of the way. That's the money, the future, you can Create a powerful martial art, to teach the Justice of the disciples trial, so that they can quickly cultivate to 400 or more, then they are also the way to use the trial combination. After all, even the main god domain is only only You can only show the oysters of various rules to 365. After you have to rely on yourself. "

"Can you now?"

Zhang Bin said.

He has now cultivated the trial to 405.

Breaking through the beginning of the field, he promoted again.

He has a clear understanding of the righteousness of the trial rules.

I can really show the oysters.

It can be taught with mental docking.

"You can teach others, but you can't build the martial art. This is the main god of the domain. And, the source will come to you." Drama, "In fact, I hope you can Passing the trial of the Justice to me, because my trial is also super good, just in space. Therefore, I hope that the way to use space and the trial of the trial into the source of life. My space The way has been cultivated to 402, and there is another way. The road of light is also cultivated to 398, but it is still far from the talent of the trial, it is slowly cultivated with a long time. But Soon I practiced the trial, I cultivated the trial rule to 308. If you teach me, I will quickly practice it to 400. Then I can't use two to condense my life, I can use it. The three condensed into life of life, then I will also cultivate the four or even five levels in the field. "

She wants two or three cost of the way, a lot of ambition.

But if you rely on her own, it can only dream.

Therefore, you must get the help of Zhang Bin.

Once Zhang Bin promised, if she can be two arrogance, the future achievements are unlimited.

Zhang Bin is also exceptionally high to her.

And she chooses to help Zhang Bin, even saying that her father lobby , that is, this purpose.

Otherwise, the golden autumn domain must be dying, how can Zhang Bin teach her Ji Ji?

"It turns out that this beauty is not helping me free, she is with purpose."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he began to think out fine.

The main god domain has certain genius has already cultivated the trial to 400, and the oysters of their own trials will also begin to be taught.

There is no big use of yourself.

It is better to cultivate it into full play?

Then I don't have friends.

Also maybe you can get her help.

"I am willing to pay the greatest remuneration."

, "You talk about your requirements. I can do it."

"You have helped me too much." Zhang Bin said, "There is no need to pay."

After that, Zhang Bin's spiritual strength flew out, and the spiritual power of the drama and passed the Justice of the Tao 400 level of the trial to her.

"Thank you, I must help you, keep the golden autumn field." The gratitude of the rain is playing.

Nowadays, the gods from the coffin gods from the beauty of the coffin have been killed by Zhang Bin.

Only ten giant giants left in the beginning of the field, and there are 71 giant giant.

The Golden Queen field has become safer.

It is not possible to keep the golden autumn domain.

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