The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5487 gets the original refiner

The most important thing is that the gods and This decision is indeed a lot.

It does not reduce the strength of the god domain, but will make the dragonfly domain more powerful.

This is consistent with the purpose of the godhouse.

The previous

That is actually uncomfortable, helping Zhang Bin and Golden Autumn God, but is saving the .

But since this is now correct, it will not secretly oppose and help Zhang Bin.

"Life's source of transistor refining the origin of the original artifact, as with the hard and sharp steel knife, and can always call the steel knife and energy of the energy in the body, and the power will be tens of times very normal. "The butterfly is seriously said," Covenant Tower refines the body of the two-level giant body, but that is just a body, but the defense ability is also very horrible. And the field first level giant refining the origin His war is far more than the level of the world. The golden autumn area can defend the first-level giant attack, but how can it be resistant to the attack of the finals of the world? One knife cuts the world, destroying everything. It is not a level of one. Therefore, it is necessary to be the ultra-genius of the field level to refine the origin. "

"Is this Secret to teach the primary god domain?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Yes, this is the primary god domineering, but the giant giant of the first-level god has never been taught, because the talent is not enough, the cultivation is not successful. The coffin buried autumn is because many adventures, plus talents will be super, and have been cultivated At the peak of the field, it can practice success. The first-level giant level of the first-class domain is basically unable to cultivate the peak of the field level, because the life of life must be opened to nearly billion km. "

"Close to one billion kilometers?"

Zhang Bin secretly shocked, it seems that the coffin is too strong, much more powerful than yourself.

After all, I will cut my life to nine million kilometers.

Moreover, almost always stagnant.

Even, I don't know what the terminal is like, how to break through.

The other party is going to practice to the final stage.

"Since the has abandon you, I also abandon your parent domain. You don't have to admit it to the people of the gods." The butterfly is prince said, "I represent the butterfly domain to extend the olive branch for you, as long as you go Our butterfly gods, your parent domains also agree, then I will ask the father to come, show the movement of the sky, move your parent domain to the starry sky of our butterfly domain, and you are the people of our butterfly gods, you The parent domain is also a sub-domain of our butterfly domain. We absolutely take the colleagues, it will never cause unfair competition like the gods. Even, we will vigorously cultivate you. Especially Zhang Bin, the talent is super good, the future is our butterfly The super genius of the gods. So, you have spent the crisis, and have a very good development, why not? "

"Parents can not be unnatural, children can't be ill."

The voice of Golden Autumn God rang, "What's more, it has not been confirmed yet. All guess."

"Dear golden autumn gods, I admire your morality." The butterfly is prince said, "But this is already a matter of clearing, if you don't want to do it, you can't get it, you and your countless people will fall. "

"Prince His Temple, thank you for telling us this news."

Zhang Bin said faintly, "We will try to pay, we will also take the strategy of dealing. Of course, how to deal with it in the future, you have to take it. You should go back."

"That, you are careful, don't fall, we will be open for you." The big door of our butterfly is always open to you. "The butterfly is not discouraged. He is just to ventilate, a vaccination, and the future, etc. Find a danger, in the face of death, then to lobby, the possibility of success is huge.

After finishing, he stood up and left.

Zhang Bin said: "Under the His Temple, take the liberty, ask for a sentence, I don't know if I can exchange cultivation resources? We want to buy a few-grained genoven."

"Final Dan?"

The butterfly prince has a singular smile, "" I can use the value of the city to describe it. However, since you need, I can send you one. I don't accept it. "

After finishing, he took out a final domain and put on the table.

Afterwards, he as long as he went outside, and the golden autumn gods gave it to the butterfly field, so the butterfly gods have given the golden autumn god domain one gear field.

The will not wait until the coffin bury autumn and cultivate the origin of the origin, will personally do hand to deal with the golden autumn god.

The golden autumn god is also available on the butterfly field.

"I don't worry, we still use treasures to exchange, otherwise, you still put the field Dan."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Then use 100 10-level life crystals to change it?"

The butterfly is prince said faintly.

"Is this expensive?"

Zhang Bin was darkly horrified, but the mouth said: "It's almost, you still put the field Dan."


The butterfly is proudly, and the field is over.

This kind of treasure is also very reluctant.

If the golden autumn domain is not planned, such a treasure is a huge loss.

As for the planted, it is almost impossible.

Because Zhang Bin who has already shown Yongtong, record the conventional situation.

It can be announced at any time.

"Right, the prince of the Prince, I don't know if you have learned the origin of my own refiner. Since this is the primary god domineering, the giant giant of all the first-class gods in the gods has been learned. Can you teach me?"

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"The origin refiner must practice to the field level to practice, you get useless."

The butterfly is faintly said, "However, since this is the primary gods to teach, any genius has qualified cultivation, and the god of the god is not willing to teach you, but it is not very fair. I will give you the master."

After finishing, his spiritual power and Zhang Bin's spiritual docking, directly transferred to Zhang Bin to Zhang Bin directly.

I slemit it.

He is bright in his heart, and now it has become a seeding in the golden autumn domain.

The plan to abandon the golden autumn domain will not change, so the possibility of rebellion in the golden autumn domain is very large.

His purpose has been reached.

As for the teaching of Zhang Bin's source refining, it is only to add the dragonfly domain.

He does not think Zhang Bin will succeed.

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