The butterfly is a slap, and many of the people of the people have become nervous.

They began to trade in detail.

Soon, they concluded that it was that the golden autumn is really abandoned by the god domain, and there is no good intention, and it is necessary to capture the live crystals of the golden autumn domain.

However, it also needs to be confirmed.

Therefore, Zhang Bin bites teeth, or contacts Anabang, "The tutor, I heard that the

"Where did you get this news?"


Suddenly Zhang Bin's face became cold, because it was directly confirmed.

And this news is still blocked and confidential.

Don't want them to know the golden autumn domain.

"I don't want to say the source of the message. Is this confidential to my golden autumn?"

Zhang Bin asked, "The tutor is not the coffin, the autumn can quickly refine the origin of the origin, will launch a fatal blow to us outside the gods, destroy our Tianzi and Jinqiu Domain?"

"The origin refiner needs to practice to the field of the field, the giant can practice, and must be a super genius." So, "So, Your Majesty is only taught in many fields, you don't have the field of golden autumn gods. Level giant, naturally did not inform you. As for the coffin buried autumn, his talent is very good, and it is possible to make the origin of the origin. Maybe he will really attack the golden autumn field again. But may not be able to achieve the purpose. I believe. You have a possible way. "

"If I don't know this news, then I really tragedy. It seems that the god domain is thoroughly gave up our golden autumn domain, and we must cause us to die." Zhang Bin sad and angry, "Tutor, do you support you also support Decision of and ? "

"I am just a deputy dean, the power level of the world, there is no power to talk." said, "Although I don't support this decision, there is no ability to stop. I hope you don't think too much, mother The domain does not see the value of the golden autumn domain, which is determined so. If you show your value, you can spend this crisis, I believe that the parent domain will change the decision. However, I hope you don't think about going to the butterfly domain. Then it is dead. I estimate that you still have five years of safe time. If you can break through the top ten in the field. The combat will skyrocket, plus the shadowa tower and the magic eye, and your giant hand It is not necessarily lost. I don't contact you, just think about it, I have two good ideas. You will return to the Shenyuan as soon as possible, the college has special treasures, 10,000 times time flow rate. Plus you can use credits For some special treasures. You should make you break through. "

"Thank you for your tutor."

Zhang Bin said.

He is bright in his heart, and the guess the people of the butterfly field to find the golden autumn god.

: "My giant hand is also the first level of the field, maybe I can refine the source artifact, can you tell me the origin of the origin?"

"How can your bouting may be the first level of the field? Just the body is, the soul is not. The soul is the most important thing." , "You have learned useless, let alone, Your Majesty does not allow leaks. Otherwise I will have big trouble. "

"Well, don't bother your tutor."

Zhang Bin said, stop contacting.

He silently said that he was seriously said: "I have confirmed it from the instructor. The I have already taught it. Now it is only a concealed. There is no silver three hundred and two this place. However, we cannot cast a butterfly domain. "

"Yes, we can't vote for butterfly gods." Tian Baodao said seriously, "Since , we can think of this. In the stars of , it is very close to the gods. God can monitor our movements at any time. Once they let them catch the handle, the gods will do it, then they will die. "

"The butterfly is not good, he is to provoke our betrayal , let the Send our lives of life in the golden autumn field. Because we have got our good feelings, then they have a greater likelihood. "The old ancestors said coldly.

"I want to spend this crisis, still relying on our own, any external force is not borrowed."

Zhang Bin said.

"But, from the butterfly prince, I learned the origin of my origin, this is a crime. The god of the god will use this to use this excuse to deal with us?" Tian hundred old ancestors said.

"This is not worried." Zhang Bin said confidently, "This is not a crime before we don't cultivate the original artifact. Moreover, we also came to the evidence of the betrayal. Once we cultivate the original artifact. They also dare to deal with us with such a crime? It can only be a dream. The main god domain is not allowed. Because the main god domain is to cultivate the genius. That is to teach the origin of the origin to the genius. This is the main god domain expectation. Moreover, once we have strength, the is not a fool, will certainly change the idea. Will not deal with us again. "

"What can we do to deal with the coffin buried in the original origin?"

Heaven, the old ancestors said.

The rest of the people are worried about Zhang Bin.

"There is still five years, I have to go to the wilderness to practice, be sure to break through the beginning of the field."

Zhang Bin said, "The power of the heavens and the earth, you should fight the coffin of the original origin."

"No, I can't go to the hospital." Tianfang old ancestors said, " There is no hope in the domain. Their plans will never have problems. "

The rest of the giant is also attached.

Zhang Bin's eyebrows also got up, I want to cultivate the top ten levels, I have to get special medicinal herbs, such a medicinal medicine only has a goddess?

Do you want to go to the main domain?

However, the road is unlimited, and it will go for a few years.

It is entirely impossible to break through the top ten levels.

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