The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5504 Chapter Bai Yunqiu Crane Shock


Bai Yunqiu Crane grabbed the urchin's elders and came to Zhang Bin and Maple Leaf Yixia.

She pumped the urchin long and the old, and said: "Old urchin, this is your apprentice Zhang Bin? Do you dare to make my disciple's idea? Not afraid that I kill him?"

"They are free love, my kioli, do you have any reason to play him? Also, your apprentice will not agree." The urchin long and flying quickly jumped up, smiling.

"Zhang Bin saw the late autumn crane."

Zhang Bin said a bit awkwardly.

"Master is good."

Maple Leaf Yixia is also shameless, a bit uneasy.

"Xiao Xia, do you like him?"

Bai Yunqiuhe looked at Maple Leaf Yixia with a painful eyes and asked.


Maple Leaf Witxia was shy to the head.

" ..."

The urchin is not proud of being smirk.

"What should I do with the romance of the Qingshan? Are you do not like the romantic romance?"

Bai Yunqiu He asked.

Although she has never seen a romantic routine, she has heard that Qingshan is in the pursuit of Maple Leaf Yingxia, and Maple Leaf Witxia also likes Qingshan Range, the guy seems to be true.

"He is a romantic routine. In order to pursue me, I didn't he he he he he heard the door. I have been trying to practice in five years. I have never going to pick up the girl. He has already washed your heart. Can I not be hired?"

Maple Leaf Yixia squats in your heart, but of course, you can't say it, otherwise you will leak secret.

The Qingshan god domain is not sub-white domain, which is the god domain of the same level.

How can the genius of Qingshan gods may join the White cloud?

That is the joke of the big big.

Therefore, she can only say: "Master, you misunderstood, I have never liked the Qingshan Routine."

The meaning of the words, now she finally found the people who really like, that is Zhang Bin.

" ..."

The urchin is even more proud, and this apprentice is a cow. It is just the first-class gods. I will take a beautiful woman who likes Qingshan. After I have to go to another three beautiful women, give myself a big head.

"Kid, what's the matter, can you let me like you?"

Bai Yunqiu Crane is getting angry, looking at Zhang Bin with a sharp look.

"Elder, I am an ordinary person, there is nothing to do. But love is so magical. If you have no reason, you can make people love at first sight." Zhang Bin said.


Bai Yunqiu Crane is angry, "I asked you, how many kinds of roads do you use to become a life of life?"

"Five kinds."

Zhang Bin said.

Today, he has used urchin's long-elderly secret law, take time, Thunder, and Yin Yang's mana long river hard and student to his trial of the long river, it seems that it is the same as five condensed into life.

This kind of secret is even in a urchin, and is also his business.

The principle of his calculation is that if it is condensed into a life of life, it should be able to call this kind of mana, move the Different Law of the Long River.

Not too difficult.

As a result, Zhang Bin tried, and it can be done.

"Five? Projected it to show me?"

Bai Yunqiuhe's face is full of shocking, the beauty is also bright, "If I satisfied, I will marry you, even, I will pass you to the cage, improve your battle."

"Apprentice, my four wife is the best at projection, can easily trapped the same level, and then easily kill. When I greeted my four, I was losing the cage, it was trapped, then I was hit by them. I will not be able to attack them with a spiral. Every time I have been hitting the nose, I can't ask for it. "

The urchin is excited to say.

"When is the four beautiful people, the old age, is your wife?"

Zhang Bin was refuted in his heart, but of course, he didn't dare to say it. He really thoughtfully.

His source is projected.

The world is shrouded.

The most eye-catching is the straight long river, surging, exceptional wide and huge.

Always flowing to the end of the world.

However, if you look carefully, you can find that the source of this long river is fuzzy.

Because Zhang Bin's trial rule is the most cattle, it has reached 450, and the other four rules are around 410.

Naturally is not so long.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's projection is not complete.

The source is shielded with a urchin.

But only the mystery of urchins can see.

"Trial, time, Thunder, Yin Yin Fair? In fact, it can be said that it is four kinds of roads to become a life of life. This is too bull, how can this bastard find a so powerful apprentice? No wonder he dares us four Beautiful people gambling ... "

Bai Yunqiuhe squatted in his heart, but his face was a wind and cloud, and his mouth also said faintly: "OK, match my proud disciple. But you don't be proud, you are also walking the dog Because there are two new roads, trials and monitors, it is said that no one can condense into the source of life, but it seems to be difficult to practice. But the trial is earlier, and it has been condensed. It became the source of life, as long as there is a trial of the talent, it can be two, three, four condensed into life. Nowadays, countless geniuses, all the way to the triumph. My disciple maple leaves Xia, no less than you, the life of the six condensation, she is also the blessing of the trial. "

"Maple Leaf Witxia is also the life of the life of six condensation? So horrible?"

Zhang Bin is darkly shaken, at this moment, he knows how many geniuses in the world.

It is not too long to use the trial of the trial, and there is no longer, but it is now necessary to condense the life of life. It is estimated that two, three, four four, five have been combined.

Even, he is a bit worried, don't you know that there is two condensation in two ways into life?

However, look back, it is not his woman.

People don't like him in the roots.

Just try to get judges here from him.

Thus I want to be a god.

Even if she succeeds, but because she is not too good to the talent of the trial rule, it is difficult to cultivate into the super powerful point.

Instead, Maple Leaf Yingxia, is completely from her own six to condense life.

The future is not limited.

It is also no wonder that she can repair the origin of the origin at the beginning of the field.

This day is really terrible.

"More than he is so talented, four condensed lives in the life ..."

Maple Leaf Yingxia looked at Zhang Bin, and his face was full of admiration and pride.

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