The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5505 Chapter Horror

"Hey, my apprentice is not four condensed into life, but a place. This is the place where the cattle is." The urchin is very embarrassed in his heart, "even, my four wives can't see Out, I am really a rare genius. "

"Xiaoxia, you first show the projection cage, put Zhang Bin, let him know your power, you will pass his projection cage, otherwise there will be no chance."

Baiyun Qiuhe voice said.

Obviously, she also knows that Zhang Bin's potential is huge.

As long as Zhang Bin learns to projection cage, Maple Leaf Yixia is definitely not Zhang Bin's opponent.

"Yes, Master."

Maple Leaf Yixia is shine.

In the past and Zhang Bin's war, she never showed projection cage.

Because this is the most horrible trick, it will not be used easily.

Even can't improve Zhang Bin's strength, just seriously crack down on Zhang Bin's self-confidence.

Then she looked at Zhang Bin, said coldly: "Zhang Bin, now I will teach you to projection."

After finishing, she is always moving, and her source projection is shrouded.

Timely change.

Zhang Bin 's Source Projection Instant.

Then Zhang Bin found that he was in a magical and horrible world.

The world is a confused.

Dahe Tao, the stream countless.

It makes up a horrible space and makes you completely shrouded.

He feels uncomfortable.

As if there is countless rope, it is tied to yourself.

Then his eyes flowers, Maple Leaf Yixia appeared in front of him.

"Let you see the power of projected cage."

Maple Leaf Yixia is smiling and finishing, she is a punching.

Zhang Bin quickly retreated, while resisting it.

But because of the imprisonment, the speed is too slow.

I took a punch directly, and my nose was nose.


He issued a painful scream.

Fly, go to the ground, rolling.


Maple Leaf Yixia smiled and shouted, rushed to the past, played with Zhang Bin.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin continued to move continuously.

There is no power for your hand.

No, he can't do it.

The speed is too slow.

Once the block is started, countless power is acting on his hands.

Let his speed decrease.

The attack is all right.

He is so angry, fully uses urchilous steps, and then exerts the spiral.

But the two kinds of cattle don't work hard.

Still not too much.

Being in Maple Leaf Yixia, it was a sidewall, and it was miserable.

"Gigling ... I used to make you, do you think that I am the most proud disciple of Baiyunqiuhe, is it so weak? Even you don't play?"

Maple Leaf Yixia was crazy to attack, and smiled and shouted.

"Source Book ..."

Zhang Bin was in a hurry, and he also made a strong projection, but he could not present.

It is completely suppressed by the source of Maple Leaf Witxia.


Zhang Bin's face has a foot on his face, and suddenly fly away, fell to the ground and coma.

"Sorry, I can't listen to my Master, she said that I will hit you, I can only hit you."

Maple Ying Yixia walked over and apologized.

But Zhang Bin is a evil laugh, and she hugged her legs and turned hard.


Maple Leaf Yixia is overwhelming.

He turned over.

Pressing her tightly below.

"Betting, let me go ... you make fraud."

Maple Leaf Yixia is shy and angry.

"It turns out that you are so powerful, no wonder is so proud."

How can Zhang Bin may release her, watching her flowers, breathing intoxicating the fragrance, sighing.

At this time, he understood that the urchin length said that he is not the opponent of the four beautiful disciples.

Although I am getting genius, the time of cultivation is too short.

The war is still not strong.

And the four beautiful disciples have a horrible trick.

I have not cultivated the original artifact, but they really do it.

"Where am I arrogant, isn't you looked at you without being caught?"

Maple Leaf Yingxia said.

After that, she closed her eyes.

A pair of signs.

Such temptation, any man can't resist it.

Therefore, Zhang Bin didn't help but kissed it.

When Maple Leaf Yixia suddenly stood up and grabbed Zhang Bin's neck and began to respond enthusiastically.

Although the cage projected is very bovine, you can block everything in the outside world.

However, what is the power of urchins and white cranes, they still saw the situation in the model.

" ..."

The urchin grows is proud to laugh.

"What is the master to bring any apprentice."

White crane is old and the old man is old.

"Hey ... four wife, we also have a good breath."

The urchin long marks smiled and suddenly attacked, and she hugged the white crane and kissed hard.


But it is a little slap in the face.

Then I took a stunning knee.

The urchin has to release her, hug Xiao Dingding, "Ah, ah ... ..."

"Xiaoxia, you are white, bite his tongue, explode his egg, let him bully you?"

The white crane is always elder and then joined in, full of angry.

It's falling so soon, how can Zhang Bin care about Zhang Bin in the future?

Maple Leaf Yingxia woke up and hurriedly did this.


Zhang Bin horses a scream, and the tongue is almost broken, and the egg is almost open.

And Maple Leaf Yixia is taking the opportunity to escape.

Continue to Zhang Bin's foot kick.

"Hold the grass ... this woman is so difficult to tame?"

Zhang Bin didn't know if it was the long of the white crane.

He was very urgently to resist it.

But useless.

Finally, I was already beaten so miserable, that is, I can't climb it.

I haven't eaten such a loss in this big.

It is simply unforgettable.

"Now, have you know how powerful?"

Maple Leaf Yixia said.

"I know, it is really horrible, empty power can not be used, very wronged."

Zhang Bin said that it is more depressed.

In fact, he can defeat Maple Yende, of course, can only rely on wisdom and trick.

For example, when he kills the legs of Maple Leaf Witxia, use a spiral attack.

However, he also knows that Maple Leaf Witxia also has no efforts to attack.

Otherwise, you may have no chance to dress.

After all, if it is Maple Leaf Witxia to show the original artifact, crazy attack, it is directly smashed into pieces.

This cage prison is really horrible, absolutely can be invincible.

If you learn this magical difficulty.

What kind of point will your strength rise to?

At this moment, he is extraordinarily expected.

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