The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5507 White Yunqiu Cranes

"Don't, my Master will kill you."

Maple Leaf Yixia is shy, seriously warning.

But her reminder is too late.

Zhang Bin suddenly found that his own cage projection instantly fragmented.

It has become a pry, it is dissipated.

The other cage projection occurs instantly.

Handed him with Maple Leaflene.

More terrible is, the vain of a small river quickly agglomerated into a rope.

I bundled him.

As for Maple Leaf Witxia, I have already escaped from his arms.


Zhang Bin's heart is bright, this is certainly a blend of Baiyun Qiuhe.

This beautiful elders will inevitably wear their own cage projections from the outside, and find that they bully her apprentices.

So, I want to teach him.

It is surprised that Baiyunqiuhe's cage is more horrible, not only for imprisonment and rushing, and even has bundled functions.

But he certainly disguised, call mana and energy, and struggled.

Unfortunately, there is no use, this rope is very strong.

How to struggle.

He still did not give up, and the flame was madly burned.

But still useless, this is not a real rope, but a shadow.

The flame is terrible, and it is also burned out of the projection.

"This mixed boy is very courageous, dare to spend my face, bullying my apprentice, letting you know my power today."

Bai Yunqiuhe squatted in his heart, and her people appeared in front of Zhang Bin like ghosts, faintly said: "The power of the cage projected, not only to trap and imprison strong, but also bundled, even still You can hold the enemy's hands and feet. "

After saying, a slap in an instant, and the hands and feet of Zhang Bin are completely copied.

As for breaking, then don't think.

Bai Yunqiuhe is the leader of the three levels of the field, Zhang Bin did not cultivate into the final stage, and I thought about her opponent.

"There are still many means, let you see it ..."

Bai Yunqiuhe finished, and started to show more horrible attacks and deal with Zhang Bin.

I will crane Zhang Bin in the tree. I will throw Zhang Bin into the river projection, and the river is crazy, and the strand.

There are countless means to display one by one.

Crazy torture and attack Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin called a huge, the pole of the wolf.

But he also saw a number of abnormal attacks of the prostitute cage.

The eyes are open.

At this time, he also understood that his cage projection is nothing.

There are still many things to be improved.

Of course, he finally understood that Bai Yunqiuhe is a horrible crazy woman.

Means of poisonous poles.

There is only a urchin long and old.

"Maple Leaf Yingxia can't learn bad with her, otherwise you can have suffer."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he did not worry, Maple Ying Yingxia itself is very gentle, and it is much more powerful than she.

She wants to bully him to do it.

Bai Yunqiuhe washed Zhang Bin's foot for three months with a miserable method.

And Zhang Bin also basically mastered all the attacks of the cage projection.

Of course, he wants to use all, but it is not so easy. Even if you can, the power is not too horrible.

This also needs him to practice frequently.

"Well, I will teach you more. If you dare to get the Maple Yingxia in the future, I will kill you."

Bai Yunqiu Crane relieves the cage projection.

Then she looked at the urchin and said, "Your luck is good, I have received such a talent apprentice, and I can learn my cage to projection." More than you. "

"I am not bad."

The urchin is a bit awkward and depressed.

After a while, they went out two.

"The two light bulbs finally gone, we continue ..."

Zhang Bin smiled and went to hold Feng Ye Yifexia.


Maple Leaf Yixia is shameful and angry and fled quickly.

But now Zhang Bin is stronger than her, soon chasing, hugging her.

A hot kiss.

Maple Leaf Yixia is soft in Zhang Bin, see Zhang Bin, does not give it, it seems to have to get inch.

She said fear: "Big bad guys, let me go, the door is bigger than if it is almost, will we go out?"

Seeing Zhang Bin or indifferent, she quickly caught Zhang Bin's hand, said with the temptation: "Go, I introduce the other three big women to you, otherwise, how can you complete the task of urchin long?"

"That is a joke, are you still true?"

Zhang Bin looked at her with a niche's eyes.

Even, he is a little doubt that Maple Leaf Yixia is trying to test him.

Maple Leaf Yixia is the princess of the second grade god, and also take the initiative to help him pick up the girl?

This is impossible.

"You are a prince, and the talent is so good, of course, more women, I am not a kind woman."

Maple Leaf Yixia is said, "The talents of them are very good, no quarantine, will give you the future generations, the talents will be extraordinary. That can make the Qingshan gods become more and more powerful, in the future, can upgrade to the future Three-stage god domain, even four gods. "

"Hey ... What happened? This woman is going on? Also think of me as a romantic style?"

Zhang Bin is a bit depressed, and the interest is reduced.

It took her in the first time.

"Walk ... We go out."

Maple Leaf Witxia is excited to pull Zhang Bin out.

Since only three years have passed, Bai Yunmen has not changed much.

However, it is much more lively than the last time.

All disciples have ended cultivation and experience, returning to Baiyunmen.

Therefore, disciples can be seen everywhere.

One of the powerful poles, the body is scattered.

Truth proud also came out from Zhang Bin's Cave.

He broke through a bottleneck, and the cultivation of the beginning of the field.

The strength has improved a lot.

"Not bad."

Zhang Bin's face floated the color of appreciation.

Truth, proud talents are really very good, but it is worth cultivating, and may also cultivate into the field.

Even probably more probability of seven giant humans than the Tianzi.

It is because I don't want to see the seven families of the Tianzu, so even if Zhang Bin and the elderly old bet will win 9 end domains, they did not want to send back.

But I am trying to cultivate and improve strength.

To defeat the coffin, you can only rely on Zhang Bin.

And he has two years of time practice.

At that time, the coffin buried autumn will have already cultivated the origin of the origin.

After the martial art, Zhang Bin also started to refine the original artifact.

"Zhang Bin, one more than you, I am too much."

Truth said proudly.

It is true that Zhang Bin also broke through a bottleneck, and broke through the beginning of the field to the beginning of the field.

This can be a hard break of the level.

Of course, he is very excited and excited, because Zhang Bin has become stronger, and it is possible to fight against the coffin.

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