The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5508 Wars White Clouds

Bai Yunmen finally started.

This is worthy of any disciples.

However, any disciples have the right to participate.

There are two kinds of big proportion, one is the same realm.

The other is a power challenge.

That is, there is a strength list in the martial art, but only 100 places.

Any disciples want to pick up the list, they must challenge the ranking on the list.

Once you want to win the other party, you will replace the other party, and the other party will automatically go to the next one.

The challenge of the strength list is not necessarily limited.

For example, Maple Leaf Witxia is very powerful, only cultivating the beginning of the field, ranking 10th in the Baiyun list.

And the eleventh disciple, or even the giant of the field level.

It can be seen that Maple Leaf Yixia has the strength of defeating the field of the world.

Of course, it is the kind of not cultivating the original origin.

If it is cultivating the origin of the origin, the war will increase multiple.

At this moment, Zhang Bin is proud of the truth, and the external maple leaves are standing under the ring.

Look at the two students in the war.

This is a power challenge.

The above battle is a beautiful and a powerful male disciple.

She is one of the four beautiful disciples, named white clouds.

High picking, as if a red rose.

The field level.

And her body has a strong breakthrough, and the distance is not far from the second level.

And challenge her disciple is also very extraordinary, named Bai Yunfei, the eleventh on the white cloud list.

Now he also cultivates the original artifact, so the war is very powerful.

They use a sword, an ax.

And it is your own artifact.

Crazy fight together.

Dangdang ...

Sound shock, spark splash.

"Source Book ..."

War for a long time, still did not share the winning los.

Bai Yun contains a fragrance, and she suddenly appeared, and she suddenly took a black piece and shrouded the ring.

People outside can hardly see the situation inside.


Then a screaming.

Baiyun leaps like a kite that is disconnected, falling down the ring.

Look carefully, you can see his throat being cut.

"With fragrance, fragrance, invincible, invincible ..."

Many disciples under the stage have yelled very crazy.

The sound was shocked.

"Beautiful beauty."

Zhang Bin, Truth proud is secretly jealous.

"Who else wants to challenge me?"

Baiyun has a strong potential to drink.

And her provocative gaze is also a lot of disciples.

She has already defeated five disciples.

Almost no fees are too high.

"Zhang Bin, you can challenge her."

Maple Leaf Witxia smiled and said that "she is a very proudly beautiful woman, once threatened, if someone can defeat her, she will take the body. But, never do it, because she The talent is super good, super power. Her source of projection is not as good as the cage, but it is also very powerful, it is easy to defeat. "

"If the coffin burys the autumn, the origin of the original origin is, can his war can reach the throne?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"The coffin buried autumn?" Maple Leaf Yixia said, "It is not very clear, but the fools of the coffin buried autumn are of course not as good as the white clouds, but the coffin buried autumn cultivation countless years, the foundation is quite solid, Of course, the war is terrible. If he cultivates the origin of the origin, the power should not be subjected to the sister of the cold incense. "

"Then I will try it up."

Zhang Bin said, he flew on the platform and said faintly: "Zhang Bin came to challenge the cold sister."

"Oh ... it's another ?"

Many disciples under the stage have made a laughter.

They all looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

After all, Zhang Bin compares to Bai Yun Yanyiang to lower a realm, but challenge her, of course, want to pursue her.

"You are Zhang Bin? True disciples from urchins grow new?"

The white clouds are incense and smiled and looked up and down.

She certainly knows that the urchin grows old and the four beautiful women's old betting, after all, her Master is a white cloud green leaf, one of the four beautiful people.

"Yes, please ask the sister to judge."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Eat me a sword ..."

Bai Yun Hanxiang shouted and shouted, and the sword in his hand was suddenly cleared.

Sudden sword light. Murderous.

The sword is like a shock, the speed is too horrible.


Zhang Bin shouted, his life, the main crystal was taken out from the mouth.

Wink in the opponent's original god sword.


A horrible giant ring.

Spark splash.

Zhang Bin's life is directly crystal, there is a deep gap of a finger.

And it is straight to fly.

As for the sword of Baiyun Hanxiang, the sword of Bai Yun was also treated by a huge shock.

However, it is even if it is also a trace.

Bai Yun Wenxiang is also a step, it is proud to stand.

Her body burst into violators and momentum.

However, her eyes are flashing with amazing light.

Because Zhang Bin's life is very powerful, you can resist her a sword without turning to half.

This is an unprecedented thing.

It can be seen that Zhang Bin's potential is what is terrible.

"This is the life of this source of life," Is it so hard? "

"What is hard? That is that the fragrance sister is not used up. Otherwise, his life is completely destroyed, to fix, need to consume a lot of cultivation resources."


"Decorating the power of the origin of the origin, there is a horror, my life is so powerful, but I can't resist it. As long as the three moves, my life of my life will be smashed into pieces." Zhang Bin in the heart , "Now I am really not her opponent, and it is not the opponent of the coffin buried autumn, and must practice the origin of the origin."

However, he certainly will not be so fast.

He did not hesitate, and his mind is moving, and it is the most magent cage projection.

Suddenly, the darkness is covered with the white clouds.

"You have learned to projehed the cage? Is Maple Leaf Yixia taught you?"

Baiyun contains fragrant, and asked faintly.

"In fact, Bai Yunqiu Head people told Maple Leaf Yixia to teach me." Zhang Bin smiled and said, "But, it seems that you can't imprison our sisters, you are so powerful."

"Your talent is good, no wonder maple leaves like you."

White clouds are incense, "But don't think she likes you, the rest of the three beautiful women will like you. People, still have to be self-known."

"I don't do anything else, I want to talk to the teacher and improve the actual power."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Your cross-level challenges me, isn't it to be a decent me, let me complete the promise? How are you so hypocritical?"

Baiyun contained incense.

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