The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5528 Zhang Dongfei

The end of purgatory, cyan path.

Three laws have turned on.

Almost at the same time, Heng Yuanlong, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao flew out.

Their body reveals the warming and momentum.

They don't know how much power than entering the purgatory.

Their face has also floated deep confidence, exudes an invincible momentum.

In fact, life is a summary and sublimation of the cultivation of countless years.

People truly recognize themselves and completely play their own advantages.

Once this step is reached, they are real giant.

You can open a party.

They can pass their own roads.

Let their descendants and passers have also achieved great benefits.

Then two condensed into life, three condensation into life of life.

It is ok.

Especially Zhang Donghe Liu Chao, they created the way, but there is no way to condense and show in even God.

So, other genius and giant will have no way to understand and cultivate.

Therefore, you must get their inheritance.

Just like the former Zhang Bin, like the drama, let the drama quickly cultivate the trial to 400, so that two will be condensed.

That is a special cattle.

Therefore, they can create a powerful sect in the future.

The martial art will also prosper.

Instead, Zhang Bin and Heng Yuanlong's life path is condensed by the gods.

Many geniuses can be taught through the law of gods, and lay the foundation.

Although it can only cultivate it to more than two hundred, but because of the foundation, you can slowly study and understand it, thereby promoting, cultivating to 400, and you can start a multi-channel condense life.

If they want to create a zone, they can of course, but the disciples will not be too much.

Of course, the two kinds of life of the two kinds of life are also unparalleled, ranking first and second.

Their personal war is equally horrible.

It can be said that there is a honesty.

Of course, Zhang Donghe Liu Chao created the life of the life, and it is also defective.

If you want to understand, your character has requirements and restrictions.

Therefore, there is no dare to say that they have a bigger forces in the future of the four people, and more disciples.

"Unfortunately, the consumption of cultivation resources is completed, I just dig the life of the Life to the point of 5,000 kilometers."

Zhang Dong said.

"I am also. Otherwise, will be more powerful."

Hengyuan Long and Liu Chao are a pity.

"Walk, let's go out."

Zhang Dong said, "Go to death."

He said out of course, not outside the purgatory, but went to the shore.

They have long been induced by the enemy.

Ten beginning is giant, just ambush on the shore, obviously rushing on them.

After all, the beginning of the giant giant in the beginning, almost there is no way to improve the strength.

However, there is no way to enter purgatory.

Therefore, the purpose of the other party is clearly revealed.

They rapidly, they quickly went to the shore.

"Ha ha ha ... Hengyuan Long, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, you are really amazing, it is so fast to cultivate it to the beginning of the nine level, if there is enough cultivation resources, it may even be more powerful, but today you have to die here. I will not let you go out. "

A sharp squid appeared in the hands of the prince, and the body was born with a horrible murder.

Look carefully, you can find that his knife is the life of life.

This is very burden.

He can complete the enemy in this genius, and easily kill the field of ten giant.

It is one of him, and also seizes it to the three giant to the beginning to the beginning of the nine level.

What's more, he also has nine powerful guards.

Therefore, he did not put the Hengyuan Dragon three in his eyes.

That is really looking at them like the dead.

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill us?"

Zhang Dong did not have any nervousness, even, his face was full of graphics.

It seems to look at a group of clowns.

"The orphans are the boss of the prince, that is, come to your life."

The passionate of the prince said proudly.

"We originally the first-class god domain of the , however, you have to deal with our golden autumn gods. Today, use your blood to wash, today, let you know what is called Invincible. Go together, I will kill you all. "

Zhang Dong's body exposed an invincible momentum.

The brown rays were shot.

"Amount, big brother is to eat eating."

Liu Chao touched the forehead and a little helpless.

Hengyuan Long is also a bit depressed.

Zhang Dong is really too overbearing.

However, they have long used to Zhang Dong's character, so they did not say anything.

In their eyes, this group of people in front of them is similar to that of the Diji dog.

I really don't want three people at the same time.

One person is enough.

"Looking for death ..., kill him."

The branch of the prince is a lot of anger, and the eyes are coming out.

What is the pride and genius existence, when is it so late?

"Kill kill ..."

Nine powerful guards shouted at the same time.

They took the magic weapon, called mana and energy, and kill them to Zhang Bin.

Hey ...

Suddenly, the figure is like electricity, the magic weapon is arrow, from the four sides of the eight side to Zhangdong.


Zhang Dong angry, his palm is high, and it will become a large fever.

Life is energized.

Then I took it on it.


A loud noise of the sky.

The magic weapon is broken, and nine giant is also all being made into a meat.

It's all the miserable call, it is completely fallen.

Blood stains red.

It is simply like killing nine anthraces.

Too much fun.


The face of the prince floated fear and dared to confuse the color.

After retreating after connecting.

The heart is almost stopped.

He is so big and has seen countless Tianjiao.

I have seen countless peer giant.

But I have never seen such a powerful in Zhang Dong.

How is this possible?

Zhang Dong is only a genius that is a first-class gods, how can it be horrible?

You know, it is not that he is not able to shoot so many giant.

Do you have to be strong than him?

"Now I am from you, what do you have, despite it, don't let me down."

Zhang Dongnan's cold eyes projected on the branch of the prince, sarcasm.

"The genius of the second-level god is not so, it is too weak, not as good than the ant."

Liu Chao is also talking.

"They really thought that our golden autumn god is good, huh, huh ..."

Hengyuan Long is also a pole.

(Sorry, there is something today, only two chapters. There is also one chapter, is being code.)

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