"Oh ... you are very talented, I only see it in peace."

The science of the squatting is finally calm down, saying that it is too late to grow up. "But you can't grow up. And I have repaired the original artifact, killing you as killing the dog."

The giant huge to cultivate the life artifacts, of course, is a big more than ten times.

So, he still has a bottom.

However, he is still a bit awkward, that is, very worried about Zhang Dong, and the three also repaired the life of life.

Then he has no possibility of any life.

"Original artifact? We did not practice it. Because there is no cultivation of resources. And there is no time."

Zhang Dong said faintly, "But, dealing with you like this antity, you still need the original artifact? Isn't it a big joke? Do you forget that Zhang Bin has killed so many Strong enemy? That is like killing the dog. "

"Ha ha ha ... you are very arrogant. But I am not the mediocrity of the coffin domain. I am the super genius of the , otherwise, how can I practice my life in the world?" The prince is not angry, secretly I have grown out, since Zhang Dong did not cultivate the life of the living artifact. He has a grasp of killing them.

"Don't waste, use your strongest attack, see how I knead you."

Zhang Dong said and said.

In the face of such a genius who cultivates the life artifact, he will not be able to kill immediately, but also want a war.

Test your own battle.

"Taking a knife."

The squats of the prince were madly shouted, and he went to Zhang Bin.

His knife turns into a giant dragon, emitting a cold light.

Wrap the strong life of life.

This is the most horrible knife.

Consolidate a knife.

He wants to kill Zhang Bin.

"It's good."

Zhang Dong shouted, his mouth spurted out of his life crystals, and chemically became a green light.

Winks on the other side of the knife.


The sound of the earth sounded, the space collapsed.

Hurricane whistling.

Shock wave swept purgatory.

The rays are also detailed.


The passionate of the prince felt that a horrible to the extreme anti-shock.

He stabilized his body, and he retired, and the tiger is also shocked, blood flow.

Reddown knife.

His mouth is also spraying blood fog.

And Zhang Dong is standing proud, one step is not refundable.

His hand explored, grabbed the life crystals of the anti-shock back.

Looking carefully, his life is only a half-in-depth gap.

This is simply ignored.

"It's impossible ... It is absolutely impossible, how can your life? How can your life? Can you so hard? Can you resist my life of my life?"

The fear of the pair of princes, sent a shocking shout.

"The ant antity is too weak, it is simply unbearable."

Zhang Dong was laughed and walked in step by step. "Now I will send you to the road."

"Death ..."

The pair of pairs of princes screamed, and a dark golden will tree broke out.

In an instant, it turned into a vain of the God of the God.

Wearing a robe, wearing a crown, blaming the horror to the extreme momentum and the pressure.

His palm is also hitting a high place, smiling and said: "Three antions, dare to be arrogant, die?"

After finishing, he took the palm of his hand to Zhang Dong.

The range of enveloped Hengyuan Long and Liu Chao.

He is going to kill them three.

After all, he is the horror giant.

His will leave the leaves attached his spirit.

The war is extremely horrible, and it is absolutely able to kill the field level giant.

Of course, I have to grasp the death of Zhang Dong.

"Bakery to projection ..."

Zhang Dong, Heng Yuanlong, Liu Chao, the face of the three people became serious.

They almost shouted.

In an instant, they showed a bake project.

Timely, it becomes a dark.

Mannewand, the god is like a mountain.

Solidification of the world.

The three cage projections overlap together.

Powerful stack, horror.

They have long learned a cage projection from Zhang Bin.

After all, they are the genius of Zhang Bin.

However, the spirit of the God of the God is too powerful, and his palm is still crazy.

... ...

The cage project is broken.

However, Zhang Dong, Heng Yuanlong, Liu Chao three simultaneously jumped.

Crazy put their lives of their lives in the palm of each other.

The life of life is energy into a spiral.

Bang bang bumps ...

A loud noise of the sky.

Hand inch inch cracked.

Zhang Dongheng Yuanlong Liu Chao three people were also entered in the rock as the nail.

Just expose a head.

However, their faces are constant, and the body is already flying.

It's proud to stand on the earth.

That is true, no loss.

"How can this be?"

The face of the pair of is finally changed, becoming a pale.

He quickly escaped and wanted to transfer it.

But how can I get it?

Zhang Dong stepped out, it has been caught up with him, and took him into a meatcake.

It's just as it is as easy as killing.


The scream of screaming, then it will stop.

"My combat power can only fight against the field level."

Zhang Dong mouth muttered, "If it is cultivating the final level of the original artifact, I have not yet defeated."

"The spirit of is very good, if it is two or three, is we like to defeat?"

Hengyuan Long's brow is deeply awkward.

"Maybe he will make more than a dozen mentals into it."

Liu Chao said with a smile, "But we can this ..."

"Hahaha ..."

Hengyuan Long and Zhang Dong have made a laughter.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

The prince jumped angrily and broke.

His eyes are red.

Although his division is not cultivated to the field, talent is exceptionally good.

It will definitely be cultivated to the field level.

However, it was actually killed by Zhang Dong as killing dogs.

Moreover, it also lost a framing of the .


Falling a spirit, it is harm to him.

He wants to cultivate it back and take a while.

Moreover, his strength will also reduce some.

If he is now and the butterfly God of God, he may not defeat each other.

Therefore, he is angry, his eyes are also red.

"I must kill you."


"Yes, Your Majesty."

The three emperors smiled and promised, it was a flash.

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