The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5530 Stupid Three Emperors

"Mix, you come up, is it afraid?"

The three princes have entered the purgatory with four defenders of the four beginning nine.

However, it is almost vomiting blood, and Hengyuan Long has not on the shore at all, but on the cyan circuit.

And in a distance of a thousand meters.

The same place, not they can arrive.

Because their talents are not enough.

The horrible manual will easily stop them, and even easily kill them.

The magical of this purgatory is what they can't control.

The most important thing is that this purgatory is not the ,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,, ,, ,,, ,.

Therefore, they don't have a way to let the will stop the purge.

"If you have a thing, you will come over? I dare not come over, you say a few."

Zhang Dong said.

"You have a lot of the will of the gods of the Gods? Come, use it out?"

Liu Chao also said with a laughter.

They are not a fool, how can they wait for the enemy attack on the shore.

This time, the enemy is flattering.

That is not they can resist.

Unless they are also cultivated to the beginning of the field, or will end with the level.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

Three emperors made a big shouting.

Under the Temple of the Three Emperors, let the belongings, close to them as much as possible, then display the will of the will, maybe it can kill them. "

A guard said.

"Well, have you tried it in the past? First use three will leaves, if there is an effect, then apply the seven ways of will leave. Absolutely kill them."

The three emperors kill them.

So, this guards jumped with ten will leaves, and rapidly.

He is very powerful and very talented.

Plus alone.

I will go to 500 meters very quickly.

Then he didn't have a way to continue.

The horrible mana, the Thunder, the flame bombards in his body.

Let his body are melting.

He made a bad scream.

Now he is returning, it is impossible, it will inevitably die on the road.

There is no talent, dare to go deep into such a long point, just like the suicide.

The face of the three emperors is smoking, and the heart is also very depressed.

Of course, depressed his own talent is not as good as three people.

He also has no way to go to a kilometer.

This makes him very embarrassment.

Super genius in the second-level god is even more than three geniuses in the first-class god.

This is simply subverting the rules of cultivation.


That guards threw 3 pieces of the leaves.

Just five hundred meters, perhaps you can kill the hengyuan dragon them.

If it is not enough, another seven will leave immediately.

Of you can kill them.

When the three will leave, the moment it became the imperial imperial shadow, in fact, three spirits.

However, it is incredible that the vain is not too late to attack.

The horrible thing happened.

The across the voices broke out.

There are countless radiatives, which are collected in terrorist manual.

Gently in the vain.

Ah, ah ...

The three screams sounded.

The vain is broken instantly, then the smoke is disappeared.

There is no role at all.

That is to say, on this road, the spirit of the God of the God is no killing.

In fact, Zhang Dong Liu Chao, Hengyuan Long has so early.

This road is too horrible, and it is absolutely unable to deepen the talent.

The spirit of is very powerful, but talent is still not enough, it can't be too far away.

And the purgatory even prohibits the entry of the top ten giant, which is obviously the ability to kill each other.

So, as long as they are on the cyan path, it is safe.

"Come back ..."

The face of the three emperors became pale, he was crazy.

Of course, he is not wanting to save this dead guard, but want to save another 7 pieces of tree leaves.

The guard also did not have any delays, and turned and fled.

The speed is still very fast.

And the three emperors rushed to light.

He wants to welcome the guard and recover the seven will leave leaves.

"Hahaha ..."

Liu Chao smiled madly, he was first, and it was formulated into lightning.

I quickly chased that guard.

I put the guard as a meat sauce.

The seven will leave the leaves naturally fly.

Then become the imperial shadow of the God.

Unfortunately, I can't send an attack at all.

Soon, the law of the purgatory was found out.


Liu Chao has no residence, and the three emperors who have been chasing the murder of the sky.

The three emperors were scared.

I shouted in fear.

Speed ​​is also extra fast.

Seeing that he is going to the shore.

Liu Chao's mouth spurted out of his life, and chemically became a streamless.

I caught up with the three emperors and I slammed it directly on his head.

Booms a loud noise.

The three emperor's head is directly exploded, and it has become a powder.


The three emperors have sent a bad scream, and then it will stop.

Because he is falling.

Before falling, there is only one thought in his heart, you are stupid.

It is true that if he does not jump, it will not die.

You can escape at any time.

How can you be stupid? What is the guarding of the guard?

"Go away ..."

The remaining three guards were scared to be the soul.

One of the guards shouted.

"You can't go, you have to be killed. I have to be killed three people. We must give the three emperors."

Another guard shouted.

Indeed, the Decree of the Dynasty is especially stricter.

They are the guards of the three emperors, and the three emperors are dead, but they are alive.

Not only you want to die, your family is also dying.

Therefore, the only way is to die.

When the escaped, he stopped and stopped.

I turned sad.

They raised the magic weapon high, and they burst into the warmest pressure and terrorism.


Liu Chao's face has also become serious, because he felt that the three people were willing to return.

If the three people rush from explosion, it is really likely to kill him.

After all, on such a road, the speed is impossible.

So, he did not hesitate.

He is always moving, his life is from the main crystal to continue to shoot.


Three guards shouted, they also bombard the magic in the life of Liu Chao.

Booms a loud noise.

Three people flew away.

Then there was no then.

Because Liu Chao rushed up.

When the ghost is turned, the fingers wear their heads.

Ah, ah ...

The three screams sounded, and then suddenly stopped.

The three guards were completely fallen.

This time they have failed.

And the loss is heavy.

(, Today is still only two chapters. There is also a chapter is being code.)

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