The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5531, urchin, old attack

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

In the palace of the , is arrangeing things in the god of butterflies, but suddenly induces 10 mental efforts to finish this.

This is no less than once.

So, he sent a scream, and the heart was also burning an anger of the bears.

His lungs must explode.

He is the god of the gods, the wilderness of the field.

That is powerful and distinguished.

However, the last time to deal with the golden autumn field, it is not only a powerful division.

And this genius in three golden autumn fields in the purgatory, lost 11 points.

Even the princes are divided into three emperors.

This is simply shameless.

Also let him feel clear.

He is really a bit unbearable.

Even disrupted his plan.

Because he is now in this state, raising the butterfly god domain, and it will not do the butterfly God.

Do you want to continue to implement this plan?

Still, the three bastards in the purgatory.

He immediately asked in his heart: "Can you disconnect the energy and mana supply of the purgatory? Because we lose weight ..."

"However, the purgatory can store mana and energy, even if it is disconnected, the function of purgatory may not be lost immediately."

Dragonfly domain is also biting his teeth.

"Even if you can store your mana, it will not haven't worry. This time, I have to see, how do they die."


Soon, he took out 10 partial leaves, let ten guards entered the purgatory.

Almost at the same time, the dragonfield has disconnected the mana and energy supply to the purgatory.

" ... What is going on?"

Heng Yuanlong immediately felt wrong.

Because they are now still hidden in a kilometer of the cyan path.

It was originally a rich white fog and a ferocious mana flame.

However, the white fog and mana flame becomes thinner.

Even, they also heard the voice of the weird, "the energy supply is broken, the trial is about to stop."

"Well, they let the stop the energy supply, the purgatory is about to stop running."

Hengyuan Long's face change.

Almost at the same time, they also saw ten guards and entered, and they were full of smiles.

Hengyuan Dragon can also think that with an from toe, they will have a difference between the gods and maybe it is ten.

If it is used at the same time, they can't afford it.

That is like a terrorist giant in the ten fields, while issuing an attack.

"Master, you must go to horses right away ..."

Zhang Bin, who got the news, did not dare to delay, said seriously.

"The God lost 11 points, and the battle has fallen at least one unit, and now is the best time. I will go."

The urchin is eager to tease.

He flashed, of course, also took the truth proud.

Yes, the truth is also coming back.

Mother and death, he certainly must be difficult to go.

"Ha ha ha ... The purgatory has no energy ram, soon stopping, Hengyuan Long, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, you are dead."

The leader of the ten guards smiled and said.

His hand held ten will leaves in the high place, and the body made a horrible to the extreme murder.

"Come, there is a kind of you."

Zhang Dong said and said.

"Oh ... I just wait for a while. I can easily kill you."

The leader of the guard smiled and said.

Sure enough, over time.

The flames and mana of purgatory also sailed.

Gravity is also saved quickly.

The leader of the guards embark on the cyan path.

Then he laughed madly, "Hahaha ... almost no gravity and flame, this looks at how you die."

At this time, the transfer of the shiny rays.

Truth is like a ghost.

This is of course because the urchins have quietly lurked outside and release truth proud.

Let it transfer.


Nine guards are very alert, turned, and look at the truth proud.

"I am from the golden autumn area, named Truth proud. Just come to send you."

The truth proud of the face floated a strong evil.

He threw a blossom leaves when he was handled.

This is of course a urchin for a long time.

Otherwise, the truth proud talent is only cultivated to the beginning of the domain.

That is to play nine guards.

This blink of ambient tree has become a vain of urchin.

The palm is straightforward.

The sound of the nine guards became a powder.

It's like being like killing ants.

What is terrible is that his vain is so hit, but there is still no crash.

Instead, it has become the guard leader on the blue road.

The guards of the guards were scared to be creepy, but he did not stop any stay, and the lightning rushed forward.

At the same time, I threw a blossom of the god of the gods.

It turned into a vain in an instant.

Then and the psychological force of the urchin and the elders.

However, the truth is also almost throwing 5 partial leaves.

The chemical forms five vain, with a murder of the sky to the leader of the guard.

Although the leader leader is fast, but the purgatory also stores energy, and has not been completely stopped.

Therefore, the gravity flame is still blocked him, so it is difficult to go to Zhang Dong to Zhang Dong.

Now I have seen five psychoats of urchins.

He had to use 5 partial leaves.

Unfortunately, it is easy to get rid of three mental strengths that are urchly people.

There are still two points to continue to kill.

"God, how can the monks of the golden autumn god domain with such a horrible spirit?"

The defenders were scared, and there had been throwing 3 partial leaves again.

Double and urchin elder will leave the leaves.

He still remains the last piece.

However, he did not move forward, but retired after rapid.

Want to kill the truth proud, then escape.


Hengyuan dragon was crazy, and hurriedly chased it.

His life is also flying quickly.

Heads to the head of the leader of the guard.

"To die ..."

The leader of the guards shouted madly.

The last piece of will leave it out.

It has become a giant shadow.

However, if he is angry, it is, and the life of Hengyuan Long's life is suddenly flying back.

Moreover, Hengyuan Long is also rapidly retreat.

It is to take out his will of the leaves.

"Three bastards, give me die ..."

This spirit of ..

I chased it quickly.

I slammed to Hengyuanlong.

In such a place, how can you kill one!

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