The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5561, self-explosion, starry sky

" ..."

Zhang Bin had to avoid it quickly, and then returned to the restricted area of ​​life.

There are array of defenses here, and there are many giant to build a horrible golden autumn.

There is also the originator.

Even Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong, and they have to escape.

Because the enemy is completely crazy, it uses self-burst to deal with them.

They are strong, and they can't afford it.

"Hahaha ... You will wait for death."

The star of the star is laughing, "" forward, self-explosion. "

"Kill kill ..."

Suddenly, a thousand giants are a group, rushed into the live district of life, then self-explosion.

Bang bang bumps ...

Cracking in the world, the array is broken.

The golden autumn is broken, too many giant fallen.

Loss is a few more times the enemy.

In this way, the golden autumn god domains must be lost.

"It must be killed the difference between the star."

Zhang Bin bite his teeth, he once again.

It has been chemically exposed.

Then his scales are also rapidly ejected.

Ironged into the flames.


A horrible giant ring, killing thousands of enemies.

Then Zhang Bin shocked the scales and slammed in the enemy's flames.

Even, his weighing plate is also flying out, rotating rapidly, wherever it is, the enemy's head dropped.

The horror of the origin of the origin is to connect through the magical way and Zhang Bin's body, and you can get energy and mana support everywhere.

So, it is still possible to explode horrible power.

Although it is not as good as Zhang Bin, it is not far from the distance.

And so that the enemy attacks can not come to Zhang Bin.

Only attack Zhang Bin's original artifact, but Zhang Bin's original artifact is hard and strong.

Defense is super horror.

Therefore, it became a huge murder, and continued to kill the enemy crazy.

Kill kill ...

Zhang Dongheng Yuanlong Liu Chao, they also do this.

Let their origin of the artifact into the flames.

Continue to kill the enemy crazy.

Discharge the enemy's attack.

Let them be quickly advanced quickly.

"Continue to advance, continue to self-explosion ..."

The star of the Star is shidding, and he also commands the giant hormonies of the Battle.

Therefore, the war is still unfavorable to the golden autumn god.

The power of self-explosion is too horrible, completely resisting.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despise.

He suddenly made a heart, "exploding ..."

In an instant, the scale is self-explosing.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.

This self-explosion, wrapped in Zhang Bin too much life energy.

The power is of course very horrible.

Suddenly the space collapsed, the shock wave swept the world.

Wherever you have, any giant is chemical into a powder.

Even the scream is not coming, I will fall.

There is no living in 10 kilometers around 10 kilometers.

All were killed.

The number of people who die has reached a million.

Suddenly the flames become broken.

If you are messy, too much, the giant giant is inverting, it is miserable.

"Boom ..."

Many of the source cannons have issued a horrible attack.

The energy shellings hooked in the same rain.

After Suddenly, there were hundreds of thousands of giant to become ashes.

"Combination big array, defense ..."

The star of the star is gone, and it is crazy.

But at this time, Zhang Bin's weighing disc shot.

Kill him in front of him.

"Blocking ..."

The star of the Star is shouting in angry, while fasting is fast.

"Bang ..."

Weighing pan also exploded.

The horrible shock of the horror is a huge mushroom cloud.


It also killed nearly a million giant.

The star of the star is also hurt, and an arm is blown up.

Blood fog in your mouth.

His body is also emptied.

Then he feels a pain in the neck.

The head dropped down.

But it was cut by Zhang Dong's ax.

Oh ...

Liu Chao and Heng Yuanlong's ax were also instantaneous.

Strongly on the head of the star of the star.

... ...

The star of the star is made into a fragment.


Scream screaming, then it will stop.

He is falling.

In the millions of army, they were also killed by Zhang Bin.

Suddenly the flame god domain and the star gods are a bit flustered.

Morale fell sharply.

The Golden Autumn Battle is an incomparable attack.

Countless local cannons are also crazy.

A large number of enemies were killed.

The flame is completely broken, and there is no way to combine it.

Even, no one is exploded.

Instead, began to retreat quickly, even someone flew up, escaped from all directions.

"Kill kill ..."

When Zhang Bin, they were completely issued.

Dancing the magic weapon crazyly chasing.

Killing is blood flowing into the river, the body is like a mountain.

"I have retired me to come here, let's kill the emperor of Baiyun, then go to the golden autumn god."

The sound of the god of the fire rang.

He is worthy of the emperor of super cow, and he still did not give up at this time.

He does have a victor.

Because it is difficult to intercept the big army of Baiyun God in the stars.

Now that the mixed war is together, the army of the Baiyun gods is difficult to safely retreat.

Once withdrawing the army, he will chase, the big army of the white clouds will lose weight.

It is easy to extract the white clouds.

It is now no longer divided.

However, if it makes it attacking the army of the golden autumn domain, it will certainly occupy the wind.

Because there is still a five million troops left.

As for the golden autumn god domain, there is no strength.

If the big army is asylum that is not a golden autumn domain, there is no shelter.

Just like the ants.

They only have the 100,000 troops to sweep.

Even if Zhang Bin four geniuses, come to assist, but can not call the power of the heavens and the earth in the golden autumn domain, the power will be greatly reduced.

It is not enough.

Suddenly, the five million residents will fail to escape.

Escaped to the void, integrating into the flame of the Flame God.

Then crazy attacks on the big army of Baiyun God.

Blinking will occupy the upper wind.

"Give me ..."

The face of Baiyun God became iron, he yelled in madness.

He believes that Zhang Bin will come over to assist.

Four super geniuses are more than a million army.

What's more, there is also a urchin long and another hundred levels of three giant, which can also hold an enemy.

Otherwise, it is buddy today.

May still be fired by the flame.

"Kill kill ..."

The urchin elderly looks urgently. He commanded the golden autumn in the sky, and went forward.

There are more than 20 million giants in the golden autumn array.

But it is basically the beginning of the domain.

Therefore, the power of the array is very limited.

"Hahaha ... You just have to send it."

The flame of God laughs.

(There is also one chapter, is being code.)

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