The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5562, Wei Zhao, Daxie

The flame of the gods smiled and immediately divided millions of giants, combined into a flame big array, killing the golden autumn.

He has absolute grasp, as long as a few minutes, you can break the golden autumn.

"Retreat ..."

Zhang Bin is yelling.

Suddenly, the golden autumn is returned.

He doesn't want to make your own people to sacrifice.

"How to do?"

The urchin is long and the old face is nervous, and the bean sweat is taken on the forehead.

He looked at Zhang Bin with a pleasant look.

Looking forward to Zhang Bin can come up with way.

However, this is really desperate.

Even if Zhang Bin went to assistance, he couldn't fight the flame big array of the millions of army.

The Fire God is a 3 million army that can be derived from the 2,400 million millennium.

"You fully defense the golden autumn god domain, I will attack the white clouds in front of Zhang Dong. If they don't dismall the army, I will seize the life of the Baiyun domain. Then they will finish." Zhang Bin slammed.

"good idea."

The excitement and excitement of urchins long face.

The rest is also very happy.

This is definitely the best way.

Their 30 million troops, defending the golden autumn gods, that is not too big.

The enemy can only use five million troops.

There is no principal to attack the golden autumn domain.

And there is a super master such as Hengyuan Long, Liu Chao.

And see the mother field into a crisis, and the Fire God must send people going back to assistance.

The pressure of the Baiyun God Domain Army will be much less.

Even, Heng Yuanlong, Liu Chao can also attack.


Zhang Bin and Zhang Dongcheng became a streamer, straight to the flame gods.

That speed is really fast.

"Mixed ..." The fire of the flame of course is induced, and the air is ruined.

However, their speed is not Zhang Bin who is fast.

When they returned to the flame god domain.

Zhang Bin and Zhang Dong have already become two killing gods.

Show a stafil, shrouded the heavens and the earth, all of them.

Really blood flow into the river.

Even, the array was broken.

But still there is no way to kill the depths of the land of the flame god.

After all, this is a three-level god domain, and the defense ability is terrible.

To break, you need a short period of time.

"let's go……"

Zhang Bin and Zhang Dong have a smile, and she will take it.

I disappeared without a trace.

500,000 giants are anxious to ruin, they don't dare to chase.

Can only be guarded.

Otherwise, Heng Yuanlong and Liu Chao killed.

Their parent domains may end.

"Killing ..."

Zhang Dong and Liu Chao were chemically formed into a stream, killing the spooffield.

It was once again formed two giants, and slaughtered crazy.

The star god domain is almost dispatched.

The left-behind is the weak, the strongest is also the top ten giant.

How can I resist Zhang Bin Zhang Dong Liu Chao Sui such a terrorist master?

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

The God of Fire God has already occupied absolute winds, but he now discovered that Zhang Bin immediately had to kill the star gods. Where can he still sit?

I will send it to the 500,000 army lightning.

"Killing ..."

However, Liu Chao and Heng Yuanlong have got opportunities.

Two burst out, with the murder of the sky, and the 500,000 army.

At the back crazy attack.

Their ax becomes a large and slammed the enemy.

Suddenly be killed.

No 100,000 troops have become incomparably confused.

However, they are not vegetarian, and they are divided into 100,000 military officers.

The remaining 40,000 troops killed the spoofads.

Waiting for them back to the spooffield.

Zhang Bin and Zhang Dong fled the same as lightning, leaving countless bodies.

They went to the stars in the blink of an eye and kill the 100,000 army.

Zhang Bin's scales again agglomerated.

Fly into the enemy group directly.

Bang explosion explosion.

Quick escape ...

Many enemies are rushing, they will quickly escape.

Just only nearly 10,000 people were killed.

In the Starry Sky, the self-explosion origin is killing too much enemy.

However, in this way, the enemy's flame is completely broken.

They started to slaughter.

Killing is blood flowing into the river, the body is like a mountain.

Especially Zhang Bin, his Libra scales sweep the void, and then kill thousands of giants.

Take another, kill thousands of giants.

Therefore, only a dozen breathing time, the 100,000 troops have almost exist.

Escape, only a few thousand ggestions.

"Kill kill ..."

Terrible is that they didn't go back to assistance, but continued to kill the spoofads.

Where is only forty thousand troops.

And there is no defensive array.

They are four people to join hands, or it is possible to kill each other.

Although it is said that the other party gets the shelter of the third-level god.

However, that's it is difficult to escape.

It is possible to kill a lot of ways to take self-burst.

Between the blink, they landed.

"Kill kill ..."

400,000 troops, combined into a flame big array.

Crazy attack.

However, Zhang Bin only let his weighing pan fly, then self-explosion.

Booms a loud noise.

The flame is broken.

The forty thousand army was also killed for more than 100,000.

Then they were crazy about attacking.

The ax, the Libra has become a lightning, which is constantly killed.

Killing hundreds of thousands of troops are extremely miserable.

Four and escape.

Can't resist it at all.

There is no way to make a flame big array.

If it is not broken by Zhang Bin and Zhang Dong.

Then they defense, of course, is even relaxed.

Unfortunately, there is no big array of shelters.

It is not too large to be asylum asylum that is asylum, but it is not too much.

"Bakery to projection ..."

Zhang Bin squats almost shouted at the same time.

It has become dark in the world.

The giant huge, which did not escape, became a blind man.

I was quickly killed quickly, and I didn't leave it.

"Go to Million Army ..."

The flame of the emperor will vomit blood, and it has already been to defeat the big army of the white clouds.

However, the Spark gods have fallen into the crisis.

He had to take a million army back to assistance.

In this way, he took a 2 million military ahead before and after.

Although it still occupies the upper wind, it is not easy to completely defeat the big army of the white clouds.

Million army arrived at the star god.

Zhang Bin did not have a love battle, but rapidly escaped.

However, they still have not going back to assistance, but also kills the flame god.

When I landed, Zhang Bin took the teeth and the scales broke out.

Into the enemy's flame, directly exploded.

Bang ...

The flame large array of fifty thousand troops is broken.

I killed the foot 20,000.

Zhang Bin slaughtered over the madness of the four people.

"Lying ... The life of the bastard is actually a plurality of components, which can be self-explosion?"

The flame god emperor is annoying, and the focus is burned.

I don't know how it is good.

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