The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5566 Horror Black Shadow

The original starry sky, the Fire God and the Spark God are in front of the small road consisting along the spot.

Their two faces have a nervous color, and their heart is full of curiosity.

It is a flame God, but also knows about the bottom of the fierce.

He only knows such a mysterious terrorist organization, there is a focal point in many places in the original starry sky.

As long as they take the task, they have never failed.

It is said that the super giant of the main god domain may not escape the darkness of the fierce tract.

It can be seen that the strength of this terrorist organization has to be like.

Therefore, more in the heart of the flame is still looking forward to.

Looking forward to the other party is willing to pick up this person and kill Zhang Bin.

Small road curved curvature, extends in the dark.

Both are dark and countless spatial cracks.

Finally, they came to the end of the road.

It is just a very ordinary hut here.

It is completely integrated with the darkness to exude a strong mystery.

Any of the hut is very special.

It seems that it is not natural, but it is a psychotropic.

It also seems to be the same as it is.

They came to the hunter, respectfully.

The emperor of the flame is still not coming, only listening to the darkness of the sky.

It has been painted with dark, but the eyes of the eyes of the scarlet, the monster of the blood, rushed over with the murder of the sky.

The mouth is also open, and it is bite to the two.

"Killing ..."

The Fire God and the Spark God are scared to be the soul.

The sharp ax at the same time, then slammed on the mouth of the monster.

Dangdang ...

As if the sound of the iron is ringing.

Spark is also splash.

The mouth of the monster is like immortal, that is no one trace.

And the two felt that huge incredible anti-shocks came, they screamed, the tiger cracked, the ax in the hand flew to the air.

Their people are also emptied, and the blood is spurting in the mouth.

The wrist bone is also broken, and the internal organs are broken.

The horror is that the monster smiled and continued to rush, the mouth opened, and two of them should be swallowed in.


The two have made a big shouting, and the face is also full of desperate colors.

They feel that this monster is too powerful, much more powerful than their body.

It may even exceed the giant of the field level.

In the face of such a monster, they are really weak as they are.

Between the blink, the monster has already bitted their body.

However, there is no force.

Because a milky suddenly flew out from the hut, he took into the head of the monster.

Instant cavery.

The monster can't be sent, and I can't move.

Although two people biting, they can't bite it hard.


The body of the monster shaken, and then fell into the ground.

It is completely fallen.

Camera becomes a body.

The flame emperor and the Spark God quickly escaped from the mouth of the monster, they were still a little horror.

Heart mad.

But more is a horror, what kind of point is it strong?

I just used a soil to easily kill a terrorist monster that reached the field level five?

"Thank you for your life."

They also squatted, and their faces were filled with gratitude and awesome.


The that the milky has been retired from the head of the monster, which suddenly has a black smoke.

Then combined into a dark-made figure.

I can't see his face, it seems to be a shadow.

The shadow said faintly: "Who are you going to kill?"

"God, this seems to be a mentally dividing, this countless urchite is countless spiritual, what kind of point is this person? Is it a top ten giant?" Flame God shocked in his heart Shouting, there was respectful to say: "We want to kill Jin Qiu Shen Domain Zhang Bin, plus Zhang Dong, Hengyuan Long, Liu Chao."

In this moment, he changed his idea, and he would kill all four super geniuses in the golden autumn god.

"Golden Autumn God Domain? Four Talents?"

The black shadow is the indifferent color, "Yes," 400,000-finals the second-level giant life of the local source crystal. "

"The life of the 400,000-finals of the second-level giant life?"

The two giant are stunned, and the face is full of bitter colors.

Although they are the gods, they are the most powerful existence of the third-level god.

But it is impossible to have so many treasures.

This is too horrible, don't say they, that is, the four-level god is also can't get so much treasure.

After a while, the flame God said carefully: "Seniors, not we are not willing, but we can't get so many treasures."

"You can pay installments."

Black shadows said indifferently.


The eyes of the two lit up at the same time, this is a good way.

Just kill Zhang Bin them four, then they want to destroy the golden autumn gods is simply small dishes.

Then they can go to the white cloud gods. It is easy to get the local source crystal of the 400,000-final domain secondary giant.

Naturally you can pay it.

This business is cost-effective.

"Your Majesty, it is so, it is better to add a goal of Baiyun Dynasty? That's ten nine stable. Will not have any leakage."

The star of the star is smiling and said.

"Seniors, if you want to kill Baiyun God, how many treasures needed?"

The Flame God asked.

"Bai Yun God Emperor?" Black Shadow is still a face, "" 100,000 yuan of life crystals. "

"1 million? Why is so much?"

Surprised and doubts of the Flame of God.

"Baiyun God is the four-level giant in the field, and there is a tens of millions of troops. It is very difficult to kill him. We have to pay huge consideration."

Black shadow said coldly.

"Then we will choose to kill Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong, Hengyuan Long, Liu Chao. We pay for 100 years."

Flame God said.

As long as they kill them, they can take the source of life of the golden autumn domain to cause flame gods to devour and fuse.

The flame god domain will become more powerful, and his talent will also improve.

Work hard to develop a hundred years, and then destroy the white cloud god domain is completely no problem.

"Very good. Let's pay first ..."

The black shadow said faintly.

Soon, two guys took out the treasures they brought and paid.

And the black shadow sent the other's treasure into the hut, and then he reached his hand, and a millet was raised from the hut, and he flew to the front of the Flame God.

Flame God is big, he grabbed the milky, and returned to the beginning of Xi Zi.

This is the rule of the fierce tract.

As long as the order will be sent, it will send a millet.

Until the order, the milky will leave yourself.

"Hahaha, Zhang Bin, Heng Yuanlong, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, this time you see how you die."

The emperor of the god and the star of the gods are excited.

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